blob: 48858bdad41fff1c7ba4710fc0b561edc41fa48f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// independent from idl_parser, since this code is not needed for most clients
#include "flatbuffers/code_generators.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
static std::string GeneratedFileName(const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
return path + file_name + "";
// Convert a camelCaseIdentifier or CamelCaseIdentifier to a
// snake_case_indentifier.
std::string MakeSnakeCase(const std::string &in) {
std::string s;
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) {
if (i == 0) {
s += static_cast<char>(tolower(in[0]));
} else if (in[i] == '_') {
s += '_';
} else if (!islower(in[i])) {
// Prevent duplicate underscores for Upper_Snake_Case strings
// and UPPERCASE strings.
if (islower(in[i - 1])) {
s += '_';
s += static_cast<char>(tolower(in[i]));
} else {
s += in[i];
return s;
// Convert a string to all uppercase.
std::string MakeUpper(const std::string &in) {
std::string s;
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) {
s += static_cast<char>(toupper(in[i]));
return s;
// Encapsulate all logical field types in this enum. This allows us to write
// field logic based on type switches, instead of branches on the properties
// set on the Type.
// TODO(rw): for backwards compatibility, we can't use a strict `enum class`
// declaration here. could we use the `-Wswitch-enum` warning to
// achieve the same effect?
enum FullType {
ftInteger = 0,
ftFloat = 1,
ftBool = 2,
ftStruct = 3,
ftTable = 4,
ftEnumKey = 5,
ftUnionKey = 6,
ftUnionValue = 7,
// TODO(rw): bytestring?
ftString = 8,
ftVectorOfInteger = 9,
ftVectorOfFloat = 10,
ftVectorOfBool = 11,
ftVectorOfEnumKey = 12,
ftVectorOfStruct = 13,
ftVectorOfTable = 14,
ftVectorOfString = 15,
ftVectorOfUnionValue = 16,
// Convert a Type to a FullType (exhaustive).
FullType GetFullType(const Type &type) {
// N.B. The order of these conditionals matters for some types.
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
return ftString;
} else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
if (type.struct_def->fixed) {
return ftStruct;
} else {
return ftTable;
} else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
switch (GetFullType(type.VectorType())) {
case ftInteger: {
return ftVectorOfInteger;
case ftFloat: {
return ftVectorOfFloat;
case ftBool: {
return ftVectorOfBool;
case ftStruct: {
return ftVectorOfStruct;
case ftTable: {
return ftVectorOfTable;
case ftString: {
return ftVectorOfString;
case ftEnumKey: {
return ftVectorOfEnumKey;
case ftUnionKey:
case ftUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are unsupported");
default: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vector of vectors are unsupported");
} else if (type.enum_def != nullptr) {
if (type.enum_def->is_union) {
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
return ftUnionValue;
} else if (IsInteger(type.base_type)) {
return ftUnionKey;
} else {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "unknown union field type");
} else {
return ftEnumKey;
} else if (IsScalar(type.base_type)) {
if (IsBool(type.base_type)) {
return ftBool;
} else if (IsInteger(type.base_type)) {
return ftInteger;
} else if (IsFloat(type.base_type)) {
return ftFloat;
} else {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "unknown number type");
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "completely unknown type");
// this is only to satisfy the compiler's return analysis.
return ftBool;
// If the second parameter is false then wrap the first with Option<...>
std::string WrapInOptionIfNotRequired(std::string s, bool required) {
if (required) {
return s;
} else {
return "Option<" + s + ">";
// If the second parameter is false then add .unwrap()
std::string AddUnwrapIfRequired(std::string s, bool required) {
if (required) {
return s + ".unwrap()";
} else {
return s;
namespace rust {
class RustGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
RustGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name, "", "::"),
cur_name_space_(nullptr) {
const char *keywords[] = {
// list taken from:
// we write keywords one per line so that we can easily compare them with
// changes to that webpage in the future.
// currently-used keywords
// future possible keywords
// other rust terms we should not use
// These are terms the code generator can implement on types.
// In Rust, the trait resolution rules (as described at
// mean that, as long
// as we impl table accessors as inherent methods, we'll never create
// conflicts with these keywords. However, that's a fairly nuanced
// implementation detail, and how we implement methods could change in
// the future. as a result, we proactively block these out as reserved
// words.
nullptr };
for (auto kw = keywords; *kw; kw++) keywords_.insert(*kw);
// Iterate through all definitions we haven't generated code for (enums,
// structs, and tables) and output them to a single file.
bool generate() {
code_ += "// " + std::string(FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning()) + "\n\n";
code_ += "#![allow(dead_code)]";
code_ += "#![allow(unused_imports)]";
code_ += "extern crate flatbuffers;\n";
// Generate all code in their namespaces, once, because Rust does not
// permit re-opening modules.
