blob: fe378ac8d387a0bf50db516f206d96f84f69b316 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Helper macros to define custom sql functions
pub use diesel_derives::sql_function_proc as sql_function;
macro_rules! no_arg_sql_function_body_except_to_sql {
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty, $docs:expr) => {
pub struct $type_name;
impl $crate::expression::Expression for $type_name {
type SqlType = $return_type;
impl<QS> $crate::expression::SelectableExpression<QS> for $type_name {}
impl<QS> $crate::expression::AppearsOnTable<QS> for $type_name {}
macro_rules! no_arg_sql_function_body {
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty, $docs:expr, $($constraint:ident)::+) => {
no_arg_sql_function_body_except_to_sql!($type_name, $return_type, $docs);
impl<DB> $crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB> for $type_name where
DB: $crate::backend::Backend + $($constraint)::+,
fn walk_ast(&self, mut out: $crate::query_builder::AstPass<DB>) -> $crate::result::QueryResult<()> {
out.push_sql(concat!(stringify!($type_name), "()"));
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty, $docs:expr) => {
no_arg_sql_function_body_except_to_sql!($type_name, $return_type, $docs);
impl<DB> $crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB> for $type_name where
DB: $crate::backend::Backend,
fn walk_ast(&self, mut out: $crate::query_builder::AstPass<DB>) -> $crate::result::QueryResult<()> {
out.push_sql(concat!(stringify!($type_name), "()"));
/// Declare a 0 argument SQL function for use in your code. This will generate a
/// unit struct, which is an expression representing calling this function. See
/// [`now`](expression/dsl/ for example output. `now` was
/// generated using:
/// ```no_run
/// # pub use diesel::*;
/// no_arg_sql_function!(now, sql_types::Timestamp, "Represents the SQL NOW() function");
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// You can optionally pass the name of a trait, as a constraint for backends which support the
/// function.
macro_rules! no_arg_sql_function {
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty) => {
no_arg_sql_function!($type_name, $return_type, "");
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty, $docs:expr) => {
no_arg_sql_function_body!($type_name, $return_type, $docs);
($type_name:ident, $return_type:ty, $docs:expr, $($constraint:ident)::+) => {
no_arg_sql_function_body!($type_name, $return_type, $docs, $($constraint)::+);
pub mod aggregate_folding;
pub mod aggregate_ordering;
pub mod date_and_time;
pub mod helper_types;