blob: b5d9116f21e8fed2f02594283d1c3bb6fdc775ea [file] [log] [blame]
macro_rules! __diesel_operator_body {
notation = $notation:ident,
struct_name = $name:ident,
operator = $operator:expr,
return_ty = ReturnBasedOnArgs,
ty_params = ($($ty_param:ident,)+),
field_names = $field_names:tt,
backend_ty_params = $backend_ty_params:tt,
backend_ty = $backend_ty:ty,
) => {
__diesel_operator_body! {
notation = $notation,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = ST,
ty_params = ($($ty_param,)+),
field_names = $field_names,
backend_ty_params = $backend_ty_params,
backend_ty = $backend_ty,
expression_ty_params = (ST,),
expression_bounds = ($($ty_param: $crate::expression::Expression<SqlType = ST>,)+),
notation = $notation:ident,
struct_name = $name:ident,
operator = $operator:expr,
return_ty = $return_ty:ty,
ty_params = ($($ty_param:ident,)+),
field_names = $field_names:tt,
backend_ty_params = $backend_ty_params:tt,
backend_ty = $backend_ty:ty,
) => {
__diesel_operator_body! {
notation = $notation,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = ($($ty_param,)+),
field_names = $field_names,
backend_ty_params = $backend_ty_params,
backend_ty = $backend_ty,
expression_ty_params = (),
expression_bounds = ($($ty_param: $crate::expression::Expression,)+),
notation = $notation:ident,
struct_name = $name:ident,
operator = $operator:expr,
return_ty = $return_ty:ty,
ty_params = ($($ty_param:ident,)+),
field_names = ($($field_name:ident,)+),
backend_ty_params = ($($backend_ty_param:ident,)*),
backend_ty = $backend_ty:ty,
expression_ty_params = ($($expression_ty_params:ident,)*),
expression_bounds = ($($expression_bounds:tt)*),
) => {
pub struct $name<$($ty_param,)+> {
$(pub(crate) $field_name: $ty_param,)+
impl<$($ty_param,)+> $name<$($ty_param,)+> {
pub fn new($($field_name: $ty_param,)+) -> Self {
$name { $($field_name,)+ }
impl<$($ty_param,)+ $($expression_ty_params,)*> $crate::expression::Expression for $name<$($ty_param,)+> where
type SqlType = $return_ty;
impl<$($ty_param,)+ $($backend_ty_param,)*> $crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<$backend_ty>
for $name<$($ty_param,)+> where
$($ty_param: $crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<$backend_ty>,)+
$($backend_ty_param: $crate::backend::Backend,)*
fn walk_ast(&self, mut out: $crate::query_builder::AstPass<$backend_ty>) -> $crate::result::QueryResult<()> {
notation = $notation,
operator_expr = out.push_sql($operator),
field_exprs = ($(self.$field_name.walk_ast(out.reborrow())?),+),
macro_rules! __diesel_operator_to_sql {
notation = infix,
operator_expr = $op:expr,
field_exprs = ($left:expr, $right:expr),
) => {
notation = postfix,
operator_expr = $op:expr,
field_exprs = ($expr:expr),
) => {
notation = prefix,
operator_expr = $op:expr,
field_exprs = ($expr:expr),
) => {
/// Useful for libraries adding support for new SQL types. Apps should never
/// need to call this.
/// This will create a new type with the given name. It will implement all
/// methods needed to be used as an expression in Diesel, placing the given
/// SQL between the two elements. The third argument specifies the SQL type
/// that the operator returns. If it is not given, the type will be assumed
/// to be `Bool`.
/// If the operator is specific to a single backend, you can specify this by
/// adding `backend: Pg` or similar as the last argument.
/// It should be noted that the generated impls will not constrain the SQL
/// types of the arguments. You should ensure that they are of the right
/// type in your function which constructs the operator.
/// Typically you would not expose the type that this generates directly. You'd
/// expose a function (or trait) used to construct the expression, and a helper
/// type which represents the return type of that function. See the source of
/// `diesel::expression::expression_methods` and
/// `diesel::expression::helper_types` for real world examples of this.
/// # Examples
/// # Possible invocations
/// ```ignore
/// // The SQL type will be boolean. The backend will not be constrained
/// infix_operator!(Matches, " @@ ");
/// // Queries which try to execute `Contains` on a backend other than Pg
/// // will fail to compile
/// infix_operator!(Contains, " @> ", backend: Pg);
/// // The type of `Concat` will be `TsVector` rather than Bool
/// infix_operator!(Concat, " || ", TsVector);
/// // It is perfectly fine to have multiple operators with the same SQL.
