blob: 1af743760006fc0a00543ef82c84be03a4bc8bf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Path to configuration files.
# Placing this file in //build/secondary/third_party/ffmpeg causes it to be mirrored in
# //third_party/ffmpeg, where the build system expects it to be. The mirroring that achieves
# that doesn't work for config files, however. As a result, we have to be specific about where
# the config file can be found by the compiler.
# If at some point we are able to integrate this repo at //third_party/ffmpeg, this assignment
# must be restored to its previous value, namely:
# ffmpeg_config_root = "config/$ffmpeg_profile/$current_cpu"
ffmpeg_config_root =
has_yasm_deps = ffmpeg_yasm_sources != [] && current_cpu == "x64"
if (has_yasm_deps) {
yasm_assemble("ffmpeg_yasm") {
sources = []
foreach(source, ffmpeg_yasm_sources) {
sources += [ "src/" + source ]
# Ensure the architecture defines go in the command line before the -P
# file below, so don't use defines.
yasm_flags = []
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
yasm_flags += [ "-DARCH_X86_32" ]
} else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
yasm_flags += [ "-DARCH_X86_64" ]
inputs = [
# Sets visibility hidden for cglobal functions. Explicitly included
# to avoid overlooking changes to this file in incremental builds.
defines = [ "PIC" ]
include_dirs = [
# Disable warnings, prevents log spam for things we won't fix.
yasm_flags += [
rebase_path("$ffmpeg_config_root/config.asm", root_build_dir),
if (is_mac) {
# Necessary to ensure symbols end up with a _ prefix; added by
# yasm_assemble.gni for Windows, but not Mac.
defines += [ "PREFIX" ]
config("ffmpeg_dependent_config") {
include_dirs = [
# gn orders flags on a target before flags from configs. The default config
# adds -Wall, and these flags have to be after -Wall -- so they need to come
# from a config and can't be on the target directly.
config("ffmpegsumo_warnings") {
cflags = [
# ffmpeg uses its own deprecated functions.
# ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer constness.
# ffmpeg doesn't follow usual parentheses conventions.
# ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer signedness.
# ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer signedness.
# ffmpeg doesn't believe in exhaustive switch statements.
# matroskadec.c has a "failed:" label that's only used if some
# CONFIG_ flags we don't set are set.
# ffmpeg has a lot of unused variables.
# This fires on `av_assert0(!"valid element size")` in utils.c
# This fires on `pos_min` and `pos_max` in
# autorename_libavformat_utils.c
# ffmpeg contains static functions in header files, which lead
# to unused function warnings. There are a few legit unused
# functions too.
# vp3data.h's vp31_inter_dequant stores '128' in an int8_t array.
# ffmpeg compares ints and floats.
# fmmpeg may have questionable indentation. We should come back later
# to confirm if this indentation is expected.
config("ffmpeg_warnings") {
cflags = [
shared_library("ffmpeg") {
sources = []
foreach(source, ffmpeg_c_sources + ffmpeg_gas_sources) {
sources += [ "src/" + source ]
sources += [
public_configs = [ ":ffmpeg_dependent_config" ]
defines = [
# Disable deprecated features that generate spammy warnings.
# Upstream libavcodec/utils.c still uses the deprecated
# av_dup_packet(), avcodec_encode_{audio,video}2(), and
# libavformat/utils.c still accesses the deprecated AVStream.codec,
# causing deprecation warnings.
# The normal fix for such things is to disable the features like setting
# "FF_API_AVPACKET_OLD_API=0", but the upstream code does not yet compile
# with it disabled (in the case of av_dup_packet()), and has no FF_API*
# gate for avcodec_encode_{audio,video}2() or AVStream.codec. In the
# meantime, we directly disable those warnings locally in the C files.
# So we can append below and assume they're defined.
cflags = []
ldflags = []
libs = []
deps = [
# TODO( workaround for toolchain issues.
configs += [
# Since we are not often debugging FFmpeg, and performance is unacceptable
# without optimization, we always optimize for speed.
# In addition to the above reasons, /Od optimization won't remove symbols
# that are under "if (0)" style sections. Which lead to link time errors
# when for example it tries to link an ARM symbol on X86.
configs -= [ "//build/config:default_optimize" ]
configs += [ "//build/config:optimize_speed" ]
# Make all symbols visible.
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
cflags += [
# ffmpeg uses its own deprecated functions.
defines += [
cflags += [
ldflags = [
# Avoid PIC relocation errors from assembly code.
rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
if (has_yasm_deps) {
deps += [ ":ffmpeg_yasm" ]
group("ffmpeg_variants") {
deps = []
_variants = select_variant
if (select_variant != []) {
_variants += [ "novariant" ]
foreach(variant, _variants) {
deps += [ ":ffmpeg(${toolchain_variant.base}-${variant}-shared)" ]