blob: a60046ef459fff2b766ed9d0bb897860833a514b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// independent from idl_parser, since this code is not needed for most clients
#include "flatbuffers/code_generators.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
#include "idl_namer.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace {
static Namer::Config RustDefaultConfig() {
// Historical note: We've been using "keep" casing since the original
// implementation, presumably because Flatbuffers schema style and Rust style
// roughly align. We are not going to enforce proper casing since its an
// unnecessary breaking change.
return { /*types=*/Case::kKeep,
/*variables=*/Case::kUnknown, // Unused.
/*filename_extension=*/".rs" };
static std::set<std::string> RustKeywords() {
return {
// future possible keywords
// other rust terms we should not use
// Terms that we use ourselves
// Encapsulate all logical field types in this enum. This allows us to write
// field logic based on type switches, instead of branches on the properties
// set on the Type.
// TODO(rw): for backwards compatibility, we can't use a strict `enum class`
// declaration here. could we use the `-Wswitch-enum` warning to
// achieve the same effect?
enum FullType {
ftInteger = 0,
ftFloat = 1,
ftBool = 2,
ftStruct = 3,
ftTable = 4,
ftEnumKey = 5,
ftUnionKey = 6,
ftUnionValue = 7,
// TODO(rw): bytestring?
ftString = 8,
ftVectorOfInteger = 9,
ftVectorOfFloat = 10,
ftVectorOfBool = 11,
ftVectorOfEnumKey = 12,
ftVectorOfStruct = 13,
ftVectorOfTable = 14,
ftVectorOfString = 15,
ftVectorOfUnionValue = 16,
ftArrayOfBuiltin = 17,
ftArrayOfEnum = 18,
ftArrayOfStruct = 19,
// Convert a Type to a FullType (exhaustive).
static FullType GetFullType(const Type &type) {
// N.B. The order of these conditionals matters for some types.
if (IsString(type)) {
return ftString;
} else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
if (type.struct_def->fixed) {
return ftStruct;
} else {
return ftTable;
} else if (IsVector(type)) {
switch (GetFullType(type.VectorType())) {
case ftInteger: {
return ftVectorOfInteger;
case ftFloat: {
return ftVectorOfFloat;
case ftBool: {
return ftVectorOfBool;
case ftStruct: {
return ftVectorOfStruct;
case ftTable: {
return ftVectorOfTable;
case ftString: {
return ftVectorOfString;
case ftEnumKey: {
return ftVectorOfEnumKey;
case ftUnionKey:
case ftUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are unsupported");
default: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vector of vectors are unsupported");
} else if (IsArray(type)) {
switch (GetFullType(type.VectorType())) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
return ftArrayOfBuiltin;
case ftStruct: {
return ftArrayOfStruct;
case ftEnumKey: {
return ftArrayOfEnum;
default: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "Unsupported type for fixed array");
} else if (type.enum_def != nullptr) {
if (type.enum_def->is_union) {
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
return ftUnionValue;
} else if (IsInteger(type.base_type)) {
return ftUnionKey;
} else {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "unknown union field type");
} else {
return ftEnumKey;
} else if (IsScalar(type.base_type)) {
if (IsBool(type.base_type)) {
return ftBool;
} else if (IsInteger(type.base_type)) {
return ftInteger;
} else if (IsFloat(type.base_type)) {
return ftFloat;
} else {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "unknown number type");
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "completely unknown type");
// this is only to satisfy the compiler's return analysis.
return ftBool;
static bool IsBitFlagsEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
return enum_def.attributes.Lookup("bit_flags") != nullptr;
// TableArgs make required non-scalars "Option<_>".
// TODO(cneo): Rework how we do defaults and stuff.
static bool IsOptionalToBuilder(const FieldDef &field) {
return field.IsOptional() || !IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type);
} // namespace
bool GenerateRustModuleRootFile(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &output_dir) {
if (!parser.opts.rust_module_root_file) {
// Don't generate a root file when generating one file. This isn't an error
// so return true.
return true;
Namer namer(WithFlagOptions(RustDefaultConfig(), parser.opts, output_dir),
// We gather the symbols into a tree of namespaces (which are rust mods) and
// generate a file that gathers them all.
struct Module {
std::map<std::string, Module> sub_modules;
std::vector<std::string> generated_files;
// Add a symbol into the tree.
void Insert(const Namer &namer, const Definition *s) {
const Definition &symbol = *s;
Module *current_module = this;
for (auto it = symbol.defined_namespace->components.begin();
it != symbol.defined_namespace->components.end(); it++) {
std::string ns_component = namer.Namespace(*it);
current_module = &current_module->sub_modules[ns_component];
namer.File(, SkipFile::Extension));
// Recursively create the importer file.
void GenerateImports(CodeWriter &code) {
for (auto it = sub_modules.begin(); it != sub_modules.end(); it++) {
code += "pub mod " + it->first + " {";
code += "use super::*;";
code += "} // " + it->first;
for (auto it = generated_files.begin(); it != generated_files.end();
it++) {
code += "mod " + *it + ";";
code += "pub use self::" + *it + "::*;";
Module root_module;
for (auto it = parser.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser.enums_.vec.end();
it++) {
root_module.Insert(namer, *it);
for (auto it = parser.structs_.vec.begin(); it != parser.structs_.vec.end();
it++) {
root_module.Insert(namer, *it);
CodeWriter code(" ");
// TODO(caspern): Move generated warning out of BaseGenerator.
code +=
"// Automatically generated by the Flatbuffers compiler. "
"Do not modify.";
code += "// @generated";
const bool success =
SaveFile((output_dir + "").c_str(), code.ToString(), false);
return success;
namespace rust {
class RustGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
RustGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name, "", "::", "rs"),
namer_(WithFlagOptions(RustDefaultConfig(), parser.opts, path),
RustKeywords()) {
// TODO: Namer flag overrides should be in flatc or flatc_main.
code_.SetPadding(" ");
bool generate() {
if (!parser_.opts.rust_module_root_file) {
return GenerateOneFile();
} else {
return GenerateIndividualFiles();
template<typename T>
bool GenerateSymbols(const SymbolTable<T> &symbols,
std::function<void(const T &)> gen_symbol) {
for (auto it = symbols.vec.begin(); it != symbols.vec.end(); it++) {
const T &symbol = **it;
if (symbol.generated) continue;
code_ += "// " + std::string(FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning());
code_ += "// @generated";
code_ += "extern crate alloc;";
code_ += "extern crate flatbuffers;";
code_ += "use alloc::boxed::Box;";
code_ += "use alloc::string::{String, ToString};";
code_ += "use alloc::vec::Vec;";
code_ += "use core::mem;";
code_ += "use core::cmp::Ordering;";
if (parser_.opts.rust_serialize) {
code_ += "extern crate serde;";
code_ +=
"use self::serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeStruct};";
code_ += "use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};";
code_ += "use super::*;";
cur_name_space_ = symbol.defined_namespace;
const std::string directories =
const std::string file_path = directories + namer_.File(symbol);
const bool save_success =
SaveFile(file_path.c_str(), code_.ToString(), /*binary=*/false);
if (!save_success) return false;
return true;
bool GenerateIndividualFiles() {
// Don't bother with imports. Use absolute paths everywhere.
return GenerateSymbols<EnumDef>(
parser_.enums_, [&](const EnumDef &e) { this->GenEnum(e); }) &&
parser_.structs_, [&](const StructDef &s) {
if (s.fixed) {
} else {
if (this->parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
if (this->parser_.root_struct_def_ == &s) {
// Generates code organized by .fbs files. This is broken legacy behavior
// that does not work with multiple fbs files with shared namespaces.
// Iterate through all definitions we haven't generated code for (enums,
// structs, and tables) and output them to a single file.
bool GenerateOneFile() {
code_ += "// " + std::string(FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning()) + "\n\n";
code_ += "// @generated";
// Generate imports for the global scope in case no namespace is used
// in the schema file.
code_ += "";
// Generate all code in their namespaces, once, because Rust does not
// permit re-opening modules.
// TODO(rw): Use a set data structure to reduce namespace evaluations from
// O(n**2) to O(n).
for (auto ns_it = parser_.namespaces_.begin();
ns_it != parser_.namespaces_.end(); ++ns_it) {
const auto &ns = *ns_it;
// Generate code for all the enum declarations.
