blob: 71a6e455036c2830d7b25155c021db63e0ac2e6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta_meta.dart';
import 'allowed_keys_helpers.dart';
import 'checked_helpers.dart';
import 'enum_helpers.dart';
import 'json_converter.dart';
import 'json_key.dart';
part 'json_serializable.g.dart';
/// Values for the automatic field renaming behavior for [JsonSerializable].
enum FieldRename {
/// Use the field name without changes.
/// Encodes a field named `kebabCase` with a JSON key `kebab-case`.
/// Encodes a field named `snakeCase` with a JSON key `snake_case`.
/// Encodes a field named `pascalCase` with a JSON key `PascalCase`.
/// Encodes a field named `screamingSnakeCase` with a JSON key
/// An annotation used to specify a class to generate code for.
checked: true,
disallowUnrecognizedKeys: true,
fieldRename: FieldRename.snake,
class JsonSerializable {
/// If `true`, [Map] types are *not* assumed to be [Map<String, dynamic>]
/// – which is the default type of [Map] instances return by JSON decode in
/// `dart:convert`.
/// This will increase the code size, but allows [Map] types returned
/// from other sources, such as `package:yaml`.
/// *Note: in many cases the key values are still assumed to be [String]*.
final bool? anyMap;
/// If `true`, generated `fromJson` functions include extra checks to validate
/// proper deserialization of types.
/// If an exception is thrown during deserialization, a
/// [CheckedFromJsonException] is thrown.
final bool? checked;
/// Specifies a named constructor to target when creating the `fromJson`
/// function.
/// If the value is not set or an empty [String], the default constructor
/// is used.
/// This setting has no effect if [createFactory] is `false`.
final String? constructor;
/// If `true` (the default), a private, static `_$ExampleFromJson` method
/// is created in the generated part file.
/// Call this method from a factory constructor added to the source class:
/// ```dart
/// @JsonSerializable()
/// class Example {
/// // ...
/// factory Example.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// _$ExampleFromJson(json);
/// }
/// ```
final bool? createFactory;
/// If `true` (defaults to false), a private, static `_$ExampleJsonMeta`
/// constant is created in the generated part file.
/// This constant can be used by other code-generators to support features
/// such as [fieldRename].
final bool? createFieldMap;
/// If `true` (defaults to false), a private, static `_$ExamplePerFieldToJson`
/// abstract class will be generated in the part file.
/// This abstract class will contain one static function per property,
/// exposing a way to encode only this property instead of the entire object.
final bool? createPerFieldToJson;
/// If `true` (the default), A top-level function is created that you can
/// reference from your class.
/// ```dart
/// @JsonSerializable()
/// class Example {
/// Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ExampleToJson(this);
/// }
/// ```
final bool? createToJson;
/// If `false` (the default), then the generated `FromJson` function will
/// ignore unrecognized keys in the provided JSON [Map].
/// If `true`, unrecognized keys will cause an [UnrecognizedKeysException] to
/// be thrown.
final bool? disallowUnrecognizedKeys;
/// If `true`, generated `toJson` methods will explicitly call `toJson` on
/// nested objects.
/// When using JSON encoding support in `dart:convert`, `toJson` is
/// automatically called on objects, so the default behavior
/// (`explicitToJson: false`) is to omit the `toJson` call.
/// Example of `explicitToJson: false` (default)
/// ```dart
/// Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {'child': child};
/// ```
/// Example of `explicitToJson: true`
/// ```dart
/// Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {'child': child?.toJson()};
/// ```
final bool? explicitToJson;
/// Defines the automatic naming strategy when converting class field names
/// into JSON map keys.
/// With a value [FieldRename.none] (the default), the name of the field is
/// used without modification.
/// See [FieldRename] for details on the other options.
/// Note: the value for [] takes precedence over this option for
/// fields annotated with [JsonKey].
final FieldRename? fieldRename;
/// When `true` on classes with type parameters (generic types), extra
/// "helper" parameters will be generated for `fromJson` and/or `toJson` to
/// support serializing values of those types.