// TODO(rw): Use a set data structure to reduce namespace evaluations from
// O(n**2) to O(n).
for (auto ns_it = parser_.namespaces_.begin();
ns_it != parser_.namespaces_.end();
++ns_it) {
const auto &ns = *ns_it;
// Generate code for all the enum declarations.
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser_.enums_.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &enum_def = **it;
if (enum_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
if (!enum_def.generated) {
// Generate code for all structs.
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
if (struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
// Generate code for all tables.
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
if (!struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
// Generate global helper functions.
if (parser_.root_struct_def_) {
auto &struct_def = *parser_.root_struct_def_;
if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
if (cur_name_space_) SetNameSpace(nullptr);
const auto file_path = GeneratedFileName(path_, file_name_);
const auto final_code = code_.ToString();
return SaveFile(file_path.c_str(), final_code, false);
CodeWriter code_;
std::set<std::string> keywords_;
// This tracks the current namespace so we can insert namespace declarations.
const Namespace *cur_name_space_;
const Namespace *CurrentNameSpace() const { return cur_name_space_; }
// Determine if a Type needs a lifetime template parameter when used in the
// Rust builder args.
bool TableBuilderTypeNeedsLifetime(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey:
case ftUnionValue: { return false; }
default: { return true; }
// Determine if a table args rust type needs a lifetime template parameter.
bool TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(const StructDef &struct_def) const {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) {
if (TableBuilderTypeNeedsLifetime(field.value.type)) {
return true;
return false;
// Determine if a Type needs to be copied (for endian safety) when used in a
// Struct.
bool StructMemberAccessNeedsCopy(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger: // requires endian swap
case ftFloat: // requires endian swap
case ftBool: // no endian-swap, but do the copy for UX consistency
case ftEnumKey: { return true; } // requires endian swap
case ftStruct: { return false; } // no endian swap
default: {
// logic error: no other types can be struct members.
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "invalid struct member type");
return false; // only to satisfy compiler's return analysis
std::string EscapeKeyword(const std::string &name) const {
return keywords_.find(name) == keywords_.end() ? name : name + "_";
std::string Name(const Definition &def) const {
return EscapeKeyword(;
std::string Name(const EnumVal &ev) const { return EscapeKeyword(; }
std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Definition &def) const {
return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, Name(def));
std::string WrapInNameSpace(const Namespace *ns,
const std::string &name) const {
if (CurrentNameSpace() == ns) return name;
std::string prefix = GetRelativeNamespaceTraversal(CurrentNameSpace(), ns);
return prefix + name;
// Determine the namespace traversal needed from the Rust crate root.
// This may be useful in the future for referring to included files, but is
// currently unused.
std::string GetAbsoluteNamespaceTraversal(const Namespace *dst) const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "::";
for (auto d = dst->components.begin(); d != dst->components.end(); d++) {
stream << MakeSnakeCase(*d) + "::";
return stream.str();
// Determine the relative namespace traversal needed to reference one
// namespace from another namespace. This is useful because it does not force
// the user to have a particular file layout. (If we output absolute
// namespace paths, that may require users to organize their Rust crates in a
// particular way.)
std::string GetRelativeNamespaceTraversal(const Namespace *src,
const Namespace *dst) const {
// calculate the path needed to reference dst from src.
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B::C) -> (none)
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B) -> super::
// example: f(A::B::C, A::B::D) -> super::D
// example: f(A::B::C, A) -> super::super::
// example: f(A::B::C, D) -> super::super::super::D
// example: f(A::B::C, D::E) -> super::super::super::D::E
// example: f(A, D::E) -> super::D::E
// does not include leaf object (typically a struct type).
size_t i = 0;
std::stringstream stream;
auto s = src->components.begin();
auto d = dst->components.begin();
for(;;) {
if (s == src->components.end()) { break; }
if (d == dst->components.end()) { break; }
if (*s != *d) { break; }
for (; s != src->components.end(); s++) {
stream << "super::";
for (; d != dst->components.end(); d++) {
stream << MakeSnakeCase(*d) + "::";
return stream.str();
// Generate a comment from the schema.
void GenComment(const std::vector<std::string> &dc, const char *prefix = "") {
std::string text;
::flatbuffers::GenComment(dc, &text, nullptr, prefix);
code_ += text + "\\";
// Return a Rust type from the table in idl.h.
std::string GetTypeBasic(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: { break; }
default: { FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "incorrect type given");}
// clang-format off
static const char * const ctypename[] = {
// clang-format on
if (type.enum_def) { return WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def); }
return ctypename[type.base_type];
// Look up the native type for an enum. This will always be an integer like
// u8, i32, etc.
std::string GetEnumTypeForDecl(const Type &type) {
const auto ft = GetFullType(type);
if (!(ft == ftEnumKey || ft == ftUnionKey)) {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "precondition failed in GetEnumTypeForDecl");
static const char *ctypename[] = {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
// Enums can be bools, but their Rust representation must be a u8, as used
// in the repr attribute (#[repr(bool)] is an invalid attribute).