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser_.enums_.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &enum_def = **it;
if (enum_def.defined_namespace == ns && !enum_def.generated) {
// Generate code for all structs.
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace == ns && struct_def.fixed &&
!struct_def.generated) {
// Generate code for all tables.
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace == ns && !struct_def.fixed &&
!struct_def.generated) {
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
// Generate global helper functions.
if (parser_.root_struct_def_) {
auto &struct_def = *parser_.root_struct_def_;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
if (cur_name_space_) SetNameSpace(nullptr);
const auto file_path = GeneratedFileName(path_, file_name_, parser_.opts);
const auto final_code = code_.ToString();
return SaveFile(file_path.c_str(), final_code, false);
CodeWriter code_;
// This tracks the current namespace so we can insert namespace declarations.
const Namespace *cur_name_space_;
const Namespace *CurrentNameSpace() const { return cur_name_space_; }
// Determine if a Type needs a lifetime template parameter when used in the
// Rust builder args.
bool TableBuilderTypeNeedsLifetime(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey:
case ftUnionValue: {
return false;
default: {
return true;
// Determine if a table args rust type needs a lifetime template parameter.
bool TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(const StructDef &struct_def) const {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) { continue; }
if (TableBuilderTypeNeedsLifetime(field.value.type)) { return true; }
return false;
std::string NamespacedNativeName(const EnumDef &def) {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, namer_.ObjectType(def));
std::string NamespacedNativeName(const StructDef &def) {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, namer_.ObjectType(def));
std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Definition &def) const {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace,
std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Namespace *ns,
const std::string &name) const {
if (CurrentNameSpace() == ns) return name;
std::string prefix = GetRelativeNamespaceTraversal(CurrentNameSpace(), ns);
return prefix + name;
// Determine the relative namespace traversal needed to reference one
// namespace from another namespace. This is useful because it does not force
// the user to have a particular file layout. (If we output absolute
// namespace paths, that may require users to organize their Rust crates in a
// particular way.)
std::string GetRelativeNamespaceTraversal(const Namespace *src,
const Namespace *dst) const {
// calculate the path needed to reference dst from src.
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B::C) -> (none)
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B) -> super::
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B::D) -> super::D
// example: f(A::B::C, A) -> super::super::
// example: f(A::B::C, D) -> super::super::super::D
// example: f(A::B::C, D::E) -> super::super::super::D::E
// example: f(A, D::E) -> super::D::E
// does not include leaf object (typically a struct type).
std::stringstream stream;
size_t common = 0;
std::vector<std::string> s, d;
if (src) s = src->components;
if (dst) d = dst->components;
while (common < s.size() && common < d.size() && s[common] == d[common])
// If src namespace is empty, this must be an absolute path.
for (size_t i = common; i < s.size(); i++) stream << "super::";
for (size_t i = common; i < d.size(); i++)
stream << namer_.Namespace(d[i]) + "::";
return stream.str();
// Generate a comment from the schema.
void GenComment(const std::vector<std::string> &dc, const char *prefix = "") {
for (auto it = dc.begin(); it != dc.end(); it++) {
code_ += std::string(prefix) + "///" + *it;
// Return a Rust type from the table in idl.h.
std::string GetTypeBasic(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
default: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "incorrect type given");
// clang-format off
static const char * const ctypename[] = {
RTYPE, ...) \
// clang-format on
if (type.enum_def) { return WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def); }
return ctypename[type.base_type];
// Look up the native type for an enum. This will always be an integer like
// u8, i32, etc.
std::string GetEnumTypeForDecl(const Type &type) {
const auto ft = GetFullType(type);
if (!(ft == ftEnumKey || ft == ftUnionKey)) {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "precondition failed in GetEnumTypeForDecl");
// clang-format off
static const char *ctypename[] = {
RTYPE, ...) \
// clang-format on
// Enums can be bools, but their Rust representation must be a u8, as used
// in the repr attribute (#[repr(bool)] is an invalid attribute).
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) return "u8";
return ctypename[type.base_type];
// Return a Rust type for any type (scalar, table, struct) specifically for
// using a FlatBuffer.
std::string GetTypeGet(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
return GetTypeBasic(type);
case ftArrayOfBuiltin:
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct: {
return "[" + GetTypeGet(type.VectorType()) + "; " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + "]";
case ftTable: {
return WrapInNameSpace(type.struct_def->defined_namespace,
type.struct_def->name) +
default: {
return WrapInNameSpace(type.struct_def->defined_namespace,
std::string GetEnumValue(const EnumDef &enum_def,
const EnumVal &enum_val) const {
return namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, enum_val);
// 1 suffix since old C++ can't figure out the overload.
void ForAllEnumValues1(const EnumDef &enum_def,
std::function<void(const EnumVal &)> cb) {
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
code_.SetValue("VARIANT", namer_.Variant(ev));
code_.SetValue("VALUE", enum_def.ToString(ev));
void ForAllEnumValues(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::function<void()> cb) {
std::function<void(const EnumVal &)> wrapped = [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, wrapped);
// Generate an enum declaration,
// an enum string lookup table,
// an enum match function,
// and an enum array of values
void GenEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
const bool is_private = parser_.opts.no_leak_private_annotations &&
(enum_def.attributes.Lookup("private") != nullptr);
code_.SetValue("ACCESS_TYPE", is_private ? "pub(crate)" : "pub");
code_.SetValue("ENUM_TY", namer_.Type(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("BASE_TYPE", GetEnumTypeForDecl(enum_def.underlying_type));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAMESPACE", namer_.Namespace(;
code_.SetValue("ENUM_CONSTANT", namer_.Constant(;
const EnumVal *minv = enum_def.MinValue();
const EnumVal *maxv = enum_def.MaxValue();
code_.SetValue("ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE", enum_def.ToString(*minv));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE", enum_def.ToString(*maxv));
if (IsBitFlagsEnum(enum_def)) {
// Defer to the convenient and canonical bitflags crate. We declare it in
// a module to #allow camel case constants in a smaller scope. This
// matches Flatbuffers c-modeled enums where variants are associated
// constants but in camel case.
code_ += "#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]";
code_ += "mod bitflags_{{ENUM_NAMESPACE}} {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::bitflags::bitflags! {";
GenComment(enum_def.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " #[derive(Default)]";
code_ += " {{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{ENUM_TY}}: {{BASE_TYPE}} {";
ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
this->GenComment(ev.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " const {{VARIANT}} = {{VALUE}};";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "pub use self::bitflags_{{ENUM_NAMESPACE}}::{{ENUM_TY}};";
code_ += "";
code_.SetValue("INTO_BASE", "self.bits()");
} else {
// Normal, c-modelled enums.
// Deprecated associated constants;
const std::string deprecation_warning =
"#[deprecated(since = \"2.0.0\", note = \"Use associated constants"
" instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.\")]";
code_ += deprecation_warning;
code_ +=
code_ += deprecation_warning;
code_ +=
auto num_fields = NumToString(enum_def.size());
code_ += deprecation_warning;
code_ += "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]";
code_ += "pub const ENUM_VALUES_{{ENUM_CONSTANT}}: [{{ENUM_TY}}; " +
num_fields + "] = [";
ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
code_ += namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev) + ",";
code_ += "];";
code_ += "";
// Derive Default to be 0. flatc enforces this when the enum
// is put into a struct, though this isn't documented behavior, it is
// needed to derive defaults in struct objects.
code_ +=
"#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, "
code_ += "#[repr(transparent)]";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{ENUM_TY}}(pub {{BASE_TYPE}});";
code_ += "#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]";
code_ += "impl {{ENUM_TY}} {";
ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
code_ += "pub const {{VARIANT}}: Self = Self({{VALUE}});";
code_ += "";
// Generate Associated constants
code_ += " pub const ENUM_MIN: {{BASE_TYPE}} = {{ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += " pub const ENUM_MAX: {{BASE_TYPE}} = {{ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += " pub const ENUM_VALUES: &'static [Self] = &[";
ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&]() { code_ += " Self::{{VARIANT}},"; });
code_ += " ];";
code_ += " /// Returns the variant's name or \"\" if unknown.";
code_ += " pub fn variant_name(self) -> Option<&'static str> {";
code_ += " match self {";
ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&]() {
code_ += " Self::{{VARIANT}} => Some(\"{{VARIANT}}\"),";
code_ += " _ => None,";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Generate Debug. Unknown variants are printed like "<UNKNOWN 42>".
code_ += "impl core::fmt::Debug for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ +=
" fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) ->"
" core::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " if let Some(name) = self.variant_name() {";
code_ += " f.write_str(name)";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " f.write_fmt(format_args!(\"<UNKNOWN {:?}>\", self.0))";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_.SetValue("INTO_BASE", "self.0");
// Implement serde::Serialize
if (parser_.opts.rust_serialize) {
code_ += "impl Serialize for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ +=
" fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>";
code_ += " where";
code_ += " S: Serializer,";
code_ += " {";
if (IsBitFlagsEnum(enum_def)) {
code_ += " serializer.serialize_u32(self.bits() as u32)";
} else {
code_ +=
" serializer.serialize_unit_variant(\"{{ENUM_TY}}\", self.0 "
"as "
"u32, self.variant_name().unwrap())";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate Follow and Push so we can serialize and stuff.
