blob: 21db19d22b61cb4b95da2ec432a4ede2e75e8784 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "flatbuffers/base.h"
#include "flatbuffers/reflection.h"
#include "flatbuffers/stl_emulation.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
enum class BinaryRegionType {
Unknown = 0,
UOffset = 1,
SOffset = 2,
VOffset = 3,
Bool = 4,
Byte = 5,
Char = 6,
Uint8 = 7,
Int8 = 8,
Uint16 = 9,
Int16 = 10,
Uint32 = 11,
Int32 = 12,
Uint64 = 13,
Int64 = 14,
Float = 15,
Double = 16,
UType = 17,
template<typename T>
static inline std::string ToHex(T i, size_t width = sizeof(T)) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(static_cast<int>(width))
<< i;
return stream.str();
// Specialized version for uint8_t that don't work well with std::hex.
static inline std::string ToHex(uint8_t i) {
return ToHex<int>(static_cast<int>(i), 2);
enum class BinaryRegionStatus {
OK = 0,
WARN = 100,
ERROR = 200,
// An offset is pointing outside the binary bounds.
// Expecting to read N bytes but not enough remain in the binary.
// When a length of a vtable/vector is longer than possible.
// When a length of a vtable/vector is shorter than possible.
// A field mark required is not present in the vtable.
// A realized union type is not within the enum bounds.
// Occurs when there is a cycle in offsets.
enum class BinaryRegionCommentType {
Unknown = 0,
// The offset to the root table.
// The optional 4-char file identifier.
// Generic 0-filled padding
// The size of the vtable.
// The size of the referring table.
// Offsets to vtable fields.
// Offsets to unknown vtable fields.
// The vtable offset of a table.
// A "inline" table field value.
// A table field that is unknown.
// A table field value that points to another section.
// A struct field value.
// A array field value.
// The length of the string.
// The string contents.
// The explicit string terminator.
// The length of the vector (# of items).
// A "inline" value of a vector.
// A vector value that points to another section.
struct BinaryRegionComment {
BinaryRegionStatus status = BinaryRegionStatus::OK;
// If status is non OK, this may be filled in with additional details.
std::string status_message;
BinaryRegionCommentType type = BinaryRegionCommentType::Unknown;
std::string name;
std::string default_value;
size_t index = 0;
struct BinaryRegion {
// Offset into the binary where this region begins.
uint64_t offset = 0;
// The length of this region in bytes.
uint64_t length = 0;
// The underlying datatype of this region
BinaryRegionType type = BinaryRegionType::Unknown;
// If `type` is an array/vector, this is the number of those types this region
// encompasses.
uint64_t array_length = 0;
// If the is an offset to some other region, this is what it points to. The
// offset is relative to overall binary, not to this region.
uint64_t points_to_offset = 0;
// The comment on the region.
BinaryRegionComment comment;
enum class BinarySectionType {
Unknown = 0,
Header = 1,
Table = 2,
RootTable = 3,
VTable = 4,
Struct = 5,
String = 6,
Vector = 7,
Union = 8,
Padding = 9,
// A section of the binary that is grouped together in some logical manner, and
// often is pointed too by some other offset BinaryRegion. Sections include
// `tables`, `vtables`, `strings`, `vectors`, etc..
struct BinarySection {
// User-specified name of the section, if applicable.
std::string name;
// The type of this section.
BinarySectionType type = BinarySectionType::Unknown;
// The binary regions that make up this section, in order of their offsets.