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) return "u8";
return ctypename[type.base_type];
// Return a Rust type for any type (scalar, table, struct) specifically for
// using a FlatBuffer.
std::string GetTypeGet(const Type &type) const {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
return GetTypeBasic(type); }
case ftTable: {
return WrapInNameSpace(type.struct_def->defined_namespace,
type.struct_def->name) + "<'a>"; }
default: {
return WrapInNameSpace(type.struct_def->defined_namespace,
type.struct_def->name); }
std::string GetEnumValUse(const EnumDef &enum_def,
const EnumVal &enum_val) const {
return Name(enum_def) + "::" + Name(enum_val);
// Generate an enum declaration,
// an enum string lookup table,
// an enum match function,
// and an enum array of values
void GenEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME", Name(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("BASE_TYPE", GetEnumTypeForDecl(enum_def.underlying_type));
code_ += "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]";
code_ += "#[repr({{BASE_TYPE}})]";
code_ += "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]";
code_ += "pub enum " + Name(enum_def) + " {";
int64_t anyv = 0;
const EnumVal *minv = nullptr, *maxv = nullptr;
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin(); it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
GenComment(ev.doc_comment, " ");
code_.SetValue("KEY", Name(ev));
code_.SetValue("VALUE", NumToString(ev.value));
code_ += " {{KEY}} = {{VALUE}},";
minv = !minv || minv->value > ev.value ? &ev : minv;
maxv = !maxv || maxv->value < ev.value ? &ev : maxv;
anyv |= ev.value;
code_ += "";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME", Name(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME_SNAKE", MakeSnakeCase(Name(enum_def)));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME_CAPS", MakeUpper(MakeSnakeCase(Name(enum_def))));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE", NumToString(minv->value));
code_.SetValue("ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE", NumToString(maxv->value));
// Generate enum constants, and impls for Follow, EndianScalar, and Push.
code_ += "const ENUM_MIN_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}} = \\";
code_ += "{{ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += "const ENUM_MAX_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}} = \\";
code_ += "{{ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = Self;";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::read_scalar_at::<Self>(buf, loc)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::EndianScalar for {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn to_little_endian(self) -> Self {";
code_ += " let n = {{BASE_TYPE}}::to_le(self as {{BASE_TYPE}});";
code_ += " let p = &n as *const {{BASE_TYPE}} as *const {{ENUM_NAME}};";
code_ += " unsafe { *p }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn from_little_endian(self) -> Self {";
code_ += " let n = {{BASE_TYPE}}::from_le(self as {{BASE_TYPE}});";
code_ += " let p = &n as *const {{BASE_TYPE}} as *const {{ENUM_NAME}};";
code_ += " unsafe { *p }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::Push for {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Output = {{ENUM_NAME}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _rest: &[u8]) {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::emplace_scalar::<{{ENUM_NAME}}>"
"(dst, *self);";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate an array of all enumeration values.
auto num_fields = NumToString(enum_def.vals.vec.size());
code_ += "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]";
code_ += "const ENUM_VALUES_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}:[{{ENUM_NAME}}; " +
num_fields + "] = [";
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin(); it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
auto value = GetEnumValUse(enum_def, ev);
auto suffix = *it != enum_def.vals.vec.back() ? "," : "";
code_ += " " + value + suffix;
code_ += "];";
code_ += "";
// Generate a string table for enum values.
// Problem is, if values are very sparse that could generate really big
// tables. Ideally in that case we generate a map lookup instead, but for
// the moment we simply don't output a table at all.
auto range =
enum_def.vals.vec.back()->value - enum_def.vals.vec.front()->value + 1;
// Average distance between values above which we consider a table
// "too sparse". Change at will.