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = Self;";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " let b = flatbuffers::read_scalar_at::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>(buf, loc);";
if (IsBitFlagsEnum(enum_def)) {
// Safety:
// This is safe because we know bitflags is implemented with a repr transparent uint of the correct size.
// from_bits_unchecked will be replaced by an equivalent but safe from_bits_retain in bitflags 2.0
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // This is safe because we know bitflags is implemented with a repr transparent uint of the correct size.";
code_ += " // from_bits_unchecked will be replaced by an equivalent but safe from_bits_retain in bitflags 2.0";
code_ += " //";
code_ += " Self::from_bits_unchecked(b)";
} else {
code_ += " Self(b)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::Push for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Output = {{ENUM_TY}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _written_len: usize) {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::emplace_scalar::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>(dst, {{INTO_BASE}});";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::EndianScalar for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Scalar = {{BASE_TYPE}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn to_little_endian(self) -> {{BASE_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " {{INTO_BASE}}.to_le()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)]";
code_ += " fn from_little_endian(v: {{BASE_TYPE}}) -> Self {";
code_ += " let b = {{BASE_TYPE}}::from_le(v);";
if (IsBitFlagsEnum(enum_def)) {
// Safety:
// This is safe because we know bitflags is implemented with a repr transparent uint of the correct size.
// from_bits_unchecked will be replaced by an equivalent but safe from_bits_retain in bitflags 2.0
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // This is safe because we know bitflags is implemented with a repr transparent uint of the correct size.";
code_ += " // from_bits_unchecked will be replaced by an equivalent but safe from_bits_retain in bitflags 2.0";
code_ += " //";
code_ += " unsafe { Self::from_bits_unchecked(b) }";
} else {
code_ += " Self(b)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate verifier - deferring to the base type.
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Verifiable for {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn run_verifier(";
code_ += " v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize";
code_ += " ) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;";
code_ += " {{BASE_TYPE}}::run_verifier(v, pos)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Enums are basically integers.
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for {{ENUM_TY}} {}";
if (enum_def.is_union) {
// Generate typesafe offset(s) for unions
code_.SetValue("UNION_TYPE", namer_.Type(enum_def));
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{UNION_TYPE}}UnionTableOffset {}";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) { GenUnionObject(enum_def); }
// TODO(cneo): dedup Object versions from non object versions.
void ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(const EnumDef &enum_def,
std::function<void()> cb) {
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
auto &enum_val = **it;
if (enum_val.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) continue;
code_.SetValue("VARIANT_NAME", namer_.Variant(enum_val));
// For legacy reasons, enum variants are Keep case while enum native
// variants are UpperCamel case.
code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_NAME", namer_.Method(enum_val));
void GenUnionObject(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
code_.SetValue("ENUM_TY", namer_.Type(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_FN", namer_.Function(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_OTY", namer_.ObjectType(enum_def));
// Generate native union.
code_ += "#[allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]"; // NONE's spelling is
// intended.
code_ += "#[non_exhaustive]";
code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} enum {{ENUM_OTY}} {";
code_ += " NONE,";
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
code_ += "{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(Box<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>),";
code_ += "}";
// Generate Default (NONE).
code_ += "impl Default for {{ENUM_OTY}} {";
code_ += " fn default() -> Self {";
code_ += " Self::NONE";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Generate native union methods.
code_ += "impl {{ENUM_OTY}} {";
// Get flatbuffers union key.
// TODO(cneo): add docstrings?
code_ += " pub fn {{ENUM_FN}}_type(&self) -> {{ENUM_TY}} {";
code_ += " match self {";
code_ += " Self::NONE => {{ENUM_TY}}::NONE,";
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
code_ +=
" Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(_) => {{ENUM_TY}}::"
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// Pack flatbuffers union value
code_ +=
" pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder)"
" -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>>"
" {";
code_ += " match self {";
code_ += " Self::NONE => None,";
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
code_ += " Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) => \\";
code_ += "Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// Generate some accessors;
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
// Move accessor.
code_ +=
"/// If the union variant matches, return the owned "
"{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}, setting the union to NONE.";
code_ +=
"pub fn take_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&mut self) -> "
"Option<Box<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>> {";
code_ += " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(_) = self {";
code_ += " let v = core::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);";
code_ += " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(w) = v {";
code_ += " Some(w)";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " unreachable!()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " None";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Immutable reference accessor.
code_ +=
"/// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the "
code_ +=
"pub fn as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&self) -> "
"Option<&{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}> {";
code_ +=
" if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) = self "
"{ Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }";
code_ += "}";
// Mutable reference accessor.
code_ +=
"/// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference"
" to the {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}.";
code_ +=
"pub fn as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}_mut(&mut self) -> "
"Option<&mut {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}> {";
code_ +=
" if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) = self "
"{ Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "}"; // End union methods impl.
enum DefaultContext { kBuilder, kAccessor, kObject };
std::string GetDefaultValue(const FieldDef &field,
const DefaultContext context) {
if (context == kBuilder) {
// Builders and Args structs model nonscalars "optional" even if they're
// required or have defaults according to the schema. I guess its because
// WIPOffset is not nullable.
if (!IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) || field.IsOptional()) {
return "None";
} else {
// This for defaults in objects.
// Unions have a NONE variant instead of using Rust's None.
if (field.IsOptional() && !IsUnion(field.value.type)) { return "None"; }
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat: {
return field.value.constant;
case ftBool: {
return field.value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
auto ev = field.value.type.enum_def->FindByValue(field.value.constant);
if (!ev) return "Default::default()"; // Bitflags enum.
return WrapInNameSpace(
namer_.EnumVariant(*field.value.type.enum_def, *ev));
case ftUnionValue: {
return ObjectFieldType(field, true) + "::NONE";
case ftString: {
// Required fields do not have defaults defined by the schema, but we
// need one for Rust's Default trait so we use empty string. The usual
// value of field.value.constant is `0`, which is non-sensical except
// maybe to c++ (nullptr == 0).
// TODO: Escape strings?
const std::string defval =
field.IsRequired() ? "\"\"" : "\"" + field.value.constant + "\"";
if (context == kObject) return defval + ".to_string()";
if (context == kAccessor) return "&" + defval;
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat:
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfString:
case ftVectorOfStruct:
case ftVectorOfTable:
case ftVectorOfEnumKey:
case ftVectorOfUnionValue:
case ftStruct:
case ftTable: {
// We only support empty vectors which matches the defaults for
// &[T] and Vec<T> anyway.
// For required structs and tables fields, we defer to their object API
// defaults. This works so long as there's nothing recursive happening,
// but `table Infinity { i: Infinity (required); }` does compile.
return "Default::default()";
// Create the return type for fields in the *BuilderArgs structs that are
// used to create Tables.
