blob: dad59fc011506cb7b016dedea153fa7f92f5ffd2 [file] [log] [blame]
#[ MyGame.Example.TestSimpleTableWithEnum
Automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify.
Or modify. I'm a message, not a cop.
flatc version: 23.5.26
Declared by :
Rooting type : MyGame.Example.Monster ()
import Color as MyGame_Example_Color
import flatbuffers
type TestSimpleTableWithEnum* = object of FlatObj
func color*(self: TestSimpleTableWithEnum): MyGame_Example_Color.Color =
let o =
if o != 0:
return MyGame_Example_Color.Color(Get[uint8](, + o))
return type(result)(2)
func `color=`*(self: var TestSimpleTableWithEnum, n: MyGame_Example_Color.Color): bool =
return, n)
proc TestSimpleTableWithEnumStart*(builder: var Builder) =
proc TestSimpleTableWithEnumAddcolor*(builder: var Builder, color: uint8) =
builder.PrependSlot(0, color, default(uint8))
proc TestSimpleTableWithEnumEnd*(builder: var Builder): uoffset =
return builder.EndObject()