blob: ea062c62c9a5c715e1670c73a246098de93475b7 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
subdirs-y := arch base board boot debug drivers fastboot image net netboot vboot
DEPTHCHARGE = $(obj)/depthcharge
NETBOOT = $(obj)/netboot
DEV = $(obj)/dev
FASTBOOT = $(obj)/fastboot
DONT_GC_NETBOOT = -Wl,-u,netboot_entry
# Defines rules to link, strip and compress a binary
# $1 output file base name (will result in $1.elf and $1.bin)
# $2 prerequisite objects to build and link in
# $3 additional compiler/linker flags to pass
define declare_bin
$1.elf: $2
@printf " LD $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@.tmp)\n"
$$(Q)$$(XCC) $$(LINK_FLAGS) $3 -o $$@.tmp $$^
@printf " OBJCOPY $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
$$(Q)$$(OBJCOPY) --remove-section=".shared_data" \
--remove-section=".cparams" --remove-section=".gbb_copy" \
--redefine-sym $$(TRAMP_PREFIX)_\$$$$a=\$$$$a \
--redefine-sym $$(TRAMP_PREFIX)_\$$$$t=\$$$$t \
--redefine-sym $$(TRAMP_PREFIX)_\$$$$d=\$$$$d \
$$@.tmp $$@
$1.bin: $1.elf
@printf " STRIP $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@.tmp)\n"
$$(Q)$$(STRIP) -o $$@.tmp $$<
@printf " LZMA $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
$$(Q)$$(LZMA) --stdout $$@.tmp > $$@
# Defines rules for a legacy binaries (depthcharge RO and RW with trampoline)
# $1 output file base name (will result in $, $
# $2 common objects to be linked into both stages
# $3 object containing entry point (main) for RO
# $4 object containing entry point (main) for RW
# $5 additional compiler/linker flags to pass
define declare_ro_rw
$(eval $(call declare_bin,$,$2 $3 $$$$(VB_LIB) \
$$$$(TRAMPOLINE) $$$$(TRAMP_LP),$5))
$(eval $(call declare_bin,$,$2 $4 $$$$(VB_LIB),$5))
$(notdir $1)_ro_rw: $ $
PHONY += $(notdir $1)_ro_rw
# Defines rules for a unified (EFS) binary
# $1 output file base name (will result in $1.elf)
# $2 objects to be linked into the binary
# $3 additional compiler/linker flags to pass
define declare_unified
$(eval $(call declare_bin,$1,$2 $$$$(VB_LIB),$3))
$1.payload: $1.elf
@printf " PAYLOAD $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
$$(Q)-rm -f $1.rom $
$$(Q)dd if=/dev/zero of=$ bs=512 count=1
$$(Q)cbfstool $1.rom create -m $$(ARCH) -s 1024K -B $ -a 64
$$(Q)cbfstool $1.rom add-payload -f $$< -n dc.elf -c lzma
$$(Q)cbfstool $1.rom extract -n dc.elf -f $$@
$$(Q)rm -f $1.rom $
$(notdir $1)_unified: $1.bin $1.payload
PHONY += $(notdir $1)_unified
$(eval $(call declare_ro_rw,$(DEPTHCHARGE),$$$$(depthcharge-objs), \
$(eval $(call declare_unified,$(DEPTHCHARGE),$$$$(depthcharge-objs) \
$(eval $(call declare_unified,$(NETBOOT),$$$$(depthcharge-objs) \
$$$$(netboot-objs) $$$$(net-objs) $$$$(uip-objs),))
$(eval $(call declare_ro_rw,$(DEV),$$$$(depthcharge-objs) \
$$$$(netboot-objs) $$$$(net-objs) $$$$(uip-objs) $$$$(dev-objs), \
$(eval $(call declare_unified,$(DEV),$$$$(depthcharge-objs) \
$$$$(netboot-objs) $$$$(net-objs) $$$$(uip-objs) $$$$(dev-objs) \
# Rules for creating fastboot-capable depthcharge binary
$(eval $(call declare_unified,$(FASTBOOT),$$$$(depthcharge-objs) \