// Note: we could make all inputs to the BuilderArgs be an Option, as well
// as all outputs. But, the UX of Flatbuffers is that the user doesn't get to
// know if the value is default or not, because there are three ways to
// return a default value:
// 1) return a stored value that happens to be the default,
// 2) return a hardcoded value because the relevant vtable field is not in
// the vtable, or
// 3) return a hardcoded value because the vtable field value is set to zero.
std::string TableBuilderArgsDefnType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string &lifetime) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
auto WrapOption = [&](std::string s) {
return IsOptionalToBuilder(field) ? "Option<" + s + ">" : s;
auto WrapVector = [&](std::string ty) {
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" +
lifetime + ", " + ty + ">>");
auto WrapUOffsetsVector = [&](std::string ty) {
return WrapVector("flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + ty + ">");
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
return WrapOption(GetTypeBasic(type));
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption("&" + lifetime + " " + typname);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" + typname + "<" + lifetime +
case ftString: {
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>");
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
return WrapOption(WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def));
case ftUnionValue: {
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>>";
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return WrapVector(typname);
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return WrapVector(typname);
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapVector(typname);
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapUOffsetsVector(typname + "<" + lifetime + ">");
case ftVectorOfString: {
return WrapUOffsetsVector("&" + lifetime + " str");
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
return WrapUOffsetsVector("flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">");
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "arrays are not supported within tables");
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string ObjectFieldType(const FieldDef &field, bool in_a_table) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
std::string ty;
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftBool:
case ftFloat: {
ty = GetTypeBasic(type);
case ftString: {
ty = "String";
case ftStruct: {
ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.struct_def);
case ftTable: {
// Since Tables can contain themselves, Box is required to avoid
// infinite types.
ty = "Box<" + NamespacedNativeName(*type.struct_def) + ">";
case ftUnionKey: {
// There is no native "UnionKey", natively, unions are rust enums with
// newtype-struct-variants.
case ftUnionValue: {
ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.enum_def);
case ftEnumKey: {
ty = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
// Vectors are in tables and are optional
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
ty = "Vec<" + WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def) + ">";
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
ty = "Vec<" + GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType()) + ">";
case ftVectorOfString: {
ty = "Vec<String>";
case ftVectorOfTable:
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.VectorType().struct_def);
ty = "Vec<" + ty + ">";
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
case ftArrayOfEnum: {
ty = "[" + WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def) + "; " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + "]";
case ftArrayOfStruct: {
ty = "[" + NamespacedNativeName(*type.VectorType().struct_def) + "; " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + "]";
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
ty = "[" + GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType()) + "; " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + "]";
if (in_a_table && !IsUnion(type) && field.IsOptional()) {
return "Option<" + ty + ">";
} else {
return ty;
std::string TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string &lifetime) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " +
typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime +
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + typname + "<" + lifetime +
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " +
typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfString: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime +
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>>>";
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " +
typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime +
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime +
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "&" + typname + "";
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" + typname + "<" + lifetime + ">>";
case ftInteger:
case ftBool:
case ftFloat: {
return GetTypeBasic(type);
case ftString: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>";
case ftUnionValue: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>";
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return "flatbuffers::Array<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ", " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + ">";
case ftArrayOfEnum: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "flatbuffers::Array<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ", " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + ">";
case ftArrayOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::Array<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ", " +
NumToString(type.fixed_length) + ">";
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string TableBuilderArgsAddFuncBody(const FieldDef &field) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftBool:
case ftFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(field.value.type);
return (field.IsOptional() ? "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<"
: "self.fbb_.push_slot::<") +
typname + ">";
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto underlying_typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
return (field.IsOptional() ? "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<"
: "self.fbb_.push_slot::<") +
underlying_typname + ">";
case ftStruct: {
const std::string typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<&" + typname + ">";
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" +
typname + ">>";
case ftUnionValue:
case ftString:
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfEnumKey:
case ftVectorOfStruct:
case ftVectorOfTable:
case ftVectorOfString:
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>";
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "arrays are not supported within tables");
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string &lifetime) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
const auto WrapOption = [&](std::string s) {
return field.IsOptional() ? "Option<" + s + ">" : s;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
return WrapOption(GetTypeBasic(type));
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption("&" + lifetime + " " + typname);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption(typname + "<" + lifetime + ">");
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
return WrapOption(WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def));
case ftUnionValue: {
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">");
case ftString: {
return WrapOption("&" + lifetime + " str");
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ">");
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname +
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ">");
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime +
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + typname + "<" +
lifetime + ">>>");
case ftVectorOfString: {
return WrapOption("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime +
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + lifetime +
" str>>");
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
// TODO(rw): when we do support these, we should consider using the
// Into trait to convert tables to typesafe union values.
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "arrays are not supported within tables");
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string FollowType(const Type &type, const std::string &lifetime) {
// IsVector... This can be made iterative?
const auto WrapForwardsUOffset = [](std::string ty) -> std::string {
return "flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + ty + ">";
const auto WrapVector = [&](std::string ty) -> std::string {
return "flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + ty + ">";
const auto WrapArray = [&](std::string ty, uint16_t length) -> std::string {
return "flatbuffers::Array<" + lifetime + ", " + ty + ", " +
NumToString(length) + ">";
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
return GetTypeBasic(type);
case ftStruct: {
return WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
return WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(typname);
case ftUnionValue: {
return WrapForwardsUOffset("flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">");
case ftString: {
return WrapForwardsUOffset("&str");
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(typname));
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(typname));
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(typname));
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(WrapForwardsUOffset(typname)));
case ftVectorOfString: {
return WrapForwardsUOffset(
WrapVector(WrapForwardsUOffset("&" + lifetime + " str")));
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
case ftArrayOfEnum: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def);
return WrapArray(typname, type.fixed_length);
case ftArrayOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapArray(typname, type.fixed_length);
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return WrapArray(typname, type.fixed_length);
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string GenTableAccessorFuncBody(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string &lifetime) {
const std::string vt_offset = namer_.LegacyRustFieldOffsetName(field);
const std::string typname = FollowType(field.value.type, lifetime);
// Default-y fields (scalars so far) are neither optional nor required.
const std::string default_value =
!(field.IsOptional() || field.IsRequired())
? "Some(" + GetDefaultValue(field, kAccessor) + ")"
: "None";
const std::string unwrap = field.IsOptional() ? "" : ".unwrap()";
return "unsafe { self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">({{STRUCT_TY}}::" + vt_offset +
", " + default_value + ")" + unwrap + "}";
// Generates a fully-qualified name getter for use with --gen-name-strings
void GenFullyQualifiedNameGetter(const StructDef &struct_def,
const std::string &name) {
const std::string fully_qualified_name =
code_ += " pub const fn get_fully_qualified_name() -> &'static str {";
code_ += " \"" + fully_qualified_name + "\"";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
void ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(
const EnumDef &def, std::function<void(const EnumVal &ev)> cb) {
for (auto it = def.Vals().begin(); it != def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
const EnumVal &ev = **it;
// TODO(cneo): Can variants be deprecated, should we skip them?
if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) { continue; }
WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, namer_.EnumVariant(def, ev)));
code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_NAME", namer_.Function(;
void ForAllTableFields(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::function<void(const FieldDef &)> cb,
bool reversed = false) {
// TODO(cneo): Remove `reversed` overload. It's only here to minimize the
// diff when refactoring to the `ForAllX` helper functions.
auto go = [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.deprecated) return;
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_NAME", namer_.LegacyRustFieldOffsetName(field));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_VALUE", NumToString(field.value.offset));
code_.SetValue("FIELD", namer_.Field(field));
code_.SetValue("BLDR_DEF_VAL", GetDefaultValue(field, kBuilder));
code_.SetValue("DISCRIMINANT", namer_.Field(field) + "_type");
const auto &fields = struct_def.fields.vec;
if (reversed) {
for (auto it = fields.rbegin(); it != fields.rend(); ++it) go(**it);
} else {
for (auto it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) go(**it);
// Generate an accessor struct, builder struct, and create function for a
// table.
void GenTable(const StructDef &struct_def) {
const bool is_private = parser_.opts.no_leak_private_annotations &&
(struct_def.attributes.Lookup("private") != nullptr);
code_.SetValue("ACCESS_TYPE", is_private ? "pub(crate)" : "pub");
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_TY", namer_.Type(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_FN", namer_.Function(struct_def));
// Generate an offset type, the base type, the Follow impl, and the
// init_from_table impl.
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} enum {{STRUCT_TY}}Offset {}";
code_ += "#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_TY}}<'a> {";
code_ += " pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{STRUCT_TY}}<'a> {";
code_ += " type Inner = {{STRUCT_TY}}<'a>;";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl<'a> {{STRUCT_TY}}<'a> {";
// Generate field id constants.
