blob: 79d02859dfd5f32a42767f67310036a2e3b46aed [file] [log] [blame]
pub(crate) mod prelude {
any(feature = "huge-tables", feature = "large-tables"),
// This is a false positive, we reexport it later
#[allow(unreachable_pub, unused_imports)]
pub use crate::{
allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause, allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query,
joinable, table,
pub use diesel_derives::table_proc as table;
/// Allow two tables to be referenced in a join query without providing an
/// explicit `ON` clause.
/// The generated `ON` clause will always join to the primary key of the parent
/// table. This macro removes the need to call [`.on`] explicitly, you will
/// still need to invoke
/// [`allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!`](crate::allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query)
/// for these two tables to be able to use the resulting query, unless you are
/// using `diesel print-schema` which will generate it for you.
/// If you are using `diesel print-schema`, an invocation of this macro
/// will be generated for every foreign key in your database unless
/// one of the following is true:
/// - The foreign key references something other than the primary key
/// - The foreign key is composite
/// - There is more than one foreign key connecting two tables
/// - The foreign key is self-referential
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # include!("../");
/// use schema::*;
/// # /*
/// joinable!(posts -> users (user_id));
/// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(posts, users);
/// # */
/// # fn main() {
/// let implicit_on_clause = users::table.inner_join(posts::table);
/// let implicit_on_clause_sql = diesel::debug_query::<DB, _>(&implicit_on_clause).to_string();
/// let explicit_on_clause = users::table
/// .inner_join(posts::table.on(posts::user_id.eq(users::id)));
/// let explicit_on_clause_sql = diesel::debug_query::<DB, _>(&explicit_on_clause).to_string();
/// assert_eq!(implicit_on_clause_sql, explicit_on_clause_sql);
/// # }
/// ```
/// In the example above, the line `joinable!(posts -> users (user_id));`
/// specifies the relation of the tables and the ON clause in the following way:
/// `child_table -> parent_table (foreign_key)`
/// * `parent_table` is the Table with the Primary key.
/// * `child_table` is the Table with the Foreign key.
/// So given the Table declaration from [Associations docs](crate::associations)
/// * The parent table would be `User`
/// * The child table would be `Post`
/// * and the Foreign key would be `Post.user_id`
/// For joins that do not explicitly use on clauses via [`JoinOnDsl`](crate::prelude::JoinOnDsl)
/// the following on clause is generated implicitly:
/// ```sql
/// post JOIN users ON posts.user_id =
/// ```
macro_rules! joinable {
($($child:ident)::* -> $($parent:ident)::* ($source:ident)) => {
$crate::joinable_inner!($($child)::* ::table => $($parent)::* ::table : ($($child)::* ::$source = $($parent)::* ::table));
$crate::joinable_inner!($($parent)::* ::table => $($child)::* ::table : ($($child)::* ::$source = $($parent)::* ::table));
macro_rules! joinable_inner {
($left_table:path => $right_table:path : ($foreign_key:path = $parent_table:path)) => {
left_table_ty = $left_table,
right_table_ty = $right_table,
right_table_expr = $right_table,
foreign_key = $foreign_key,
primary_key_ty = <$parent_table as $crate::query_source::Table>::PrimaryKey,
primary_key_expr =
<$parent_table as $crate::query_source::Table>::primary_key(&$parent_table),
left_table_ty = $left_table_ty:ty,
right_table_ty = $right_table_ty:ty,
right_table_expr = $right_table_expr:expr,
foreign_key = $foreign_key:path,
primary_key_ty = $primary_key_ty:ty,
primary_key_expr = $primary_key_expr:expr,
) => {
impl $crate::JoinTo<$right_table_ty> for $left_table_ty {
type FromClause = $right_table_ty;
type OnClause = $crate::dsl::Eq<
fn join_target(rhs: $right_table_ty) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
use $crate::{ExpressionMethods, NullableExpressionMethods};
/// Allow two or more tables which are otherwise unrelated to be used together
/// in a query.
/// This macro must be invoked any time two tables need to appear in the same
/// query either because they are being joined together, or because one appears
/// in a subselect. When this macro is invoked with more than 2 tables, every
/// combination of those tables will be allowed to appear together.
/// If you are using `diesel print-schema`, an invocation of
/// this macro will be generated for you for all tables in your schema.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use diesel::{allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query, table};
/// #
/// // This would be required to do `users.inner_join(posts.inner_join(comments))`
/// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, posts, users);
/// table! {
/// comments {
/// id -> Integer,
/// post_id -> Integer,
/// body -> VarChar,
/// }
/// }
/// table! {
/// posts {
/// id -> Integer,
/// user_id -> Integer,
/// title -> VarChar,
/// }
/// }
/// table! {
/// users {
/// id -> Integer,
/// name -> VarChar,
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// When more than two tables are passed, the relevant code is generated for
/// every combination of those tables. This code would be equivalent to the
/// previous example.