/// For example, the generated code for
/// ```dart
/// @JsonSerializable(genericArgumentFactories: true)
/// class Response<T> {
/// int status;
/// T value;
/// }
/// ```
/// Looks like
/// ```dart
/// Response<T> _$ResponseFromJson<T>(
/// Map<String, dynamic> json,
/// T Function(Object json) fromJsonT,
/// ) {
/// return Response<T>()
/// ..status = json['status'] as int
/// ..value = fromJsonT(json['value']);
/// }
/// Map<String, dynamic> _$ResponseToJson<T>(
/// Response<T> instance,
/// Object Function(T value) toJsonT,
/// ) =>
/// <String, dynamic>{
/// 'status': instance.status,
/// 'value': toJsonT(instance.value),
/// };
/// ```
/// Notes:
/// 1. This option has no effect on classes without type parameters.
/// If used on such a class, a warning is echoed in the build log.
/// 1. If this option is set for all classes in a package via `build.yaml`
/// it is only applied to classes with type parameters – so no warning is
/// echoed.
final bool? genericArgumentFactories;
/// When `true`, only fields annotated with [JsonKey] will have code
/// generated.
/// It will have the same effect as if those fields had been annotated with
/// [JsonKey.includeToJson] and [JsonKey.includeFromJson] set to `false`
final bool? ignoreUnannotated;
/// Whether the generator should include fields with `null` values in the
/// serialized output.
/// If `true` (the default), all fields are written to JSON, even if they are
/// `null`.
/// If a field is annotated with `JsonKey` with a non-`null` value for
/// `includeIfNull`, that value takes precedent.
final bool? includeIfNull;
/// A list of [JsonConverter] to apply to this class.
/// Writing:
/// ```dart
/// @JsonSerializable(converters: [MyJsonConverter()])
/// class Example {...}
/// ```
/// is equivalent to writing:
/// ```dart
/// @JsonSerializable()
/// @MyJsonConverter()
/// class Example {...}
/// ```
/// The main difference is that this allows reusing a custom
/// [JsonSerializable] over multiple classes:
/// ```dart
/// const myCustomAnnotation = JsonSerializable(
/// converters: [MyJsonConverter()],
/// );
/// @myCustomAnnotation
/// class Example {...}
/// @myCustomAnnotation
/// class Another {...}
/// ```
@JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false)
final List<JsonConverter>? converters;
/// Creates a new [JsonSerializable] instance.
const JsonSerializable({
@Deprecated('Has no effect') bool? nullable,
factory JsonSerializable.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// An instance of [JsonSerializable] with all fields set to their default
/// values.
@Deprecated('Was only ever included to support builder infrastructure.')
static const defaults = JsonSerializable(
anyMap: false,
checked: false,
constructor: '',
createFactory: true,
createToJson: true,
disallowUnrecognizedKeys: false,
explicitToJson: false,
fieldRename: FieldRename.none,
ignoreUnannotated: false,
includeIfNull: true,
genericArgumentFactories: false,
/// Returns a new [JsonSerializable] instance with fields equal to the
/// corresponding values in `this`, if not `null`.
/// Otherwise, the returned value has the default value as defined in
/// [defaults].
@Deprecated('Was only ever included to support builder infrastructure.')
JsonSerializable withDefaults() => JsonSerializable(
anyMap: anyMap ?? defaults.anyMap,
checked: checked ?? defaults.checked,
constructor: constructor ?? defaults.constructor,
createFactory: createFactory ?? defaults.createFactory,
createToJson: createToJson ?? defaults.createToJson,
disallowUnrecognizedKeys ?? defaults.disallowUnrecognizedKeys,
explicitToJson: explicitToJson ?? defaults.explicitToJson,
fieldRename: fieldRename ?? defaults.fieldRename,
ignoreUnannotated: ignoreUnannotated ?? defaults.ignoreUnannotated,
includeIfNull: includeIfNull ?? defaults.includeIfNull,
genericArgumentFactories ?? defaults.genericArgumentFactories,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$JsonSerializableToJson(this);