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
code_ +=
"pub const {{OFFSET_NAME}}: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = "
code_ += "";
if (parser_.opts.generate_name_strings) {
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ +=
" pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> "
"Self {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_TY}} { _tab: table }";
code_ += " }";
// Generate a convenient create* function that uses the above builder
// to create a table in one function call.
code_.SetValue("MAYBE_US", struct_def.fields.vec.size() == 0 ? "_" : "");
TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(struct_def) ? "<'args>" : "");
code_ += " #[allow(unused_mut)]";
code_ += " pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(";
code_ += " _fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,";
code_ += " {{MAYBE_US}}args: &'args {{STRUCT_TY}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}}";
code_ += " ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'bldr>> {";
code_ += " let mut builder = {{STRUCT_TY}}Builder::new(_fbb);";
for (size_t size = struct_def.sortbysize ? sizeof(largest_scalar_t) : 1;
size; size /= 2) {
[&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (struct_def.sortbysize &&
size != SizeOf(field.value.type.base_type))
if (IsOptionalToBuilder(field)) {
code_ +=
" if let Some(x) = args.{{FIELD}} "
"{ builder.add_{{FIELD}}(x); }";
} else {
code_ += " builder.add_{{FIELD}}(args.{{FIELD}});";
code_ += " builder.finish()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
// Generate Object API Packer function.
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
// TODO(cneo): Replace more for loops with ForAllX stuff.
// TODO(cneo): Manage indentation with IncrementIdentLevel?
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_OTY", namer_.ObjectType(struct_def));
code_ += " pub fn unpack(&self) -> {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
ForAllObjectTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftBool:
case ftFloat:
case ftEnumKey: {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = self.{{FIELD}}();";
case ftUnionKey: return;
case ftUnionValue: {
const auto &enum_def = *type.enum_def;
code_.SetValue("ENUM_TY", WrapInNameSpace(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("NATIVE_ENUM_NAME", NamespacedNativeName(enum_def));
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = match self.{{FIELD}}_type() {";
code_ += " {{ENUM_TY}}::NONE => {{NATIVE_ENUM_NAME}}::NONE,";
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
code_ +=
" {{ENUM_TY}}::{{VARIANT_NAME}} => "
code_ += " self.{{FIELD}}_as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}()";
code_ +=
" .expect(\"Invalid union table, "
"expected `{{ENUM_TY}}::{{VARIANT_NAME}}`.\")";
code_ += " .unpack()";
code_ += " )),";
// Maybe we shouldn't throw away unknown discriminants?
code_ += " _ => {{NATIVE_ENUM_NAME}}::NONE,";
code_ += " };";
// The rest of the types need special handling based on if the field
// is optional or not.
case ftString: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.to_string()");
case ftStruct: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.unpack()");
case ftTable: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "Box::new(x.unpack())");
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat:
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.into_iter().collect()");
case ftVectorOfString: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()");
case ftVectorOfStruct:
case ftVectorOfTable: {
code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()");
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions not yet supported");
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
"arrays are not supported within tables");
if (field.IsOptional()) {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = self.{{FIELD}}().map(|x| {";
code_ += " {{EXPR}}";
code_ += " });";
} else {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = {";
code_ += " let x = self.{{FIELD}}();";
code_ += " {{EXPR}}";
code_ += " };";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
ForAllObjectTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) return;
code_ += " {{FIELD}},";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
if (struct_def.fields.vec.size() > 0) code_ += "";
// Generate the accessors. Each has one of two forms:
// If a value can be None:
// pub fn name(&'a self) -> Option<user_facing_type> {
// self._tab.get::<internal_type>(offset, defaultval)
// }
// If a value is always Some:
// pub fn name(&'a self) -> user_facing_type {
// self._tab.get::<internal_type>(offset, defaultval).unwrap()
// }
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, "'a"));
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn {{FIELD}}(&self) -> {{RETURN_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // which contains a valid value in this slot";
code_ += " " + GenTableAccessorFuncBody(field, "'a");
code_ += "}";
// Generate a comparison function for this field if it is a key.
if (field.key) { GenKeyFieldMethods(field); }
// Generate a nested flatbuffer field, if applicable.
auto nested = field.attributes.Lookup("nested_flatbuffer");
if (nested) {
std::string qualified_name = nested->constant;
auto nested_root = parser_.LookupStruct(nested->constant);
if (nested_root == nullptr) {
qualified_name = parser_.current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(
nested_root = parser_.LookupStruct(qualified_name);
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(nested_root); // Guaranteed to exist by parser.
code_.SetValue("NESTED", WrapInNameSpace(*nested_root));
code_ += "pub fn {{FIELD}}_nested_flatbuffer(&'a self) -> \\";
if (field.IsRequired()) {
code_ += "{{NESTED}}<'a> {";
code_ += " let data = self.{{FIELD}}();";
code_ += " use flatbuffers::Follow;";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid flatbuffer in this slot";
code_ +=
" unsafe { <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
"::follow(data.bytes(), 0) }";
} else {
code_ += "Option<{{NESTED}}<'a>> {";
code_ += " self.{{FIELD}}().map(|data| {";
code_ += " use flatbuffers::Follow;";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid flatbuffer in this slot";
code_ +=
" unsafe { <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
"::follow(data.bytes(), 0) }";
code_ += " })";
code_ += "}";
// Explicit specializations for union accessors
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_UNION) return;
*field.value.type.enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "#[allow(non_snake_case)]";
code_ +=
"pub fn {{FIELD}}_as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&self) -> "
"Option<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}<'a>> {";
// If the user defined schemas name a field that clashes with a
// language reserved word, flatc will try to escape the field name
// by appending an underscore. This works well for most cases,
// except one. When generating union accessors (and referring to
// them internally within the code generated here), an extra
// underscore will be appended to the name, causing build failures.
// This only happens when unions have members that overlap with
// language reserved words.
// To avoid this problem the type field name is used unescaped here:
code_ +=
" if self.{{DISCRIMINANT}}() == {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} {";
// The following logic is not tested in the integration test,
// as of April 10, 2020
if (field.IsRequired()) {
code_ += " let u = self.{{FIELD}}();";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid union in this slot";
code_ += " Some(unsafe { {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table(u) })";
} else {
code_ +=" self.{{FIELD}}().map(|t| {";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid union in this slot";
code_ += " unsafe { {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table(t) }";
code_ += " })";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " None";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "}"; // End of table impl.
code_ += "";
// Generate Verifier;
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for {{STRUCT_TY}}<'_> {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn run_verifier(";
code_ += " v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize";
code_ += " ) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;";
code_ += " v.visit_table(pos)?\\";
// Escape newline and insert it onthe next line so we can end the builder
// with a nice semicolon.
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftUnionKey) return;
code_.SetValue("IS_REQ", field.IsRequired() ? "true" : "false");
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) != ftUnionValue) {
// All types besides unions.
code_.SetValue("TY", FollowType(field.value.type, "'_"));
code_ +=
"\n .visit_field::<{{TY}}>(\"{{FIELD}}\", "
"Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}})?\\";
// Unions.
const EnumDef &union_def = *field.value.type.enum_def;
code_.SetValue("UNION_TYPE", WrapInNameSpace(union_def));
namer_.LegacyRustFieldOffsetName(field) + "_TYPE");
code_ +=
"\n .visit_union::<{{UNION_TYPE}}, _>("
"\"{{FIELD}}_type\", Self::{{UNION_TYPE_OFFSET_NAME}}, "
"\"{{FIELD}}\", Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}}, "
"|key, v, pos| {";
code_ += " match key {";
ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(union_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
code_ +=
" {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => v.verify_union_variant::"
"\"{{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}}\", pos),";
code_ += " _ => Ok(()),";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " })?\\";
code_ += "\n .finish();";
code_ += " Ok(())";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Generate an args struct:
TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(struct_def) ? "<'a>" : "");
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_TY}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}} {";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
code_.SetValue("PARAM_TYPE", TableBuilderArgsDefnType(field, "'a"));
code_ += " pub {{FIELD}}: {{PARAM_TYPE}},";
code_ += "}";
// Generate an impl of Default for the *Args type:
code_ += "impl<'a> Default for {{STRUCT_TY}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn default() -> Self {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_TY}}Args {";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
code_ += " {{FIELD}}: {{BLDR_DEF_VAL}},\\";
code_ += field.IsRequired() ? " // required field" : "";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Implement serde::Serialize
if (parser_.opts.rust_serialize) {
const auto numFields = struct_def.fields.vec.size();
code_.SetValue("NUM_FIELDS", NumToString(numFields));
code_ += "impl Serialize for {{STRUCT_TY}}<'_> {";
code_ +=
" fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>";
code_ += " where";
code_ += " S: Serializer,";
code_ += " {";
if (numFields == 0) {
code_ +=
" let s = serializer.serialize_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\", 0)?;";
} else {
code_ +=
" let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\", "
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
if (IsUnion(type)) {
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
const auto &enum_def = *type.enum_def;
code_.SetValue("ENUM_TY", WrapInNameSpace(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("FIELD", namer_.Field(field));
code_ += " match self.{{FIELD}}_type() {";
code_ += " {{ENUM_TY}}::NONE => (),";
ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
code_.SetValue("FIELD", namer_.Field(field));
code_ += " {{ENUM_TY}}::{{VARIANT_NAME}} => {";
code_ +=
" let f = "
code_ +=
" .expect(\"Invalid union table, expected "
code_ += " s.serialize_field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &f)?;";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " _ => unimplemented!(),";
code_ += " }";
} else {
code_ +=
" s.serialize_field(\"{{FIELD}}\", "
} else {
if (field.IsOptional()) {
code_ += " if let Some(f) = self.{{FIELD}}() {";
code_ += " s.serialize_field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &f)?;";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " s.skip_field(\"{{FIELD}}\")?;";
code_ += " }";
} else {
code_ +=
" s.serialize_field(\"{{FIELD}}\", "
code_ += " s.end()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate a builder struct:
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_TY}}Builder<'a: 'b, 'b> {";
code_ += " fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,";
code_ +=
" start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<"
code_ += "}";
// Generate builder functions:
code_ += "impl<'a: 'b, 'b> {{STRUCT_TY}}Builder<'a, 'b> {";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
const bool is_scalar = IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type);
std::string offset = namer_.LegacyRustFieldOffsetName(field);
// Generate functions to add data, which take one of two forms.
