blob: 8dd1777448d0e65ee16c6d9e44eaab9a7d211ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
#[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
#[macro_use] extern crate diesel_codegen;
use diesel::*;
use diesel::pg::PgConnection;
use diesel::pg::upsert::*;
table! {
users {
id -> Integer,
name -> VarChar,
table! {
posts {
id -> Integer,
title -> VarChar,
struct NewUser(#[column_name(name)] &'static str);
fn main() {
use self::users::dsl::*;
let connection = PgConnection::establish("postgres://localhost").unwrap();
// Valid update as sanity check
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update().set(name.eq("Sean")))).into(users).execute(&connection);
// No set clause
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update())).into(users).execute(&connection);
//~^ ERROR no method named `execute`
// Update column from other table
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update().set(posts::title.eq("Sean")))).into(users).execute(&connection);
//~^ ERROR no method named `execute`
// Update column with value that is not selectable
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update().set(name.eq(posts::title)))).into(users).execute(&connection);
//~^ ERROR E0277
//~| ERROR no method named `execute`
//~| ERROR E0277
//~| ERROR E0277
//~| ERROR E0277
//~| ERROR E0271
// Update column with excluded value that is not selectable
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update().set(name.eq(excluded(posts::title))))).into(users).execute(&connection);
//~^ ERROR E0271
//~| ERROR no method named `execute`
// Update column with excluded value of wrong type
insert(&NewUser("Sean").on_conflict(id, do_update().set(name.eq(excluded(id))))).into(users).execute(&connection);
//~^ ERROR E0271
// Excluded is only valid in upsert
// FIXME: This should not compile