static const int kMaxSparseness = 5;
if (range / static_cast<int64_t>(enum_def.vals.vec.size()) <
kMaxSparseness) {
code_ += "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]";
code_ += "const ENUM_NAMES_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}:[&'static str; " +
NumToString(range) + "] = [";
auto val = enum_def.vals.vec.front()->value;
for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin(); it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
while (val++ != ev.value) { code_ += " \"\","; }
auto suffix = *it != enum_def.vals.vec.back() ? "," : "";
code_ += " \"" + Name(ev) + "\"" + suffix;
code_ += "];";
code_ += "";
code_ += "pub fn enum_name_{{ENUM_NAME_SNAKE}}(e: {{ENUM_NAME}}) -> "
"&'static str {";
code_ += " let index: usize = e as usize\\";
if (enum_def.vals.vec.front()->value) {
auto vals = GetEnumValUse(enum_def, *enum_def.vals.vec.front());
code_ += " - " + vals + " as usize\\";
code_ += ";";
code_ += " ENUM_NAMES_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}[index]";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
if (enum_def.is_union) {
// Generate tyoesafe offset(s) for unions
code_.SetValue("NAME", Name(enum_def));
code_.SetValue("UNION_OFFSET_NAME", Name(enum_def) + "UnionTableOffset");
code_ += "pub struct {{UNION_OFFSET_NAME}} {}";
std::string GetFieldOffsetName(const FieldDef &field) {
return "VT_" + MakeUpper(Name(field));
std::string GetDefaultConstant(const FieldDef &field) {
return field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_FLOAT
? field.value.constant + ""
: field.value.constant;
std::string GetDefaultScalarValue(const FieldDef &field) {
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger: { return GetDefaultConstant(field); }
case ftFloat: { return GetDefaultConstant(field); }
case ftBool: {
return field.value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
auto ev = field.value.type.enum_def->ReverseLookup(
StringToInt(field.value.constant.c_str()), false);
return WrapInNameSpace(field.value.type.enum_def->defined_namespace,
GetEnumValUse(*field.value.type.enum_def, *ev));
// All pointer-ish types have a default value of None, because they are
// wrapped in Option.
default: { return "None"; }
// Create the return type for fields in the *BuilderArgs structs that are
// used to create Tables.
// Note: we could make all inputs to the BuilderArgs be an Option, as well
// as all outputs. But, the UX of Flatbuffers is that the user doesn't get to
// know if the value is default or not, because there are three ways to
// return a default value:
// 1) return a stored value that happens to be the default,
// 2) return a hardcoded value because the relevant vtable field is not in
// the vtable, or
// 3) return a hardcoded value because the vtable field value is set to zero.
std::string TableBuilderArgsDefnType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string lifetime) {
const Type& type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
return typname;
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "Option<&" + lifetime + " " + typname + ">";
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" + typname + "<" + lifetime + \
case ftString: {
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>>";
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftUnionValue: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>>";
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", " + typname + ">>>";
case ftVectorOfBool: {
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", bool>>>";
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", " + typname + ">>>";
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", " + typname + ">>>";
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + typname + \
"<" + lifetime + ">>>>>";
case ftVectorOfString: {
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + lifetime + \
" str>>>>";
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def) + \
return "Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + \
lifetime + ", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">>>>";
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string TableBuilderArgsDefaultValue(const FieldDef &field) {
return GetDefaultScalarValue(field);
std::string TableBuilderAddFuncDefaultValue(const FieldDef &field) {
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
const std::string basetype = GetTypeBasic(field.value.type);
return GetDefaultScalarValue(field);
default: { return GetDefaultScalarValue(field); }
std::string TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string lifetime) {
const Type& type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", " + typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + typname + \
"<" + lifetime + ">>>>";
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", " + typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfBool: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", bool>>";
case ftVectorOfString: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>>>";
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", " + typname + ">>";
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + \
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Table<" + \
lifetime + ">>>";
case ftEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "&" + lifetime + " " + typname + "";
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" + typname + "<" + lifetime + ">>";
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
return typname;
case ftBool: {
return "bool";
case ftString: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>";
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftUnionValue: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>";
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string TableBuilderArgsAddFuncBody(const FieldDef &field) {
const Type& type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(field.value.type);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot::<" + typname + ">";
case ftBool: {
return "self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>";
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto underlying_typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot::<" + underlying_typname + ">";
case ftStruct: {
const std::string typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<&" + typname + ">";
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<" + \
typname + ">>";
case ftUnionValue:
case ftString:
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat:
case ftVectorOfBool:
case ftVectorOfEnumKey:
case ftVectorOfStruct:
case ftVectorOfTable:
case ftVectorOfString:
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
return "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>";
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string lifetime) {
const Type& type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
return typname;
case ftBool: {
return "bool";
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("&" + lifetime + " " + typname, field.required);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired(typname + "<" + lifetime + ">", field.required);
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftUnionValue: {
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">", field.required);
case ftString: {
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("&" + lifetime + " str", field.required);
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
if (IsOneByte(type.VectorType().base_type)) {
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("&" + lifetime + " [" + typname + "]", field.required);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ">", field.required);
case ftVectorOfBool: {
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("&" + lifetime + " [bool]", field.required);
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ">", field.required);
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("&" + lifetime + " [" + typname + "]", field.required);
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + \
typname + "<" + lifetime + ">>>", field.required);
case ftVectorOfString: {
return WrapInOptionIfNotRequired("flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + \
lifetime + " str>>", field.required);
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
// TODO(rw): when we do support these, we should consider using the
// Into trait to convert tables to typesafe union values.