// If a value has a default:
// fn add_x(x_: type) {
// fbb_.push_slot::<type>(offset, x_, Some(default));
// }
// If a value does not have a default:
// fn add_x(x_: type) {
// fbb_.push_slot_always::<type>(offset, x_);
// }
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OFFSET", namer_.Type(struct_def) + "::" + offset);
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(field, "'b "));
code_.SetValue("FUNC_BODY", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncBody(field));
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"pub fn add_{{FIELD}}(&mut self, {{FIELD}}: "
"{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
if (is_scalar && !field.IsOptional()) {
code_ +=
} else {
code_ += " {{FUNC_BODY}}({{FIELD_OFFSET}}, {{FIELD}});";
code_ += "}";
// Struct initializer (all fields required);
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ +=
" pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> "
"{{STRUCT_TY}}Builder<'a, 'b> {";
code_.SetValue("NUM_FIELDS", NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size()));
code_ += " let start = _fbb.start_table();";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_TY}}Builder {";
code_ += " fbb_: _fbb,";
code_ += " start_: start,";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// finish() function.
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ +=
" pub fn finish(self) -> "
"flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'a>> {";
code_ += " let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (!field.IsRequired()) return;
code_ +=
" self.fbb_.required(o, {{STRUCT_TY}}::{{OFFSET_NAME}},"
code_ += " flatbuffers::WIPOffset::new(o.value())";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl core::fmt::Debug for {{STRUCT_TY}}<'_> {";
code_ +=
" fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>"
") -> core::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " let mut ds = f.debug_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\");";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftUnionValue) {
// Generate a match statement to handle unions properly.
code_.SetValue("KEY_TYPE", GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, ""));
"&\"InvalidFlatbuffer: Union discriminant"
" does not match value.\"");
code_ += " match self.{{DISCRIMINANT}}() {";
*field.value.type.enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
code_ += " {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => {";
code_ +=
" if let Some(x) = "
"{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}() {";
code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &x)";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD}}\", {{UNION_ERR}})";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " },";
code_ += " _ => {";
code_ += " let x: Option<()> = None;";
code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &x)";
code_ += " },";
code_ += " };";
} else {
// Most fields.
code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &self.{{FIELD}}());";
code_ += " ds.finish()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
void GenTableObject(const StructDef &table) {
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_OTY", namer_.ObjectType(table));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_TY", namer_.Type(table));
// Generate the native object.
code_ += "#[non_exhaustive]";
code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
// Union objects combine both the union discriminant and value, so we
// skip making a field for the discriminant.
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) return;
code_ += "pub {{FIELD}}: {{FIELD_OTY}},";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl Default for {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
code_ += " fn default() -> Self {";
code_ += " Self {";
ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) return;
std::string default_value = GetDefaultValue(field, kObject);
code_ += " {{FIELD}}: " + default_value + ",";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// TODO(cneo): Generate defaults for Native tables. However, since structs
// may be required, they, and therefore enums need defaults.
// Generate pack function.
code_ += "impl {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
code_ += " pub fn pack<'b>(";
code_ += " &self,";
code_ += " _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>";
code_ += " ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'b>> {";
// First we generate variables for each field and then later assemble them
// using "StructArgs" to more easily manage ownership of the builder.
ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftBool:
case ftFloat:
case ftEnumKey: {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = self.{{FIELD}};";
case ftUnionKey: return; // Generate union type with union value.
case ftUnionValue: {
code_ +=
" let {{FIELD}}_type = "
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = self.{{FIELD}}.pack(_fbb);";
// The rest of the types require special casing around optionalness
// due to "required" annotation.
case ftString: {
MapNativeTableField(field, "_fbb.create_string(x)");
case ftStruct: {
// Hold the struct in a variable so we can reference it.
if (field.IsRequired()) {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}}_tmp = Some(self.{{FIELD}}.pack());";
} else {
code_ +=
" let {{FIELD}}_tmp = self.{{FIELD}}"
".as_ref().map(|x| x.pack());";
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = {{FIELD}}_tmp.as_ref();";
case ftTable: {
MapNativeTableField(field, "x.pack(_fbb)");
case ftVectorOfEnumKey:
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
MapNativeTableField(field, "_fbb.create_vector(x)");
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
"let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();"
case ftVectorOfString: {
// TODO(cneo): create_vector* should be more generic to avoid
// allocations.
"let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|s| _fbb.create_string(s)).collect();"
case ftVectorOfTable: {
"let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();"
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions not yet supported");
case ftArrayOfEnum:
case ftArrayOfStruct:
case ftArrayOfBuiltin: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "arrays are not supported within tables");
code_ += " {{STRUCT_TY}}::create(_fbb, &{{STRUCT_TY}}Args{";
ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
(void)field; // Unused.
code_ += " {{FIELD}},";
code_ += " })";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
void ForAllObjectTableFields(const StructDef &table,
std::function<void(const FieldDef &)> cb) {
const std::vector<FieldDef *> &v = table.fields.vec;
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code_.SetValue("FIELD", namer_.Field(field));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OTY", ObjectFieldType(field, true));
void MapNativeTableField(const FieldDef &field, const std::string &expr) {
if (field.IsOptional()) {
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = self.{{FIELD}}.as_ref().map(|x|{";
code_ += " " + expr;
code_ += " });";
} else {
// For some reason Args has optional types for required fields.
// TODO(cneo): Fix this... but its a breaking change?
code_ += " let {{FIELD}} = Some({";
code_ += " let x = &self.{{FIELD}};";
code_ += " " + expr;
code_ += " });";
// Generate functions to compare tables and structs by key. This function
// must only be called if the field key is defined.
void GenKeyFieldMethods(const FieldDef &field) {
code_.SetValue("KEY_TYPE", GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, ""));
code_.SetValue("REF", IsString(field.value.type) ? "" : "&");
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"pub fn key_compare_less_than(&self, o: &{{STRUCT_TY}}) -> "
"bool {";
code_ += " self.{{FIELD}}() < o.{{FIELD}}()";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"pub fn key_compare_with_value(&self, val: {{KEY_TYPE}}) -> "
"::core::cmp::Ordering {";
code_ += " let key = self.{{FIELD}}();";
code_ += " key.cmp({{REF}}val)";
code_ += "}";
// Generate functions for accessing the root table object. This function
// must only be called if the root table is defined.
void GenRootTableFuncs(const StructDef &struct_def) {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(parser_.root_struct_def_ && "root table not defined");
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_TY", namer_.Type(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_FN", namer_.Function(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_CONST", namer_.Constant(;
// Default verifier root fns.
