blob: 3655eb81b529adbf556a85ef14682deeff9e5b38 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../../context/context.dart';
import '../../context/result.dart';
import '../../core/parser.dart';
import '../combinator/sequence.dart';
extension EndOfInputParserExtension<R> on Parser<R> {
/// Returns a parser that succeeds only if the receiver consumes the complete
/// input, otherwise return a failure with the optional [message].
/// For example, the parser `letter().end()` succeeds on the input `'a'`
/// and fails on `'ab'`. In contrast the parser `letter()` alone would
/// succeed on both inputs, but not consume everything for the second input.
Parser<R> end([String message = 'end of input expected']) =>
seq2(this, endOfInput(message)).map2((value, _) => value);
/// Returns a parser that succeeds at the end of input.
Parser<void> endOfInput([String message = 'end of input expected']) =>
/// A parser that succeeds at the end of input.
class EndOfInputParser extends Parser<void> {
/// Error message to annotate parse failures with.
final String message;
Result<void> parseOn(Context context) =>
context.position < context.buffer.length
? context.failure(message)
: context.success(null);
int fastParseOn(String buffer, int position) =>
position < buffer.length ? -1 : position;
String toString() => '${super.toString()}[$message]';
EndOfInputParser copy() => EndOfInputParser(message);
bool hasEqualProperties(EndOfInputParser other) =>
super.hasEqualProperties(other) && message == other.message;