std::vector<BinaryRegion> regions;
inline static BinaryRegionType GetRegionType(reflection::BaseType base_type) {
switch (base_type) {
case reflection::UType: return BinaryRegionType::UType;
case reflection::Bool: return BinaryRegionType::Uint8;
case reflection::Byte: return BinaryRegionType::Uint8;
case reflection::UByte: return BinaryRegionType::Uint8;
case reflection::Short: return BinaryRegionType::Int16;
case reflection::UShort: return BinaryRegionType::Uint16;
case reflection::Int: return BinaryRegionType::Uint32;
case reflection::UInt: return BinaryRegionType::Uint32;
case reflection::Long: return BinaryRegionType::Int64;
case reflection::ULong: return BinaryRegionType::Uint64;
case reflection::Float: return BinaryRegionType::Float;
case reflection::Double: return BinaryRegionType::Double;
default: return BinaryRegionType::Unknown;
inline static std::string ToString(const BinaryRegionType type) {
switch (type) {
case BinaryRegionType::UOffset: return "UOffset32";
case BinaryRegionType::SOffset: return "SOffset32";
case BinaryRegionType::VOffset: return "VOffset16";
case BinaryRegionType::Bool: return "bool";
case BinaryRegionType::Char: return "char";
case BinaryRegionType::Byte: return "int8_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Uint8: return "uint8_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Uint16: return "uint16_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Uint32: return "uint32_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Uint64: return "uint64_t"; ;
case BinaryRegionType::Int8: return "int8_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Int16: return "int16_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Int32: return "int32_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Int64: return "int64_t";
case BinaryRegionType::Double: return "double";
case BinaryRegionType::Float: return "float";
case BinaryRegionType::UType: return "UType8";
case BinaryRegionType::Unknown: return "?uint8_t";
default: return "todo";
class BinaryAnnotator {
explicit BinaryAnnotator(const uint8_t *const bfbs,
const uint64_t bfbs_length,
const uint8_t *const binary,
const uint64_t binary_length)
: bfbs_(bfbs),
binary_length_(binary_length) {}
std::map<uint64_t, BinarySection> Annotate();
struct VTable {
struct Entry {
const reflection::Field *field = nullptr;
uint16_t offset_from_table = 0;
// Field ID -> {field def, offset from table}
std::map<uint16_t, Entry> fields;
uint16_t vtable_size = 0;
uint16_t table_size = 0;
uint64_t BuildHeader(uint64_t offset);
void BuildVTable(uint64_t offset, const reflection::Object *table,
uint64_t offset_of_referring_table);
void BuildTable(uint64_t offset, const BinarySectionType type,
const reflection::Object *table);
uint64_t BuildStruct(uint64_t offset, std::vector<BinaryRegion> &regions,
const std::string referring_field_name,
const reflection::Object *structure);
void BuildString(uint64_t offset, const reflection::Object *table,
const reflection::Field *field);
void BuildVector(uint64_t offset, const reflection::Object *table,
const reflection::Field *field, uint64_t parent_table_offset,
const VTable &vtable);
std::string BuildUnion(uint64_t offset, uint8_t realized_type,
const reflection::Field *field);
void FixMissingRegions();
void FixMissingSections();
inline bool IsValidOffset(const uint64_t offset) const {
return offset < binary_length_;
// Determines if performing a GetScalar request for `T` at `offset` would read
// passed the end of the binary.
template<typename T> inline bool IsValidRead(const uint64_t offset) const {
return IsValidRead(offset, sizeof(T));
inline bool IsValidRead(const uint64_t offset, const uint64_t length) const {
return length < binary_length_ && IsValidOffset(offset + length - 1);
// Calculate the number of bytes remaining from the given offset. If offset is
// > binary_length, 0 is returned.
uint64_t RemainingBytes(const uint64_t offset) const {
return IsValidOffset(offset) ? binary_length_ - offset : 0;
template<typename T>
flatbuffers::Optional<T> ReadScalar(const uint64_t offset) const {
if (!IsValidRead<T>(offset)) { return flatbuffers::nullopt; }
return flatbuffers::ReadScalar<T>(binary_ + offset);
// Adds the provided `section` keyed by the `offset` it occurs at. If a
// section is already added at that offset, it doesn't replace the exisiting
// one.
void AddSection(const uint64_t offset, const BinarySection &section) {
sections_.insert(std::make_pair(offset, section));
bool IsInlineField(const reflection::Field *const field) {
if (field->type()->base_type() == reflection::BaseType::Obj) {
return schema_->objects()->Get(field->type()->index())->is_struct();
return IsScalar(field->type()->base_type());
bool IsUnionType(const reflection::BaseType type) {
return (type == reflection::BaseType::UType ||
type == reflection::BaseType::Union);
bool IsUnionType(const reflection::Field *const field) {
return IsUnionType(field->type()->base_type()) &&
field->type()->index() >= 0;
bool IsValidUnionValue(const reflection::Field *const field,
const uint8_t value) {
return IsUnionType(field) &&
IsValidUnionValue(field->type()->index(), value);
bool IsValidUnionValue(const uint32_t enum_id, const uint8_t value) {
if (enum_id >= schema_->enums()->size()) { return false; }
const reflection::Enum *enum_def = schema_->enums()->Get(enum_id);
if (enum_def == nullptr) { return false; }
return value < enum_def->values()->size();
uint64_t GetElementSize(const reflection::Field *const field) {
if (IsScalar(field->type()->element())) {
return GetTypeSize(field->type()->element());
switch (field->type()->element()) {
case reflection::BaseType::Obj: {
auto obj = schema_->objects()->Get(field->type()->index());
return obj->is_struct() ? obj->bytesize() : sizeof(uint32_t);
default: return sizeof(uint32_t);
bool ContainsSection(const uint64_t offset);
// The schema for the binary file
const uint8_t *bfbs_;
const uint64_t bfbs_length_;
const reflection::Schema *schema_;
// The binary data itself.
const uint8_t *binary_;
const uint64_t binary_length_;
// Map of binary offset to vtables, to dedupe vtables.
std::map<uint64_t, VTable> vtables_;
// The annotated binary sections, index by their absolute offset.
std::map<uint64_t, BinarySection> sections_;
} // namespace flatbuffers