blob: 3b35aedc332ffb0a047d81e2b0cdc8d91e4cf6a6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import os, re, subprocess, sys
tests = [
('demumble hello', 'hello\n'),
('demumble _Z4funcPci _Z1fv', 'func(char*, int)\nf()\n'),
('demumble < _Z4funcPci _Z1fv', 'func(char*, int)\nf()\n'),
('demumble ?Fxi@@YAHP6AHH@Z@Z', 'int __cdecl Fxi(int (__cdecl *)(int))\n'),
('demumble ??0S@@QEAA@$$QEAU0@@Z', 'public: __cdecl S::S(struct S &&)\n'),
('demumble ??_C@_02PCEFGMJL@hi?$AA@', '"hi"\n'),
('demumble __Znwi', 'operator new(int)\n'), # Strip extra _ (for OS X)
('demumble < __Znwi', 'operator new(int)\n'), # Also from stdin
('demumble -m hi _Z1fv ho _Z1gv', 'hi\nf()\nho\ng()\n'),
('demumble -m < hi_ho _Z1fv ho _Z1gv ?hm', 'f()\ng()\n?hm\n'),
('demumble -m < _Z1fv!_Z1gv', 'f()\ng()\n'),
('demumble -m < _Z1fv!foo_bar', 'f()\n'),
('demumble Pi', 'int*\n'),
('demumble < Pi', 'Pi\n'),
('demumble < ___Z10blocksNRVOv_block_invoke',
'invocation function for block in blocksNRVO()\n'),
('demumble < .____Z10blocksNRVOv_block_invoke',
'.invocation function for block in blocksNRVO()\n'),
('demumble -m < .____Z10blocksNRVOv_block_invoke',
'invocation function for block in blocksNRVO()\n'),
('demumble _ZN2zx7channelD4Ev', 'zx::channel::~channel()\n'),
('demumble -- -b', '-b\n'),
('demumble -- -m', '-m\n'),
('demumble -- -h', '-h\n'),
('demumble -h', re.compile('.*usage: demumble.*')),
('demumble --help', re.compile('.*usage: demumble.*')),
('demumble --version', re.compile('.*\..*')),
('demumble -b hello', 'hello\n'),
('demumble -b _Z1fv', '"f()" (_Z1fv)\n'),
('demumble -b < _Z1fv', '"f()" (_Z1fv)\n'),
('demumble -bm < _Z1fv!foo_bar', '"f()" (_Z1fv)\n'),
('demumble -mb < _Z1fv!foo_bar', '"f()" (_Z1fv)\n'),
('demumble --foo < bar', re.compile(".*unrecognized option `--foo'.*")),
('demumble -bx < bar', re.compile(".*unrecognized option `x' in `-bx'.*")),
status = 0
for t in tests:
cmd = t[0].split()
# Assume that demumble is next to this script.
cmd[0] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.', cmd[0])
if '<' in cmd:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd[:cmd.index('<')], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
out = p.communicate(input='\n'.join(cmd[cmd.index('<') + 1:]) + '\n')[0]
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
if (out != t[1] if isinstance(t[1], str) else not t[1].match(out)):
print("`%s`: Expected '%s', got '%s'" % (t[0], t[1], out))
status = 1
print("passed" if status == 0 else "failed")