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
std::string GenTableAccessorFuncBody(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string lifetime,
const std::string offset_prefix) {
const std::string offset_name = offset_prefix + "::" + \
const Type& type = field.value.type;
switch (GetFullType(field.value.type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
const auto default_value = GetDefaultScalarValue(field);
return "self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">(" + offset_name + ", Some(" + \
default_value + ")).unwrap()";
case ftStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">(" + offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + \
typname + "<" + lifetime + ">>>(" + offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftUnionValue: {
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime + ">>>(" + offset_name + \
", None)", field.required);
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
const auto underlying_typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
const auto default_value = GetDefaultScalarValue(field);
return "self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">(" + offset_name + \
", Some(" + default_value + ")).unwrap()";
case ftString: {
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(" + \
offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftVectorOfInteger:
case ftVectorOfFloat: {
const auto typname = GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType());
std::string s = "self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + \
">>>(" + offset_name + ", None)";
// single-byte values are safe to slice
if (IsOneByte(type.VectorType().base_type)) {
s += ".map(|v| v.safe_slice())";
return AddUnwrapIfRequired(s, field.required);
case ftVectorOfBool: {
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", bool>>>(" + \
offset_name + ", None).map(|v| v.safe_slice())", field.required);
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<" + lifetime + ", " + typname + ">>>(" + \
offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<" + typname + ">>>(" + \
offset_name + ", None).map(|v| v.safe_slice() )", field.required);
case ftVectorOfTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<" + typname + \
"<" + lifetime + ">>>>>(" + offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftVectorOfString: {
return AddUnwrapIfRequired("self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<"
"flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&" + \
lifetime + " str>>>>(" + offset_name + ", None)", field.required);
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
bool TableFieldReturnsOption(const Type& type) {
switch (GetFullType(type)) {
case ftInteger:
case ftFloat:
case ftBool:
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey:
return false;
default: return true;
// Generate an accessor struct, builder struct, and create function for a
// table.
void GenTable(const StructDef &struct_def) {
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME", Name(struct_def));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_TYPELABEL", Name(struct_def) + "Offset");
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE", MakeSnakeCase(Name(struct_def)));
// Generate an offset type, the base type, the Follow impl, and the
// init_from_table impl.
code_ += "pub enum {{OFFSET_TYPELABEL}} {}";
code_ += "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "";
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " type Inner = {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>;";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " Self {";
code_ += " _tab: flatbuffers::Table { buf: buf, loc: loc },";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl<'a> {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> "
"Self {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " _tab: table,";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// Generate a convenient create* function that uses the above builder
// to create a table in one function call.
struct_def.fields.vec.size() == 0 ? "_" : "");
TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(struct_def) ? "<'args>" : "");
code_ += " #[allow(unused_mut)]";
code_ += " pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(";
code_ += " _fbb: "
"&'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,";
code_ += " {{MAYBE_US}}args: &'args {{STRUCT_NAME}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}})"
" -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'bldr>> {";
code_ += " let mut builder = {{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder::new(_fbb);";
for (size_t size = struct_def.sortbysize ? sizeof(largest_scalar_t) : 1;
size; size /= 2) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.rbegin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.rend(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
// TODO(rw): fully understand this sortbysize usage
if (!field.deprecated && (!struct_def.sortbysize ||
size == SizeOf(field.value.type.base_type))) {
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
if (TableFieldReturnsOption(field.value.type)) {
code_ += " if let Some(x) = args.{{FIELD_NAME}} "
"{ builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(x); }";
} else {
code_ += " builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(args.{{FIELD_NAME}});";
code_ += " builder.finish()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
// Generate field id constants.
if (struct_def.fields.vec.size() > 0) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) {
// Deprecated fields won't be accessible.
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_NAME", GetFieldOffsetName(field));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_VALUE", NumToString(field.value.offset));
code_ += " pub const {{OFFSET_NAME}}: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = "
code_ += "";
// Generate the accessors. Each has one of two forms:
// If a value can be None:
// pub fn name(&'a self) -> Option<user_facing_type> {
// self._tab.get::<internal_type>(offset, defaultval)
// }
// If a value is always Some:
// pub fn name(&'a self) -> user_facing_type {
// self._tab.get::<internal_type>(offset, defaultval).unwrap()
// }
const auto offset_prefix = Name(struct_def);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) {
// Deprecated fields won't be accessible.
