blob: 50328529195aaf2a21b4b06272bbb23b00383b14 [file] [log] [blame]
use query_builder::AsQuery;
use query_source::joins::OnClauseWrapper;
use query_source::{JoinTo, QuerySource, Table};
/// `JoinDsl` support trait to emulate associated type constructors
pub trait InternalJoinDsl<Rhs, Kind, On> {
type Output: AsQuery;
fn join(self, rhs: Rhs, kind: Kind, on: On) -> Self::Output;
impl<T, Rhs, Kind, On> InternalJoinDsl<Rhs, Kind, On> for T
T: Table + AsQuery,
T::Query: InternalJoinDsl<Rhs, Kind, On>,
type Output = <T::Query as InternalJoinDsl<Rhs, Kind, On>>::Output;
fn join(self, rhs: Rhs, kind: Kind, on: On) -> Self::Output {
self.as_query().join(rhs, kind, on)
/// `JoinDsl` support trait to emulate associated type constructors and grab
/// the known on clause from the associations API
pub trait JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, Kind> {
type Output: AsQuery;
fn join_with_implicit_on_clause(self, rhs: Rhs, kind: Kind) -> Self::Output;
impl<Lhs, Rhs, Kind> JoinWithImplicitOnClause<Rhs, Kind> for Lhs
Lhs: JoinTo<Rhs>,
Lhs: InternalJoinDsl<<Lhs as JoinTo<Rhs>>::FromClause, Kind, <Lhs as JoinTo<Rhs>>::OnClause>,
type Output = <Lhs as InternalJoinDsl<Lhs::FromClause, Kind, Lhs::OnClause>>::Output;
fn join_with_implicit_on_clause(self, rhs: Rhs, kind: Kind) -> Self::Output {
let (from, on) = Lhs::join_target(rhs);
self.join(from, kind, on)
/// Specify the `ON` clause for a join statement. This will override
/// any implicit `ON` clause that would come from [`joinable!`]
/// [`joinable!`]: ../macro.joinable.html
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
/// # include!("../");
/// # use schema::{users, posts};
/// #
/// # fn main() {
/// # let connection = establish_connection();
/// let data = users::table
/// .left_join(posts::table.on(
/// users::id.eq(posts::user_id).and(
/// posts::title.eq("My first post"))
/// ))
/// .select((users::name, posts::title.nullable()))
/// .load(&connection);
/// let expected = vec![
/// ("Sean".to_string(), Some("My first post".to_string())),
/// ("Tess".to_string(), None),
/// ];
/// assert_eq!(Ok(expected), data);
/// # }
pub trait JoinOnDsl: Sized {
/// See the trait documentation.
fn on<On>(self, on: On) -> OnClauseWrapper<Self, On> {
OnClauseWrapper::new(self, on)
impl<T: QuerySource> JoinOnDsl for T {}