blob: 30944ce0986eb4080fbaf17b39213e79b7eef714 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Support for Money values under PostgreSQL.
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign};
use deserialize::{self, FromSql};
use pg::{Pg, PgValue};
use serialize::{self, Output, ToSql};
use sql_types::{BigInt, Money};
/// Money is represented in Postgres as a 64 bit signed integer. This struct is a dumb wrapper
/// type, meant only to indicate the integer's meaning. The fractional precision of the value is
/// determined by the [`lc_monetary` setting of the database](
/// This struct is re-exported as `Cents` as a convenient and conventional expression of a typical
/// unit of 1/100th of currency. For other names or precisions, users might consider a differently
/// named `use` of the `PgMoney` struct.
/// ```rust
/// use diesel::data_types::PgMoney as Pence; // 1/100th unit of Pound
/// use diesel::data_types::PgMoney as Fils; // 1/1000th unit of Dinar
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, FromSqlRow, AsExpression)]
#[sql_type = "Money"]
pub struct PgMoney(pub i64);
impl FromSql<Money, Pg> for PgMoney {
fn from_sql(bytes: Option<PgValue<'_>>) -> deserialize::Result<Self> {
FromSql::<BigInt, Pg>::from_sql(bytes).map(PgMoney)
impl ToSql<Money, Pg> for PgMoney {
fn to_sql<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut Output<W, Pg>) -> serialize::Result {
ToSql::<BigInt, Pg>::to_sql(&self.0, out)
impl Add for PgMoney {
type Output = Self;
/// # Panics
/// Performs a checked addition, and will `panic!` on overflow in both `debug` and `release`.
fn add(self, rhs: PgMoney) -> Self::Output {
.expect("overflow adding money amounts")
impl AddAssign for PgMoney {
/// # Panics
/// Performs a checked addition, and will `panic!` on overflow in both `debug` and `release`.
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: PgMoney) {
self.0 = self
.expect("overflow adding money amounts")
impl Sub for PgMoney {
type Output = Self;
/// # Panics
/// Performs a checked subtraction, and will `panic!` on underflow in both `debug` and `release`.
fn sub(self, rhs: PgMoney) -> Self::Output {
.expect("underflow subtracting money amounts")
impl SubAssign for PgMoney {
/// # Panics
/// Performs a checked subtraction, and will `panic!` on underflow in both `debug` and `release`.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: PgMoney) {
self.0 = self
.expect("underflow subtracting money amounts")
#[cfg(feature = "quickcheck")]
mod quickcheck_impls {
extern crate quickcheck;
use self::quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen};
use super::PgMoney;
impl Arbitrary for PgMoney {
fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> Self {
fn add_money() {
let c1 = PgMoney(123);
let c2 = PgMoney(456);
assert_eq!(PgMoney(579), c1 + c2);
fn add_assign_money() {
let mut c1 = PgMoney(123);
c1 += PgMoney(456);
assert_eq!(PgMoney(579), c1);
#[should_panic(expected = "overflow adding money amounts")]
fn add_money_overflow() {
let c1 = PgMoney(::std::i64::MAX);
let c2 = PgMoney(1);
let _overflow = c1 + c2;
#[should_panic(expected = "overflow adding money amounts")]
fn add_assign_money_overflow() {
let mut c1 = PgMoney(::std::i64::MAX);
c1 += PgMoney(1);
fn sub_money() {
let c1 = PgMoney(123);
let c2 = PgMoney(456);
assert_eq!(PgMoney(-333), c1 - c2);
fn sub_assign_money() {
let mut c1 = PgMoney(123);
c1 -= PgMoney(456);
assert_eq!(PgMoney(-333), c1);
#[should_panic(expected = "underflow subtracting money amounts")]
fn sub_money_underflow() {
let c1 = PgMoney(::std::i64::MIN);
let c2 = PgMoney(1);
let _underflow = c1 - c2;
#[should_panic(expected = "underflow subtracting money amounts")]
fn sub_assign_money_underflow() {
let mut c1 = PgMoney(::std::i64::MIN);
c1 -= PgMoney(1);