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, "'a"));
GenTableAccessorFuncBody(field, "'a", offset_prefix));
GenComment(field.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}(&self) -> {{RETURN_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " {{FUNC_BODY}}";
code_ += " }";
// Generate a comparison function for this field if it is a key.
if (field.key) {
// Generate a nested flatbuffer field, if applicable.
auto nested = field.attributes.Lookup("nested_flatbuffer");
if (nested) {
std::string qualified_name = nested->constant;
auto nested_root = parser_.LookupStruct(nested->constant);
if (nested_root == nullptr) {
qualified_name = parser_.current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(
nested_root = parser_.LookupStruct(qualified_name);
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(nested_root); // Guaranteed to exist by parser.
offset_prefix + "::" + GetFieldOffsetName(field));
code_ += " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_nested_flatbuffer(&'a self) -> "
" Option<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>> {";
code_ += " match self.{{FIELD_NAME}}() {";
code_ += " None => { None }";
code_ += " Some(data) => {";
code_ += " use self::flatbuffers::Follow;";
code_ += " Some(<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset"
"<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>>>::follow(data, 0))";
code_ += " },";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// Explicit specializations for union accessors
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated || field.value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
auto u = field.value.type.enum_def;
if (u->uses_type_aliases) continue;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
for (auto u_it = u->vals.vec.begin(); u_it != u->vals.vec.end(); ++u_it) {
auto &ev = **u_it;
if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) { continue; }
auto table_init_type = WrapInNameSpace(
WrapInNameSpace(u->defined_namespace, GetEnumValUse(*u, ev)));
code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE", table_init_type);
code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_NAME", MakeSnakeCase(Name(ev)));
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " #[allow(non_snake_case)]";
code_ += " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&'a self) -> "
"Option<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}> {";
code_ += " if self.{{FIELD_NAME}}_type() == {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}().map(|u| "
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " None";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
code_ += "}"; // End of table impl.
code_ += "";
// Generate an args struct:
TableBuilderArgsNeedsLifetime(struct_def) ? "<'a>" : "");
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}} {";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated) {
code_.SetValue("PARAM_NAME", Name(field));
code_.SetValue("PARAM_TYPE", TableBuilderArgsDefnType(field, "'a "));
code_ += " pub {{PARAM_NAME}}: {{PARAM_TYPE}},";
code_ += "}";
// Generate an impl of Default for the *Args type:
code_ += "impl<'a> Default for {{STRUCT_NAME}}Args{{MAYBE_LT}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn default() -> Self {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}}Args {";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated) {
code_.SetValue("PARAM_VALUE", TableBuilderArgsDefaultValue(field));
code_.SetValue("REQ", field.required ? " // required field" : "");
code_.SetValue("PARAM_NAME", Name(field));
code_ += " {{PARAM_NAME}}: {{PARAM_VALUE}},{{REQ}}";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
// Generate a builder struct:
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder<'a: 'b, 'b> {";
code_ += " fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,";
code_ += " start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<"
code_ += "}";
// Generate builder functions:
code_ += "impl<'a: 'b, 'b> {{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder<'a, 'b> {";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated) {
const bool is_scalar = IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type);
std::string offset = GetFieldOffsetName(field);
std::string name = Name(field);
std::string value = GetDefaultScalarValue(field);
// Generate functions to add data, which take one of two forms.
// If a value has a default:
// fn add_x(x_: type) {
// fbb_.push_slot::<type>(offset, x_, Some(default));
// }
// If a value does not have a default:
// fn add_x(x_: type) {
// fbb_.push_slot_always::<type>(offset, x_);
// }
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OFFSET", Name(struct_def) + "::" + offset);
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(field, "'b "));
code_.SetValue("FUNC_BODY", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncBody(field));
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(&mut self, {{FIELD_NAME}}: "
"{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
if (is_scalar) {
code_ += " {{FUNC_BODY}}({{FIELD_OFFSET}}, {{FIELD_NAME}}, "
} else {
code_ += " {{FUNC_BODY}}({{FIELD_OFFSET}}, {{FIELD_NAME}});";
code_ += " }";
// Struct initializer (all fields required);
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ +=
" pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> "
"{{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder<'a, 'b> {";
code_.SetValue("NUM_FIELDS", NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size()));
code_ += " let start = _fbb.start_table();";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder {";
code_ += " fbb_: _fbb,";
code_ += " start_: start,";
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// finish() function.
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn finish(self) -> "
"flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>> {";
code_ += " let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.required) {
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", MakeSnakeCase(Name(field)));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_NAME", GetFieldOffsetName(field));
code_ += " self.fbb_.required(o, {{STRUCT_NAME}}::{{OFFSET_NAME}},"
code_ += " flatbuffers::WIPOffset::new(o.value())";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate functions to compare tables and structs by key. This function
// must only be called if the field key is defined.
void GenKeyFieldMethods(const FieldDef &field) {
code_.SetValue("KEY_TYPE", GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, ""));
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn key_compare_less_than(&self, o: &{{STRUCT_NAME}}) -> "
" bool {";
code_ += " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}() < o.{{FIELD_NAME}}()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " pub fn key_compare_with_value(&self, val: {{KEY_TYPE}}) -> "
" ::std::cmp::Ordering {";
code_ += " let key = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
code_ += " key.cmp(&val)";
code_ += " }";
// Generate functions for accessing the root table object. This function
// must only be called if the root table is defined.