/// // Diesel will ensure that the queries are always unambiguous in which
/// // operator applies
/// infix_operator!(Or, " || ", TsQuery);
/// // Specifying both the return types and the backend
/// infix_operator!(And, " && ", TsQuery, backend: Pg);
/// ```
/// ## Example usage
/// ```rust
/// # include!("../");
/// #
/// # fn main() {
/// # use schema::users::dsl::*;
/// # let connection = establish_connection();
/// diesel::infix_operator!(MyEq, " = ");
/// use diesel::expression::AsExpression;
/// // Normally you would put this on a trait instead
/// fn my_eq<T, U>(left: T, right: U) -> MyEq<T, U::Expression> where
/// T: Expression,
/// U: AsExpression<T::SqlType>,
/// {
/// MyEq::new(left, right.as_expression())
/// }
/// let users_with_name =, "Sean"));
/// assert_eq!(Ok(1), users_with_name.first(&connection));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! infix_operator {
($name:ident, $operator:expr) => {
infix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, backend: $backend:ty) => {
infix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool, backend: $backend);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $($return_ty:tt)::*) => {
notation = infix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $($return_ty)::*,
ty_params = (T, U,),
field_names = (left, right,),
backend_ty_params = (DB,),
backend_ty = DB,
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $return_ty:ty, backend: $backend:ty) => {
notation = infix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = (T, U,),
field_names = (left, right,),
backend_ty_params = (),
backend_ty = $backend,
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "use `diesel::infix_operator!` instead")]
#[cfg(feature = "with-deprecated")]
macro_rules! diesel_infix_operator {
($($args:tt)*) => {
/// Useful for libraries adding support for new SQL types. Apps should never
/// need to call this.
/// Similar to [`infix_operator!`], but the generated type will only take
/// a single argument rather than two. The operator SQL will be placed after
/// the single argument. See [`infix_operator!`] for example usage.
/// [`infix_operator!`]: macro.infix_operator.html
macro_rules! postfix_operator {
($name:ident, $operator:expr) => {
postfix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, backend: $backend:ty) => {
postfix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool, backend: $backend);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $return_ty:ty) => {
notation = postfix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = (Expr,),
field_names = (expr,),
backend_ty_params = (DB,),
backend_ty = DB,
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $return_ty:ty, backend: $backend:ty) => {
notation = postfix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = (Expr,),
field_names = (expr,),
backend_ty_params = (),
backend_ty = $backend,
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "use `diesel::postfix_operator!` instead")]
#[cfg(feature = "with-deprecated")]
macro_rules! diesel_postfix_operator {
($($args:tt)*) => {
/// Useful for libraries adding support for new SQL types. Apps should never
/// need to call this.
/// Similar to [`infix_operator!`], but the generated type will only take
/// a single argument rather than two. The operator SQL will be placed before
/// the single argument. See [`infix_operator!`] for example usage.
/// [`infix_operator!`]: macro.infix_operator.html
macro_rules! prefix_operator {
($name:ident, $operator:expr) => {
prefix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, backend: $backend:ty) => {
prefix_operator!($name, $operator, $crate::sql_types::Bool, backend: $backend);
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $return_ty:ty) => {
notation = prefix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = (Expr,),
field_names = (expr,),
backend_ty_params = (DB,),
backend_ty = DB,
($name:ident, $operator:expr, $return_ty:ty, backend: $backend:ty) => {
notation = prefix,
struct_name = $name,
operator = $operator,
return_ty = $return_ty,
ty_params = (Expr,),
field_names = (expr,),
backend_ty_params = (),
backend_ty = $backend,
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "use `diesel::prefix_operator!` instead")]
#[cfg(feature = "with-deprecated")]
macro_rules! diesel_prefix_operator {
($($args:tt)*) => {
infix_operator!(And, " AND ");
infix_operator!(Between, " BETWEEN ");
infix_operator!(Escape, " ESCAPE ");
infix_operator!(Eq, " = ");
infix_operator!(Gt, " > ");
infix_operator!(GtEq, " >= ");
infix_operator!(Like, " LIKE ");
infix_operator!(Lt, " < ");
infix_operator!(LtEq, " <= ");
infix_operator!(NotBetween, " NOT BETWEEN ");
infix_operator!(NotEq, " != ");
infix_operator!(NotLike, " NOT LIKE ");
infix_operator!(Or, " OR ");
postfix_operator!(IsNull, " IS NULL");
postfix_operator!(IsNotNull, " IS NOT NULL");
postfix_operator!(Asc, " ASC", ());
postfix_operator!(Desc, " DESC", ());
prefix_operator!(Not, "NOT ");
use crate::expression::ValidGrouping;
use crate::insertable::{ColumnInsertValue, Insertable};
use crate::query_builder::{QueryId, ValuesClause};
use crate::query_source::Column;
use crate::sql_types::DieselNumericOps;
impl<T, U> Insertable<T::Table> for Eq<T, U>
T: Column,
type Values = ValuesClause<ColumnInsertValue<T, U>, T::Table>;
fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
ValuesClause::new(ColumnInsertValue::Expression(self.left, self.right))
impl<'a, T, Tab, U> Insertable<Tab> for &'a Eq<T, U>
T: Copy,
Eq<T, &'a U>: Insertable<Tab>,
type Values = <Eq<T, &'a U> as Insertable<Tab>>::Values;
fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
Eq::new(self.left, &self.right).values()
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, QueryId, DieselNumericOps, ValidGrouping)]
pub struct Concat<L, R> {
pub(crate) left: L,
pub(crate) right: R,
impl<L, R> Concat<L, R> {
pub fn new(left: L, right: R) -> Self {
Self { left, right }
impl<L, R, ST> crate::expression::Expression for Concat<L, R>
L: crate::expression::Expression<SqlType = ST>,
R: crate::expression::Expression<SqlType = ST>,
type SqlType = ST;
impl_selectable_expression!(Concat<L, R>);
impl<L, R, DB> crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB> for Concat<L, R>
L: crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB>,
R: crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB>,
DB: crate::backend::Backend,
fn walk_ast(
mut out: crate::query_builder::AstPass<DB>,
) -> crate::result::QueryResult<()> {
// Those brackets are required because mysql is broken
out.push_sql(" || ");