blob: 876cbf6cdb65cb0c4e55c284c96578f59e834d4c [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../../context/context.dart';
import '../../context/result.dart';
import '../../core/parser.dart';
import 'repeating.dart';
import 'unbounded.dart';
extension PossessiveRepeatingParserExtension<R> on Parser<R> {
/// Returns a parser that accepts the receiver zero or more times. The
/// resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
/// This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
/// input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
/// For example, the parser `letter().star()` accepts the empty string or
/// any sequence of letters and returns a possibly empty list of the parsed
/// letters.
Parser<List<R>> star() => repeat(0, unbounded);
/// Returns a parser that accepts the receiver one or more times. The
/// resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
/// This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
/// input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
/// For example, the parser `letter().plus()` accepts any sequence of
/// letters and returns a list of the parsed letters.
Parser<List<R>> plus() => repeat(1, unbounded);
/// Returns a parser that accepts the receiver exactly [count] times. The
/// resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
/// For example, the parser `letter().times(2)` accepts two letters and
/// returns a list of the two parsed letters.
Parser<List<R>> times(int count) => repeat(count, count);
/// Returns a parser that accepts the receiver between [min] and [max] times.
/// The resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
/// This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
/// input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
/// For example, the parser `letter().repeat(2, 4)` accepts a sequence of
/// two, three, or four letters and returns the accepted letters as a list.
Parser<List<R>> repeat(int min, [int? max]) =>
PossessiveRepeatingParser<R>(this, min, max ?? min);
/// A greedy parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of
/// its delegate.
class PossessiveRepeatingParser<R> extends RepeatingParser<R, List<R>> {
PossessiveRepeatingParser(super.parser, super.min, super.max);
Result<List<R>> parseOn(Context context) {
final elements = <R>[];
var current = context;
while (elements.length < min) {
final result = delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return result.failure(result.message);
current = result;
while (elements.length < max) {
final result = delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return current.success(elements);
current = result;
return current.success(elements);
int fastParseOn(String buffer, int position) {
var count = 0;
var current = position;
while (count < min) {
final result = delegate.fastParseOn(buffer, current);
if (result < 0) {
return -1;
current = result;
while (count < max) {
final result = delegate.fastParseOn(buffer, current);
if (result < 0) {
return current;
current = result;
return current;
PossessiveRepeatingParser<R> copy() =>
PossessiveRepeatingParser<R>(delegate, min, max);