blob: 0b37e0c74981251454d752d7499b3804d9b82f34 [file] [log] [blame]
# Open Watcom 1.5 EXPAT XML Parser Main Makefile
# Open Watcom 1.5 and newer multi-platform makefile for EXPAT XML Parser.
# Currently will build targets for OS/2-ECS, NT/Win2000/XP, and Linux.
# This makefile will call, based on comand line target, watmake.mif
# to build target release or debug.
# Author : Michael Greene, July 2006
# User selectable project options are set in
@echo ***********************************************
@echo Valid options:
@echo "wmake <platform build>"
@echo os2 - OS/2-ECS Release
@echo nt - NT/Win2000/XP
@echo linux - Linux Release
@echo os2d - OS/2-ECS Debug
@echo ntd - NT/Win2000/XP Debug
@echo linuxd - Linux Debug
@echo full - all release
@echo fulld - all debug
@echo fullall - all release and debug
@echo cleanall - remove all
@echo clean - remove build keep release
@echo - download test suite and unzip
full: os2 nt linux .SYMBOLIC
fulld: os2d ntd linuxd .SYMBOLIC
fullall: os2 nt linux os2d ntd linuxd .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = os2
@%make buildproc
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = os2
@%append watopts.tmp DEBUG = 1
@%make buildproc
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = nt
@%make buildproc
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = nt
@%append watopts.tmp DEBUG = 1
@%make buildproc
linux: .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = linux
@%make buildproc
linuxd: .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp SYSPLATFORM = linux
@%append watopts.tmp DEBUG = 1
@%make buildproc
clean: .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp CLEAN = 1
@wmake -h -f watmake.mif clean
cleanall: .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp CLEAN = 1
@wmake -h -f watmake.mif cleanall .SYMBOLIC
@%write watopts.tmp DUMMY = 1
@wmake -h -f watmake.mif
buildproc: .procedure
!ifdef DEBUG
@%append watopts.tmp DEBUG = 1
@wmake -a -h -f watmake.mif