/// ```
/// # use diesel::{allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query, table};
/// # table! {
/// # comments {
/// # id -> Integer,
/// # post_id -> Integer,
/// # body -> VarChar,
/// # }
/// # }
/// #
/// # table! {
/// # posts {
/// # id -> Integer,
/// # user_id -> Integer,
/// # title -> VarChar,
/// # }
/// # }
/// #
/// # table! {
/// # users {
/// # id -> Integer,
/// # name -> VarChar,
/// # }
/// # }
/// #
/// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, posts);
/// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, users);
/// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(posts, users);
/// #
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
macro_rules! allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query {
($left_mod:ident, $($right_mod:ident),+ $(,)*) => {
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$left_mod::table> for $right_mod::table {}
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$right_mod::table> for $left_mod::table {}
$crate::__diesel_internal_backend_specific_allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!($left_mod, $right_mod);
($last_table:ident,) => {};
() => {};
#[cfg(feature = "postgres_backend")]
macro_rules! __diesel_internal_backend_specific_allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query {
($left:ident, $right:ident) => {
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$left::table>
for $crate::query_builder::Only<$right::table>
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$right::table>
for $crate::query_builder::Only<$left::table>
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$crate::query_builder::Only<$left::table>>
for $right::table
impl $crate::query_source::TableNotEqual<$crate::query_builder::Only<$right::table>>
for $left::table
#[cfg(not(feature = "postgres_backend"))]
macro_rules! __diesel_internal_backend_specific_allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query {
($left:ident, $right:ident) => {};
macro_rules! __diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause {
left = [$($left_path:tt)::+],
) => {};
left = [$($left_path:tt)::+],
) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)+],
right = [$($right_path)+],
left_tbl = [],
left_path = [],
left = [$($left_path:tt)::+],
) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)+],
right = [$($right_path)+],
left_tbl = [],
left_path = [],
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)::+],
left = [$left_path_p1: tt $($left_path: tt)+],
right = [$($right_path: tt)*],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl:tt)?],
left_path = [$($left_out_path:tt)*],
) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)+],
right = [$($right_path)*],
left_tbl = [$left_path_p1],
left_path = [$($left_out_path)* $($left_tbl)?],
left = [$left_col: tt],
right = [$($right_path: tt)*],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl:tt)?],
left_path = [$($left_out_path:tt)*],
) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$left_col],
right = [$($right_path)*],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl)?],
left_path = [$($left_out_path)*],
right_tbl = [],
right_path = [],
left = [$left_col: tt ],
right = [$right_path_p1: tt $($right_path: tt)+],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl:tt)?],
left_path = [$($left_out_path:tt)*],
right_tbl = [$($right_tbl:tt)?],
right_path = [$($right_out_path:tt)*],
) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$left_col],
right = [$($right_path)+],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl)?],
left_path = [$($left_out_path)*],
right_tbl = [$right_path_p1],
right_path = [$($right_out_path)* $($right_tbl)?],
left = [$left_col: tt],
right = [$right_col: tt],
left_tbl = [$left_tbl:tt],
left_path = [$($left_begin:tt)*],
right_tbl = [$right_tbl:tt],
right_path = [$($right_begin:tt)*],
) => {
$crate::static_cond! {
if $left_tbl != $right_tbl {
impl $crate::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<$($left_begin ::)* $left_tbl :: $left_col> for $($right_begin ::)* $right_tbl :: $right_col {
type Output = $crate::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
impl $crate::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<$($right_begin ::)* $right_tbl :: $right_col> for $($left_begin ::)* $left_tbl :: $left_col {
type Output = $crate::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
left = [$left_col: tt],
right = [$right_col: tt],
left_tbl = [$($left_tbl:tt)?],
left_path = [$($left_begin:tt)*],
right_tbl = [$($right_tbl:tt)?],
right_path = [$($right_begin:tt)*],
) => {
impl $crate::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<$($left_begin ::)* $($left_tbl ::)? $left_col> for $($right_begin ::)* $($right_tbl ::)? $right_col {
type Output = $crate::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
impl $crate::expression::IsContainedInGroupBy<$($right_begin ::)* $($right_tbl ::)? $right_col> for $($left_begin ::)* $($left_tbl ::)? $left_col {
type Output = $crate::expression::is_contained_in_group_by::No;
/// Allow two or more columns which are otherwise unrelated to be used together
/// in a group by clause.
/// This macro must be invoked any time two columns need to appear in the same
/// group by clause. When this macro is invoked with more than 2 columns, every
/// combination of those columns will be allowed to appear together.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # include!("../");
/// # use crate::schema::{users, posts};
/// // This would be required
/// allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(users::name, posts::id, posts::title);
/// # fn main() {
/// // to do implement the following join
/// users::table.inner_join(posts::table).group_by((users::name, posts::id, posts::title))
/// # ;
/// # }
/// ```
/// When more than two columns are passed, the relevant code is generated for
/// every combination of those columns. This code would be equivalent to the
/// previous example.