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a `{{STRUCT_TY}}`";
code_ += "/// and returns it.";
code_ += "/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_unchecked`.";
code_ +=
"pub fn root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}(buf: &[u8]) "
"-> Result<{{STRUCT_TY}}, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root::<{{STRUCT_TY}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// Verifies that a buffer of bytes contains a size prefixed";
code_ += "/// `{{STRUCT_TY}}` and returns it.";
code_ += "/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_unchecked`.";
code_ +=
"pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}"
"(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<{{STRUCT_TY}}, "
"flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root::<{{STRUCT_TY}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
// Verifier with options root fns.
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// Verifies, with the given options, that a buffer of bytes";
code_ += "/// contains a `{{STRUCT_TY}}` and returns it.";
code_ += "/// Note that verification is still experimental and may not";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_unchecked`.";
code_ += "pub fn root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_with_opts<'b, 'o>(";
code_ += " opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,";
code_ += " buf: &'b [u8],";
code_ +=
") -> Result<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
" {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root_with_opts::<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'b>>(opts, buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// Verifies, with the given verifier options, that a buffer of";
code_ += "/// bytes contains a size prefixed `{{STRUCT_TY}}` and returns";
code_ += "/// it. Note that verification is still experimental and may not";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_unchecked`.";
code_ +=
"pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_with_opts"
"<'b, 'o>(";
code_ += " opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,";
code_ += " buf: &'b [u8],";
code_ +=
") -> Result<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
" {";
code_ +=
" flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_with_opts::<{{STRUCT_TY}}"
"<'b>>(opts, buf)";
code_ += "}";
// Unchecked root fns.
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
"contains a {{STRUCT_TY}} and returns it.";
code_ += "/// # Safety";
code_ +=
"/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
" `{{STRUCT_TY}}`.";
code_ +=
"pub unsafe fn root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}_unchecked"
"(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_TY}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
"contains a size prefixed {{STRUCT_TY}} and returns it.";
code_ += "/// # Safety";
code_ +=
"/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
" size prefixed `{{STRUCT_TY}}`.";
code_ +=
"pub unsafe fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_FN}}"
"_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ +=
" flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_TY}}>"
code_ += "}";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
// Declare the identifier
// (no lifetime needed as constants have static lifetimes by default)
code_ += "pub const {{STRUCT_CONST}}_IDENTIFIER: &str\\";
code_ += " = \"" + parser_.file_identifier_ + "\";";
code_ += "";
// Check if a buffer has the identifier.
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn {{STRUCT_FN}}_buffer_has_identifier\\";
code_ += "(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::buffer_has_identifier(buf, \\";
code_ += "{{STRUCT_CONST}}_IDENTIFIER, false)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn {{STRUCT_FN}}_size_prefixed\\";
code_ += "_buffer_has_identifier(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::buffer_has_identifier(buf, \\";
code_ += "{{STRUCT_CONST}}_IDENTIFIER, true)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.file_extension_.length()) {
// Return the extension
code_ += "pub const {{STRUCT_CONST}}_EXTENSION: &str = \\";
code_ += "\"" + parser_.file_extension_ + "\";";
code_ += "";
// Finish a buffer with a given root object:
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn finish_{{STRUCT_FN}}_buffer<'a, 'b>(";
code_ += " fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,";
code_ += " root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'a>>) {";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
code_ += " fbb.finish(root, Some({{STRUCT_CONST}}_IDENTIFIER));";
} else {
code_ += " fbb.finish(root, None);";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"pub fn finish_size_prefixed_{{STRUCT_FN}}_buffer"
"<'a, 'b>("
"fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>, "
"root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_TY}}<'a>>) {";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
code_ +=
" fbb.finish_size_prefixed(root, "
} else {
code_ += " fbb.finish_size_prefixed(root, None);";
code_ += "}";
static void GenPadding(
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr, int *id,
const std::function<void(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id)> &f) {
if (field.padding) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (static_cast<int>(field.padding) & (1 << i)) {
f((1 << i) * 8, code_ptr, id);
assert(!(field.padding & ~0xF));
static void PaddingDefinition(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id) {
*code_ptr +=
" padding" + NumToString((*id)++) + "__: u" + NumToString(bits) + ",";
static void PaddingInitializer(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id) {
*code_ptr += "padding" + NumToString((*id)++) + "__: 0,";
void ForAllStructFields(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::function<void(const FieldDef &field)> cb) {
size_t offset_to_field = 0;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", GetTypeGet(field.value.type));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OTY", ObjectFieldType(field, false));
code_.SetValue("FIELD", namer_.Field(field));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OFFSET", NumToString(offset_to_field));
IsStruct(field.value.type) || IsArray(field.value.type) ? "&" : "");
const size_t size = InlineSize(field.value.type);
offset_to_field += size + field.padding;
// Generate an accessor struct with constructor for a flatbuffers struct.
void GenStruct(const StructDef &struct_def) {
const bool is_private = parser_.opts.no_leak_private_annotations &&
(struct_def.attributes.Lookup("private") != nullptr);
code_.SetValue("ACCESS_TYPE", is_private ? "pub(crate)" : "pub");
// Generates manual padding and alignment.
// Variables are private because they contain little endian data on all
// platforms.
code_.SetValue("ALIGN", NumToString(struct_def.minalign));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_TY", namer_.Type(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_SIZE", NumToString(struct_def.bytesize));
// We represent Flatbuffers-structs in Rust-u8-arrays since the data may be
// of the wrong endianness and alignment 1.
// PartialEq is useful to derive because we can correctly compare structs
// for equality by just comparing their underlying byte data. This doesn't
// hold for PartialOrd/Ord.
code_ += "// struct {{STRUCT_TY}}, aligned to {{ALIGN}}";
code_ += "#[repr(transparent)]";
code_ += "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_TY}}(pub [u8; {{STRUCT_SIZE}}]);";
code_ += "impl Default for {{STRUCT_TY}} { ";
code_ += " fn default() -> Self { ";
code_ += " Self([0; {{STRUCT_SIZE}}])";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Debug for structs.
code_ += "impl core::fmt::Debug for {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ +=
" fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter"
") -> core::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " f.debug_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\")";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
code_ += " .field(\"{{FIELD}}\", &self.{{FIELD}}())";
code_ += " .finish()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate impls for SafeSliceAccess (because all structs are endian-safe),
// Follow for the value type, Follow for the reference type, Push for the
// value type, and Push for the reference type.
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for {{STRUCT_TY}} {}";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = &'a {{STRUCT_TY}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " <&'a {{STRUCT_TY}}>::follow(buf, loc)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for &'a {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = &'a {{STRUCT_TY}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::follow_cast_ref::<{{STRUCT_TY}}>(buf, loc)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl<'b> flatbuffers::Push for {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " type Output = {{STRUCT_TY}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _written_len: usize) {";
code_ += " let src = ::core::slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const {{STRUCT_TY}} as *const u8, Self::size());";
code_ += " dst.copy_from_slice(src);";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate verifier: Structs are simple so presence and alignment are
// all that need to be checked.
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Verifiable for {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn run_verifier(";
code_ += " v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize";
code_ += " ) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;";
code_ += " v.in_buffer::<Self>(pos)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Implement serde::Serialize
if (parser_.opts.rust_serialize) {
const auto numFields = struct_def.fields.vec.size();
code_.SetValue("NUM_FIELDS", NumToString(numFields));
code_ += "impl Serialize for {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ +=
" fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>";
code_ += " where";
code_ += " S: Serializer,";
code_ += " {";
if (numFields == 0) {
code_ +=
" let s = serializer.serialize_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\", 0)?;";
} else {
code_ +=
" let mut s = serializer.serialize_struct(\"{{STRUCT_TY}}\", "
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
code_ +=
" s.serialize_field(\"{{FIELD}}\", "
code_ += " s.end()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate a constructor that takes all fields as arguments.
code_ += "impl<'a> {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]";
code_ += " pub fn new(";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
code_ += " {{FIELD}}: {{REF}}{{FIELD_TYPE}},";
code_ += " ) -> Self {";
code_ += " let mut s = Self([0; {{STRUCT_SIZE}}]);";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
code_ += " s.set_{{FIELD}}({{FIELD}});";
code_ += " s";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.opts.generate_name_strings) {
// Generate accessor methods for the struct.
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
// Getter.
