blob: 65eddc77152c3b7dc162649fa1afb1210eebc312 [file] [log] [blame]
//! MySQL specific types
#[cfg(feature = "chrono")]
mod date_and_time;
mod numeric;
use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;
use std::io::Write;
use deserialize::{self, FromSql};
use mysql::{Mysql, MysqlType};
use serialize::{self, IsNull, Output, ToSql};
use sql_types::*;
impl ToSql<Tinyint, Mysql> for i8 {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Mysql>) -> serialize::Result {
out.write_i8(*self).map(|_| IsNull::No).map_err(Into::into)
impl FromSql<Tinyint, Mysql> for i8 {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
let bytes = not_none!(bytes);
Ok(bytes[0] as i8)
/// Represents the MySQL unsigned type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, SqlType, QueryId)]
pub struct Unsigned<ST>(ST);
impl ToSql<Unsigned<SmallInt>, Mysql> for u16 {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Mysql>) -> serialize::Result {
ToSql::<SmallInt, Mysql>::to_sql(&(*self as i16), out)
impl FromSql<Unsigned<SmallInt>, Mysql> for u16 {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
let signed: i16 = FromSql::<SmallInt, Mysql>::from_sql(bytes)?;
Ok(signed as u16)
impl ToSql<Unsigned<Integer>, Mysql> for u32 {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Mysql>) -> serialize::Result {
ToSql::<Integer, Mysql>::to_sql(&(*self as i32), out)
impl FromSql<Unsigned<Integer>, Mysql> for u32 {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
let signed: i32 = FromSql::<Integer, Mysql>::from_sql(bytes)?;
Ok(signed as u32)
impl ToSql<Unsigned<BigInt>, Mysql> for u64 {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Mysql>) -> serialize::Result {
ToSql::<BigInt, Mysql>::to_sql(&(*self as i64), out)
impl FromSql<Unsigned<BigInt>, Mysql> for u64 {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
let signed: i64 = FromSql::<BigInt, Mysql>::from_sql(bytes)?;
Ok(signed as u64)
impl ToSql<Bool, Mysql> for bool {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Mysql>) -> serialize::Result {
let int_value = if *self { 1 } else { 0 };
<i32 as ToSql<Integer, Mysql>>::to_sql(&int_value, out)
impl FromSql<Bool, Mysql> for bool {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<&[u8]>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
Ok(not_none!(bytes).iter().any(|x| *x != 0))
impl HasSqlType<Unsigned<Tinyint>> for Mysql {
fn metadata(_: &()) -> MysqlType {
impl HasSqlType<Unsigned<SmallInt>> for Mysql {
fn metadata(_: &()) -> MysqlType {
impl HasSqlType<Unsigned<Integer>> for Mysql {
fn metadata(_: &()) -> MysqlType {
impl HasSqlType<Unsigned<BigInt>> for Mysql {
fn metadata(_: &()) -> MysqlType {
/// Represents the MySQL datetime type.
/// ### [`ToSql`] impls
/// - [`chrono::NaiveDateTime`] with `feature = "chrono"`
/// ### [`FromSql`] impls
/// - [`chrono::NaiveDateTime`] with `feature = "chrono"`
/// [`ToSql`]: ../../serialize/trait.ToSql.html
/// [`FromSql`]: ../../deserialize/trait.FromSql.html
/// [`chrono::NaiveDateTime`]: ../../../chrono/naive/struct.NaiveDateTime.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, QueryId, SqlType)]
#[mysql_type = "DateTime"]
pub struct Datetime;