void GenRootTableFuncs(const StructDef &struct_def) {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(parser_.root_struct_def_ && "root table not defined");
auto name = Name(struct_def);
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME", name);
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE", MakeSnakeCase(name));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME_CAPS", MakeUpper(MakeSnakeCase(name)));
// The root datatype accessors:
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ +=
"pub fn get_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}<'a>(buf: &'a [u8])"
" -> {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::get_root::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn get_size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
"<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::get_size_prefixed_root::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>>"
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
// Declare the identifier
code_ += "pub const {{STRUCT_NAME_CAPS}}_IDENTIFIER: &'static str\\";
code_ += " = \"" + parser_.file_identifier_ + "\";";
code_ += "";
// Check if a buffer has the identifier.
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn {{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_buffer_has_identifier\\";
code_ += "(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {";
code_ += " return flatbuffers::buffer_has_identifier(buf, \\";
code_ += "{{STRUCT_NAME_CAPS}}_IDENTIFIER, false);";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn {{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_size_prefixed\\";
code_ += "_buffer_has_identifier(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {";
code_ += " return flatbuffers::buffer_has_identifier(buf, \\";
code_ += "{{STRUCT_NAME_CAPS}}_IDENTIFIER, true);";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
if (parser_.file_extension_.length()) {
// Return the extension
code_ += "pub const {{STRUCT_NAME_CAPS}}_EXTENSION: &'static str = \\";
code_ += "\"" + parser_.file_extension_ + "\";";
code_ += "";
// Finish a buffer with a given root object:
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_TYPELABEL", Name(struct_def) + "Offset");
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn finish_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_buffer<'a, 'b>(";
code_ += " fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,";
code_ += " root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>>) {";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
code_ += " fbb.finish(root, Some({{STRUCT_NAME_CAPS}}_IDENTIFIER));";
} else {
code_ += " fbb.finish(root, None);";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "pub fn finish_size_prefixed_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_buffer"
"<'a, 'b>("
"fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>, "
"root: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a>>) {";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
code_ += " fbb.finish_size_prefixed(root, "
} else {
code_ += " fbb.finish_size_prefixed(root, None);";
code_ += "}";
static void GenPadding(
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr, int *id,
const std::function<void(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id)> &f) {
if (field.padding) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (static_cast<int>(field.padding) & (1 << i)) {
f((1 << i) * 8, code_ptr, id);
assert(!(field.padding & ~0xF));
static void PaddingDefinition(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id) {
*code_ptr += " padding" + NumToString((*id)++) + "__: u" + \
NumToString(bits) + ",";
static void PaddingInitializer(int bits, std::string *code_ptr, int *id) {
*code_ptr += "padding" + NumToString((*id)++) + "__: 0,";
// Generate an accessor struct with constructor for a flatbuffers struct.
void GenStruct(const StructDef &struct_def) {
// Generates manual padding and alignment.
// Variables are private because they contain little endian data on all
// platforms.
code_.SetValue("ALIGN", NumToString(struct_def.minalign));
code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME", Name(struct_def));
code_ += "// struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}, aligned to {{ALIGN}}";
code_ += "#[repr(C, align({{ALIGN}}))]";
// PartialEq is useful to derive because we can correctly compare structs
// for equality by just comparing their underlying byte data. This doesn't
// hold for PartialOrd/Ord.
code_ += "#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]";
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
int padding_id = 0;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", GetTypeGet(field.value.type));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
code_ += " {{FIELD_NAME}}_: {{FIELD_TYPE}},";
if (field.padding) {
std::string padding;
GenPadding(field, &padding, &padding_id, PaddingDefinition);
code_ += padding;
code_ += "} // pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}";
// Generate impls for SafeSliceAccess (because all structs are endian-safe),
// Follow for the value type, Follow for the reference type, Push for the
// value type, and Push for the reference type.