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
code_ += "pub fn {{FIELD}}(&self) -> &{{FIELD_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid struct in this slot";
code_ +=
" unsafe {"
" &*(self.0[{{FIELD_OFFSET}}..].as_ptr() as *const"
" {{FIELD_TYPE}}) }";
} else if (IsArray(field.value.type)) {
code_.SetValue("ARRAY_ITEM", GetTypeGet(field.value.type.VectorType()));
code_ +=
"pub fn {{FIELD}}(&'a self) -> "
"flatbuffers::Array<'a, {{ARRAY_ITEM}}, {{ARRAY_SIZE}}> {";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid array in this slot";
code_ += " unsafe { flatbuffers::Array::follow(&self.0, {{FIELD_OFFSET}}) }";
} else {
code_ += "pub fn {{FIELD}}(&self) -> {{FIELD_TYPE}} {";
code_ +=
" let mut mem = core::mem::MaybeUninit::"
"<<{{FIELD_TYPE}} as EndianScalar>::Scalar>::uninit();";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid value in this slot";
code_ += " EndianScalar::from_little_endian(unsafe {";
code_ += " core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(";
code_ += " self.0[{{FIELD_OFFSET}}..].as_ptr(),";
code_ += " mem.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,";
code_ += " core::mem::size_of::<<{{FIELD_TYPE}} as EndianScalar>::Scalar>(),";
code_ += " );";
code_ += " mem.assume_init()";
code_ += " })";
code_ += "}\n";
// Setter.
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
code_.SetValue("FIELD_SIZE", NumToString(InlineSize(field.value.type)));
code_ += "#[allow(clippy::identity_op)]"; // If FIELD_OFFSET=0.
code_ += "pub fn set_{{FIELD}}(&mut self, x: &{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
code_ +=
" self.0[{{FIELD_OFFSET}}..{{FIELD_OFFSET}} + {{FIELD_SIZE}}]"
} else if (IsArray(field.value.type)) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftArrayOfBuiltin) {
code_ +=
"pub fn set_{{FIELD}}(&mut self, items: &{{FIELD_TYPE}}) "
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid array in this slot";
code_ +=
" unsafe { flatbuffers::emplace_scalar_array(&mut self.0, "
"{{FIELD_OFFSET}}, items) };";
} else {
code_ += "pub fn set_{{FIELD}}(&mut self, x: &{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid array in this slot";
code_ += " unsafe {";
code_ += " core::ptr::copy(";
code_ += " x.as_ptr() as *const u8,";
code_ += " self.0.as_mut_ptr().add({{FIELD_OFFSET}}),";
code_ += " {{FIELD_SIZE}},";
code_ += " );";
code_ += " }";
} else {
code_ += "pub fn set_{{FIELD}}(&mut self, x: {{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
code_ += " let x_le = x.to_little_endian();";
code_ += " // Safety:";
code_ += " // Created from a valid Table for this object";
code_ += " // Which contains a valid value in this slot";
code_ += " unsafe {";
code_ += " core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(";
code_ += " &x_le as *const _ as *const u8,";
code_ += " self.0[{{FIELD_OFFSET}}..].as_mut_ptr(),";
code_ += " core::mem::size_of::<<{{FIELD_TYPE}} as EndianScalar>::Scalar>(),";
code_ += " );";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}\n";
// Generate a comparison function for this field if it is a key.
if (field.key) { GenKeyFieldMethods(field); }
// Generate Object API unpack method.
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_OTY", namer_.ObjectType(struct_def));
code_ += " pub fn unpack(&self) -> {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (IsArray(field.value.type)) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftArrayOfStruct) {
code_ +=
" {{FIELD}}: { let {{FIELD}} = "
"self.{{FIELD}}(); flatbuffers::array_init(|i| "
"{{FIELD}}.get(i).unpack()) },";
} else {
code_ += " {{FIELD}}: self.{{FIELD}}().into(),";
} else {
std::string unpack = IsStruct(field.value.type) ? ".unpack()" : "";
code_ += " {{FIELD}}: self.{{FIELD}}()" + unpack + ",";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}"; // End impl Struct methods.
code_ += "";
// Generate Struct Object.
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
// Struct declaration
code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]";
code_ += "{{ACCESS_TYPE}} struct {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
(void)field; // unused.
code_ += "pub {{FIELD}}: {{FIELD_OTY}},";
code_ += "}";
// The `pack` method that turns the native struct into its Flatbuffers
// counterpart.
code_ += "impl {{STRUCT_OTY}} {";
code_ += " pub fn pack(&self) -> {{STRUCT_TY}} {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_TY}}::new(";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
code_ += " &self.{{FIELD}}.pack(),";
} else if (IsArray(field.value.type)) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftArrayOfStruct) {
code_ +=
" &flatbuffers::array_init(|i| "
} else {
code_ += " &self.{{FIELD}},";
} else {
code_ += " self.{{FIELD}},";
code_ += " )";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
void GenNamespaceImports(const int white_spaces) {
// DO not use global attributes (i.e. #![...]) since it interferes
// with users who include! generated files.
// See:
std::string indent = std::string(white_spaces, ' ');
code_ += "";
if (!parser_.opts.generate_all) {
for (auto it = parser_.included_files_.begin();
it != parser_.included_files_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.empty()) continue;
auto noext = flatbuffers::StripExtension(it->second);
auto basename = flatbuffers::StripPath(noext);
if (parser_.opts.include_prefix.empty()) {
code_ += indent + "use crate::" + basename +
parser_.opts.filename_suffix + "::*;";
} else {
auto prefix = parser_.opts.include_prefix;
code_ += indent + "use crate::" + prefix + "::" + basename +
parser_.opts.filename_suffix + "::*;";
code_ += indent + "use core::mem;";
code_ += indent + "use core::cmp::Ordering;";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.opts.rust_serialize) {
code_ += indent + "extern crate serde;";
code_ +=
indent +
"use self::serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeStruct};";
code_ += "";
code_ += indent + "extern crate flatbuffers;";
code_ += indent + "use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};";
// Set up the correct namespace. This opens a namespace if the current
// namespace is different from the target namespace. This function
// closes and opens the namespaces only as necessary.
// The file must start and end with an empty (or null) namespace so that
// namespaces are properly opened and closed.
void SetNameSpace(const Namespace *ns) {
if (cur_name_space_ == ns) { return; }
// Compute the size of the longest common namespace prefix.
// If cur_name_space is A::B::C::D and ns is A::B::E::F::G,
// the common prefix is A::B:: and we have old_size = 4, new_size = 5
// and common_prefix_size = 2
size_t old_size = cur_name_space_ ? cur_name_space_->components.size() : 0;
size_t new_size = ns ? ns->components.size() : 0;
size_t common_prefix_size = 0;
while (common_prefix_size < old_size && common_prefix_size < new_size &&
ns->components[common_prefix_size] ==
cur_name_space_->components[common_prefix_size]) {
// Close cur_name_space in reverse order to reach the common prefix.
// In the previous example, D then C are closed.
for (size_t j = old_size; j > common_prefix_size; --j) {
code_ += "} // pub mod " + cur_name_space_->components[j - 1];
if (old_size != common_prefix_size) { code_ += ""; }
// open namespace parts to reach the ns namespace
// in the previous example, E, then F, then G are opened
for (auto j = common_prefix_size; j != new_size; ++j) {
code_ += "#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]";
code_ += "pub mod " + namer_.Namespace(ns->components[j]) + " {";
// Generate local namespace imports.
if (new_size != common_prefix_size) { code_ += ""; }
cur_name_space_ = ns;
IdlNamer namer_;
} // namespace rust
bool GenerateRust(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
rust::RustGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name);
return generator.generate();
std::string RustMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
std::string filebase =
rust::RustGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name);
std::string make_rule =
generator.GeneratedFileName(path, filebase, parser.opts) + ": ";
auto included_files = parser.GetIncludedFilesRecursive(file_name);
for (auto it = included_files.begin(); it != included_files.end(); ++it) {
make_rule += " " + *it;
return make_rule;
} // namespace flatbuffers
// TODO(rw): Generated code should import other generated files.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should refer to namespaces in included files in a
// way that makes them referrable.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should indent according to nesting level.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should generate endian-safe Debug impls.
// TODO(rw): Generated code could use a Rust-only enum type to access unions,
// instead of making the user use _type() to manually switch.
// TODO(maxburke): There should be test schemas added that use language
// keywords as fields of structs, tables, unions, enums, to make sure
// that internal code generated references escaped names correctly.
// TODO(maxburke): We should see if there is a more flexible way of resolving
// module paths for use declarations. Right now if schemas refer to
// other flatbuffer files, the include paths in emitted Rust bindings
// are crate-relative which may undesirable.