/// ```
/// # include!("../");
/// # use crate::schema::{users, posts};
/// #
/// allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(users::name, posts::title);
/// allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(users::name, posts::id);
/// allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(posts::title, posts::id);
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
macro_rules! allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause {
($($left_path:tt)::+, $($right_path:tt)::+ $(,)?) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)::+],
($($left_path:tt)::+, $($right_path:tt)::+, $($other: tt)*) => {
$crate::__diesel_impl_allow_in_same_group_by_clause! {
left = [$($left_path)::+],
$crate::allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause! {
($last_col:ty,) => {};
() => {};
macro_rules! __diesel_with_dollar_sign {
($($body:tt)*) => {
macro_rules! __with_dollar_sign { $($body)* }
// The order of these modules is important (at least for those which have tests).
// Utility macros which don't call any others need to come first.
mod internal;
mod static_cond;
mod ops;
mod tests {
use crate::prelude::*;
table! {
foo.bars {
id -> Integer,
baz -> Text,
mod my_types {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, crate::sql_types::SqlType)]
pub struct MyCustomType;
table! {
use crate::sql_types::*;
use crate::macros::tests::my_types::*;
table_with_custom_types {
id -> Integer,
my_type -> MyCustomType,
table! {
use crate::sql_types::*;
use crate::macros::tests::my_types::*;
/// Table documentation
/// some in detail documentation
table_with_custom_type_and_id (a) {
/// Column documentation
/// some more details
a -> Integer,
my_type -> MyCustomType,
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
fn table_with_custom_schema() {
use crate::pg::Pg;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT "foo"."bars"."baz" FROM "foo"."bars" -- binds: []"#;
&crate::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&
table! {
use crate::sql_types;
use crate::sql_types::*;
table_with_arbitrarily_complex_types {
id -> sql_types::Integer,
qualified_nullable -> sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::Integer>,
deeply_nested_type -> Nullable<Nullable<Integer>>,
// This actually should work, but there appears to be a rustc bug
// on the `AsExpression` bound for `EqAll` when the ty param is a projection
// projected_type -> <Nullable<Integer> as sql_types::IntoNullable>::Nullable,
//random_tuple -> (Integer, Integer),
foo {
/// Column doc
id -> Integer,
#[sql_name = "type"]
/// Also important to document this column
mytype -> Integer,
/// And this one
#[sql_name = "bleh"]
hey -> Integer,
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
fn table_with_column_renaming_postgres() {
use crate::pg::Pg;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT "foo"."id", "foo"."type", "foo"."bleh" FROM "foo" WHERE ("foo"."type" = $1) -- binds: [1]"#;
crate::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
fn table_with_column_renaming_mysql() {
use crate::mysql::Mysql;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `foo`.`id`, `foo`.`type`, `foo`.`bleh` FROM `foo` WHERE (`foo`.`type` = ?) -- binds: [1]"#;
crate::debug_query::<Mysql, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
fn table_with_column_renaming_sqlite() {
use crate::sqlite::Sqlite;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `foo`.`id`, `foo`.`type`, `foo`.`bleh` FROM `foo` WHERE (`foo`.`type` = ?) -- binds: [1]"#;
crate::debug_query::<Sqlite, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
use crate::sql_types::*;
/// Some documentation
/// Some more documentation
bar {
id -> Integer,
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
fn table_renaming_postgres() {
use crate::pg::Pg;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT "mod"."id" FROM "mod" -- binds: []"#;
crate::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&
#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
fn table_renaming_mysql() {
use crate::mysql::Mysql;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `mod`.`id` FROM `mod` -- binds: []"#;
crate::debug_query::<Mysql, _>(&
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
fn table_renaming_sqlite() {
use crate::sqlite::Sqlite;
let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `mod`.`id` FROM `mod` -- binds: []"#;
crate::debug_query::<Sqlite, _>(&
mod tests_for_allow_combined_group_by_syntax {
use crate::table;
table! {
a(b) {
b -> Text,
c -> Text,
d -> Text,
e -> Text,
table! {
b(a) {
a -> Text,
c -> Text,
d -> Text,
table! {
c(a) {
a -> Text,
b -> Text,
d -> Text,
// allow using table::column
allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(a::b, b::a, a::d,);
// allow using full paths
allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(self::a::c, self::b::c, self::b::d,);
use self::a::d as a_d;
use self::b::d as b_d;
use self::c::d as c_d;
// allow using plain identifiers
allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(a_d, b_d, c_d);
// allow mixing all variants
allow_columns_to_appear_in_same_group_by_clause!(c_d, self::b::a, a::e,);