blob: e284495363b7175f67ff6ea8a103ebe61e29847d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Provides types and functions related to working with PostgreSQL
//! Much of this module is re-exported from database agnostic locations.
//! However, if you are writing code specifically to extend Diesel on
//! PostgreSQL, you may need to work with this module directly.
pub mod expression;
pub mod types;
mod backend;
mod connection;
mod metadata_lookup;
pub(crate) mod query_builder;
pub(crate) mod serialize;
mod transaction;
mod value;
pub use self::backend::{Pg, PgTypeMetadata};
pub use self::connection::PgConnection;
pub use self::metadata_lookup::PgMetadataLookup;
pub use self::query_builder::DistinctOnClause;
pub use self::query_builder::PgQueryBuilder;
pub use self::transaction::TransactionBuilder;
pub use self::value::PgValue;
#[cfg(feature = "with-deprecated")]
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Use `diesel::upsert` instead")]
pub use crate::upsert;
/// Data structures for PG types which have no corresponding Rust type
/// Most of these types are used to implement `ToSql` and `FromSql` for higher
/// level types.
pub mod data_types {
pub use super::types::date_and_time::{PgDate, PgInterval, PgTime, PgTimestamp};
pub use super::types::floats::PgNumeric;
pub use super::types::money::PgMoney;
pub use super::types::money::PgMoney as Cents;