blob: 5f5f5b83e57abd13d1ee19bbddd6235a3801b5e6 [file] [log] [blame]
# MAKEFILE for linux GCC
# Tom St Denis
# Modified by Clay Culver
# The version
# Compiler and Linker Names
CC=libtool --mode=compile gcc
# Archiver [makes .a files]
AR=libtool --mode=link
# Compilation flags. Note the += does not write over the user's CFLAGS!
CFLAGS += -c -I./ -Wall -Wsign-compare -W -Wshadow
# -Werror
# optimize for SPEED
CFLAGS += -O3 -funroll-all-loops
#add -fomit-frame-pointer. hinders debugging!
CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
# optimize for SIZE
#CFLAGS += -Os
# compile for DEBUGING (required for ccmalloc checking!!!)
#CFLAGS += -g3
#These flags control how the library gets built.
#Output filenames for various targets.
#LIBPATH-The directory for libtomcrypt to be installed to.
#INCPATH-The directory to install the header files for libtomcrypt.
#DATAPATH-The directory to install the pdf docs.
#List of objects to compile.
#Leave MPI built-in or force developer to link against libtommath?
#If you don't want mpi.o then add this
OBJECTS=error_to_string.o mpi_to_ltc_error.o base64_encode.o base64_decode.o \
crypt.o crypt_find_cipher.o crypt_find_hash_any.o \
crypt_hash_is_valid.o crypt_register_hash.o crypt_unregister_prng.o \
crypt_argchk.o crypt_find_cipher_any.o crypt_find_hash_id.o \
crypt_prng_descriptor.o crypt_register_prng.o crypt_cipher_descriptor.o \
crypt_find_cipher_id.o crypt_find_prng.o crypt_prng_is_valid.o \
crypt_unregister_cipher.o crypt_cipher_is_valid.o crypt_find_hash.o \
crypt_hash_descriptor.o crypt_register_cipher.o crypt_unregister_hash.o \
sober128.o fortuna.o sprng.o yarrow.o rc4.o rng_get_bytes.o rng_make_prng.o \
rand_prime.o is_prime.o \
ecc.o dh.o \
rsa_decrypt_key.o rsa_encrypt_key.o rsa_exptmod.o rsa_free.o rsa_make_key.o \
rsa_sign_hash.o rsa_verify_hash.o rsa_export.o rsa_import.o tim_exptmod.o \
rsa_v15_encrypt_key.o rsa_v15_decrypt_key.o rsa_v15_sign_hash.o rsa_v15_verify_hash.o \
dsa_export.o dsa_free.o dsa_import.o dsa_make_key.o dsa_sign_hash.o \
dsa_verify_hash.o dsa_verify_key.o \
aes.o aes_enc.o \
blowfish.o des.o safer_tab.o safer.o saferp.o rc2.o xtea.o \
rc6.o rc5.o cast5.o noekeon.o twofish.o skipjack.o \
md2.o md4.o md5.o sha1.o sha256.o sha512.o tiger.o whirl.o \
rmd128.o rmd160.o chc.o \
packet_store_header.o packet_valid_header.o \
eax_addheader.o eax_decrypt.o eax_decrypt_verify_memory.o eax_done.o eax_encrypt.o \
eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o eax_init.o eax_test.o \
ocb_decrypt.o ocb_decrypt_verify_memory.o ocb_done_decrypt.o ocb_done_encrypt.o \
ocb_encrypt.o ocb_encrypt_authenticate_memory.o ocb_init.o ocb_ntz.o \
ocb_shift_xor.o ocb_test.o s_ocb_done.o \
omac_done.o omac_file.o omac_init.o omac_memory.o omac_process.o omac_test.o \
pmac_done.o pmac_file.o pmac_init.o pmac_memory.o pmac_ntz.o pmac_process.o \
pmac_shift_xor.o pmac_test.o \
cbc_start.o cbc_encrypt.o cbc_decrypt.o cbc_getiv.o cbc_setiv.o \
cfb_start.o cfb_encrypt.o cfb_decrypt.o cfb_getiv.o cfb_setiv.o \
ofb_start.o ofb_encrypt.o ofb_decrypt.o ofb_getiv.o ofb_setiv.o \
ctr_start.o ctr_encrypt.o ctr_decrypt.o ctr_getiv.o ctr_setiv.o \
ecb_start.o ecb_encrypt.o ecb_decrypt.o \
hash_file.o hash_filehandle.o hash_memory.o \
hmac_done.o hmac_file.o hmac_init.o hmac_memory.o hmac_process.o hmac_test.o \
pkcs_1_mgf1.o pkcs_1_oaep_encode.o pkcs_1_oaep_decode.o \
pkcs_1_pss_encode.o pkcs_1_pss_decode.o pkcs_1_i2osp.o pkcs_1_os2ip.o \
pkcs_1_v15_es_encode.o pkcs_1_v15_es_decode.o pkcs_1_v15_sa_encode.o pkcs_1_v15_sa_decode.o \
pkcs_5_1.o pkcs_5_2.o \
der_encode_integer.o der_decode_integer.o der_length_integer.o \
der_put_multi_integer.o der_get_multi_integer.o \
burn_stack.o zeromem.o \
#Files left over from making the crypt.pdf.
LEFTOVERS=*.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.out
#Compressed filenames
COMPRESSED=crypt-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 crypt-$(VERSION).zip
#Header files used by libtomcrypt.
HEADERS=ltc_tommath.h mycrypt_cfg.h \
mycrypt_misc.h mycrypt_prng.h mycrypt_cipher.h mycrypt_hash.h \
mycrypt_macros.h mycrypt_pk.h mycrypt.h mycrypt_argchk.h \
mycrypt_custom.h mycrypt_pkcs.h tommath_class.h tommath_superclass.h
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt library.
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
aes_enc.o: aes.c aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c aes.c -o aes_enc.o
#These are the rules to make certain object files.
aes.o: aes.c aes_tab.c
twofish.o: twofish.c twofish_tab.c
whirl.o: whirl.c whirltab.c
ecc.o: ecc.c ecc_sys.c
dh.o: dh.c dh_sys.c
sha512.o: sha512.c sha384.c
sha256.o: sha256.c sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBNAME)
libtool --mode=link gcc $(CFLAGS) *.lo -o -rpath $(LIBPATH) -version-info $(VERSION)
libtool --mode=link gcc $(CFLAGS) *.o -o libtomcrypt.a
libtool --mode=install install -c $(LIBPATH)/
install -d -g root -o root $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
install -g root -o root $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH)
#This rule makes the hash program included with libtomcrypt
hashsum: library
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c -o hashsum.o
libtool --mode=link gcc -o hashsum hashsum.o -ltomcrypt $(MPISHARED)
#makes the crypt program
crypt: library
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/encrypt.c -o encrypt.o
libtool --mode=link gcc -o crypt encrypt.o -ltomcrypt $(MPISHARED)
x86_prof: library
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/x86_prof.c -o x86_prof.o
libtool --mode=link gcc -o x86_prof x86_prof.o -ltomcrypt $(MPISHARED) $(EXTRALIBS)
tv_gen: library $(TVS)
gcc $(CFLAGS) demos/tv_gen.c -o tv_gen.o
libtool --mode=link gcc -o tv_gen tv_gen.o -ltomcrypt $(MPISHARED)