blob: de9b65ffec13df0846fd7624f9f8ccdc29ad24dc [file] [log] [blame]
import '../core/parser.dart';
import '../parser/misc/epsilon.dart';
import '../shared/types.dart';
import 'internal/cycle_set.dart';
import 'internal/first_set.dart';
import 'internal/follow_set.dart';
import 'internal/path.dart';
import 'iterable.dart';
/// Helper to reflect on properties of a grammar.
class Analyzer {
/// Constructs an analyzer on the parser graph starting at [root].
/// The start parser of analysis.
final Parser root;
/// Returns a set of all parsers reachable from [root].
Iterable<Parser> get parsers => _parsers;
late final Set<Parser> _parsers = allParser(root).toSet();
/// Returns a set of all deep children reachable from [parser].
/// The returned set does only include the [parser] itself, if it is
/// recursively calling itself.
Set<Parser> allChildren(Parser parser) {
assert(parsers.contains(parser), 'parser is not part of the analyzer');
return _allChildren.putIfAbsent(
() => parser.children.fold(
<Parser>{}, (result, child) => result..addAll(allParser(child))));
late final Map<Parser, Set<Parser>> _allChildren = {};
/// Returns the shortest path from [source] that satisfies the given
/// [predicate], if any.
ParserPath? findPath(Parser source, Predicate<ParserPath> predicate) {
ParserPath? path;
for (final current in findAllPaths(source, predicate)) {
if (path == null || current.length < path.length) {
path = current;
return path;
/// Returns the shortest path from [source] to [target], if any.
ParserPath? findPathTo(Parser source, Parser target) {
assert(parsers.contains(target), 'target is not part of the analyzer');
return findPath(source, (path) => == target);
/// Returns all paths starting at [source] that satisfy the given [predicate].
Iterable<ParserPath> findAllPaths(
Parser source, Predicate<ParserPath> predicate) {
assert(parsers.contains(source), 'source is not part of the analyzer');
return depthFirstSearch(ParserPath([source], []), predicate);
/// Returns all paths starting at [source] that end in [target].
Iterable<ParserPath> findAllPathsTo(Parser source, Parser target) {
assert(parsers.contains(target), 'target is not part of the analyzer');
return findAllPaths(source, (path) => == target);
/// Returns `true` if [parser] is transitively nullable, that is it can
/// successfully parse nothing.
bool isNullable(Parser parser) => _firstSets[parser]!.contains(sentinel);
/// Returns the first-set of [parser].
/// The first-set of a parser is the set of terminal parsers which can appear
/// as the first element of any chain of parsers derivable from [parser].
/// Includes [sentinel], if the set is nullable.
Iterable<Parser> firstSet(Parser parser) => _firstSets[parser]!;
late final Map<Parser, Set<Parser>> _firstSets =
computeFirstSets(parsers: _parsers, sentinel: sentinel);
/// Returns the follow-set of a [parser].
/// The follow-set of a parser is the list of terminal parsers that can
/// appear immediately after [parser]. Includes [sentinel], if the parse can
/// complete when starting at [root].
Iterable<Parser> followSet(Parser parser) => _followSet[parser]!;
late final Map<Parser, Set<Parser>> _followSet = computeFollowSets(
root: root, parsers: _parsers, firstSets: _firstSets, sentinel: sentinel);
/// Returns the cycle-set of a [parser].
Iterable<Parser> cycleSet(Parser parser) => _cycleSet[parser]!;
late final Map<Parser, List<Parser>> _cycleSet =
computeCycleSets(parsers: _parsers, firstSets: _firstSets);
/// Helper to do a global replace of [source] with [target].
void replaceAll(Parser source, Parser target) {
for (final parent in _parsers) {
parent.replace(source, target);
/// A unique parser used as a marker in [firstSet] and [followSet]
/// computations.
static final sentinel = EpsilonParser<void>(null);