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::SafeSliceAccess for {{STRUCT_NAME}} {}";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = &'a {{STRUCT_NAME}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " <&'a {{STRUCT_NAME}}>::follow(buf, loc)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for &'a {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Inner = &'a {{STRUCT_NAME}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::follow_cast_ref::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>(buf, loc)";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl<'b> flatbuffers::Push for {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Output = {{STRUCT_NAME}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _rest: &[u8]) {";
code_ += " let src = unsafe {";
code_ += " ::std::slice::from_raw_parts("
"self as *const {{STRUCT_NAME}} as *const u8, Self::size())";
code_ += " };";
code_ += " dst.copy_from_slice(src);";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "impl<'b> flatbuffers::Push for &'b {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " type Output = {{STRUCT_NAME}};";
code_ += "";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _rest: &[u8]) {";
code_ += " let src = unsafe {";
code_ += " ::std::slice::from_raw_parts("
"*self as *const {{STRUCT_NAME}} as *const u8, Self::size())";
code_ += " };";
code_ += " dst.copy_from_slice(src);";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "";
// Generate a constructor that takes all fields as arguments.
code_ += "impl {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
std::string arg_list;
std::string init_list;
padding_id = 0;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
const auto member_name = Name(field) + "_";
const auto reference = StructMemberAccessNeedsCopy(field.value.type)
? "" : "&'a ";
const auto arg_name = "_" + Name(field);
const auto arg_type = reference + GetTypeGet(field.value.type);
if (it != struct_def.fields.vec.begin()) {
arg_list += ", ";
arg_list += arg_name + ": ";
arg_list += arg_type;
init_list += " " + member_name;
if (StructMemberAccessNeedsCopy(field.value.type)) {
init_list += ": " + arg_name + ".to_little_endian(),\n";
} else {
init_list += ": *" + arg_name + ",\n";
code_.SetValue("ARG_LIST", arg_list);
code_.SetValue("INIT_LIST", init_list);
code_ += " pub fn new<'a>({{ARG_LIST}}) -> Self {";
code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += "{{INIT_LIST}}";
padding_id = 0;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.padding) {
std::string padding;
GenPadding(field, &padding, &padding_id, PaddingInitializer);
code_ += " " + padding;
code_ += " }";
code_ += " }";
// Generate accessor methods for the struct.
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
auto field_type = TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(field, "'a");
auto member = "self." + Name(field) + "_";
auto value = StructMemberAccessNeedsCopy(field.value.type) ?
member + ".from_little_endian()" : member;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", field_type);
code_.SetValue("FIELD_VALUE", value);
code_.SetValue("REF", IsStruct(field.value.type) ? "&" : "");
GenComment(field.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}<'a>(&'a self) -> {{FIELD_TYPE}} {";
code_ += " {{REF}}{{FIELD_VALUE}}";
code_ += " }";
// Generate a comparison function for this field if it is a key.
if (field.key) {
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Set up the correct namespace. This opens a namespace if the current
// namespace is different from the target namespace. This function
// closes and opens the namespaces only as necessary.
// The file must start and end with an empty (or null) namespace so that
// namespaces are properly opened and closed.
void SetNameSpace(const Namespace *ns) {
if (cur_name_space_ == ns) { return; }
// Compute the size of the longest common namespace prefix.
// If cur_name_space is A::B::C::D and ns is A::B::E::F::G,
// the common prefix is A::B:: and we have old_size = 4, new_size = 5
// and common_prefix_size = 2
size_t old_size = cur_name_space_ ? cur_name_space_->components.size() : 0;
size_t new_size = ns ? ns->components.size() : 0;
size_t common_prefix_size = 0;
while (common_prefix_size < old_size && common_prefix_size < new_size &&
ns->components[common_prefix_size] ==
cur_name_space_->components[common_prefix_size]) {
// Close cur_name_space in reverse order to reach the common prefix.
// In the previous example, D then C are closed.
for (size_t j = old_size; j > common_prefix_size; --j) {
code_ += "} // pub mod " + cur_name_space_->components[j - 1];
if (old_size != common_prefix_size) { code_ += ""; }
// open namespace parts to reach the ns namespace
// in the previous example, E, then F, then G are opened
for (auto j = common_prefix_size; j != new_size; ++j) {
code_ += "pub mod " + MakeSnakeCase(ns->components[j]) + " {";
code_ += " #![allow(dead_code)]";
code_ += " #![allow(unused_imports)]";
code_ += "";
code_ += " use std::mem;";
code_ += " use std::cmp::Ordering;";
code_ += "";
code_ += " extern crate flatbuffers;";
code_ += " use self::flatbuffers::EndianScalar;";
if (new_size != common_prefix_size) { code_ += ""; }
cur_name_space_ = ns;
} // namespace rust
bool GenerateRust(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
rust::RustGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name);
return generator.generate();
std::string RustMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
std::string filebase =
std::string make_rule = GeneratedFileName(path, filebase) + ": ";
auto included_files = parser.GetIncludedFilesRecursive(file_name);
for (auto it = included_files.begin(); it != included_files.end(); ++it) {
make_rule += " " + *it;
return make_rule;
} // namespace flatbuffers
// TODO(rw): Generated code should import other generated files.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should refer to namespaces in included files in a
// way that makes them referrable.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should indent according to nesting level.
// TODO(rw): Generated code should generate endian-safe Debug impls.
// TODO(rw): Generated code could use a Rust-only enum type to access unions,
// instead of making the user use _type() to manually switch.