blob: a76132503a5df9a38b34cabc776727c4bb3c3020 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::associations::{HasTable, Identifiable};
use crate::dsl::Find;
use crate::query_dsl::methods::FindDsl;
use crate::query_source::Table;
pub struct UpdateTarget<Table, WhereClause> {
pub table: Table,
pub where_clause: WhereClause,
/// A type which can be passed to [`update`] or [`delete`].
/// Apps will never need to implement this type directly. There are three kinds
/// which implement this trait. Tables, queries which have only had `filter`
/// called on them, and types which implement `Identifiable`.
/// When a table is passed to `update`, every row in the table will be updated.
/// You can scope this down by calling [`filter`] which will
/// result in `UPDATE your_table SET ... WHERE args_to_filter`. Passing a type
/// which implements `Identifiable` is the same as passing
/// `SomeStruct::table().find(some_struct)`.
/// [`update`]: ../fn.update.html
/// [`delete`]: ../fn.delete.html
/// [`filter`]: struct.UpdateStatement.html#method.filter
pub trait IntoUpdateTarget: HasTable {
/// What is the `WHERE` clause of this target?
type WhereClause;
/// Decomposes `self` into the table and where clause.
fn into_update_target(self) -> UpdateTarget<Self::Table, Self::WhereClause>;
impl<T, Tab, V> IntoUpdateTarget for T
T: Identifiable<Table = Tab>,
Tab: Table + FindDsl<T::Id>,
Find<Tab, T::Id>: IntoUpdateTarget<Table = Tab, WhereClause = V>,
type WhereClause = V;
fn into_update_target(self) -> UpdateTarget<Self::Table, Self::WhereClause> {