blob: 73fa864b81363e373512409a121704757bee4375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library debug_session;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
import 'package:dwds/data/debug_info.dart';
import 'package:dwds/data/devtools_request.dart';
import 'package:dwds/data/extension_request.dart';
import 'package:dwds/shared/batched_stream.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/sockets.dart';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
import 'package:sse/client/sse_client.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'chrome_api.dart';
import 'cross_extension_communication.dart';
import 'data_serializers.dart';
import 'data_types.dart';
import 'lifeline_ports.dart';
import 'logger.dart';
import 'messaging.dart';
import 'storage.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'web_api.dart';
const _notADartAppAlert = 'No Dart application detected.'
' Are you trying to debug an application that includes a Chrome hosted app'
' (an application listed in chrome://apps)? If so, debugging is disabled.'
' You can fix this by removing the application from chrome://apps. Please'
' see';
const _devToolsAlreadyOpenedAlert =
'DevTools is already opened on a different window.';
final _debugSessions = <_DebugSession>[];
final _tabIdToTrigger = <int, Trigger>{};
enum DetachReason {
factory DetachReason.fromString(String value) {
return DetachReason.values.byName(value);
enum ConnectFailureReason {
factory ConnectFailureReason.fromString(String value) {
return ConnectFailureReason.values.byName(value);
enum TabType {
enum Trigger {
enum DebuggerLocation {
String get displayName {
switch (this) {
case DebuggerLocation.angularDartDevTools:
return 'AngularDart DevTools';
case DebuggerLocation.chromeDevTools:
return 'Chrome DevTools';
case DebuggerLocation.dartDevTools:
return 'a Dart DevTools tab';
case DebuggerLocation.ide:
return 'an IDE';
bool get existsActiveDebugSession => _debugSessions.isNotEmpty;
int? get latestAppBeingDebugged =>
existsActiveDebugSession ? _debugSessions.last.appTabId : null;
Future<void> attachDebugger(int dartAppTabId,
{required Trigger trigger}) async {
// Validate that the tab can be debugged:
final tabIsDebuggable = await _validateTabIsDebuggable(dartAppTabId);
if (!tabIsDebuggable) return;
_tabIdToTrigger[dartAppTabId] = trigger;
Debuggee(tabId: dartAppTabId),
() => _enableExecutionContextReporting(dartAppTabId),
Future<bool> detachDebugger(
int tabId, {
required TabType type,
required DetachReason reason,
}) async {
final debugSession = _debugSessionForTab(tabId, type: type);
if (debugSession == null) return false;
final debuggee = Debuggee(tabId: debugSession.appTabId);
final completer = Completer<bool>();
chrome.debugger.detach(debuggee, allowInterop(() {
final error = chrome.runtime.lastError;
if (error != null) {
'Error detaching tab for reason: $reason. Error: ${error.message}');
} else {
_handleDebuggerDetach(debuggee, reason);
return completer.future;
bool isActiveDebugSession(int tabId) =>
_debugSessionForTab(tabId, type: TabType.dartApp) != null;
Future<void> clearStaleDebugSession(int tabId) async {
final debugSession = _debugSessionForTab(tabId, type: TabType.dartApp);
if (debugSession != null) {
await detachDebugger(
type: TabType.dartApp,
reason: DetachReason.staleDebugSession,
} else {
await _removeDebugSessionDataInStorage(tabId);
Future<bool> _validateTabIsDebuggable(int dartAppTabId) async {
// Check if a debugger is already attached:
final existingDebuggerLocation = _debuggerLocation(dartAppTabId);
if (existingDebuggerLocation != null) {
await _showWarningNotification(
'Already debugging in ${existingDebuggerLocation.displayName}.',
return false;
// Determine if this is a Dart app:
final debugInfo = await fetchStorageObject<DebugInfo>(
type: StorageObject.debugInfo,
tabId: dartAppTabId,
if (debugInfo == null) {
await _showWarningNotification('Not a Dart app.');
return false;
// Determine if there are multiple apps in the tab:
final multipleApps = await fetchStorageObject<String>(
type: StorageObject.multipleAppsDetected,
tabId: dartAppTabId,
if (multipleApps != null) {
await _showWarningNotification(
'Dart debugging is not supported in a multi-app environment.',
return false;
// Verify that the user is authenticated:
final isAuthenticated = await _authenticateUser(dartAppTabId);
return isAuthenticated;
void _registerDebugEventListeners() {
chrome.debugger.onDetach.addListener(allowInterop((source, _) async {
await _handleDebuggerDetach(
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(allowInterop((tabId, _) async {
await detachDebugger(
type: TabType.devTools,
reason: DetachReason.devToolsTabClosed,
_enableExecutionContextReporting(int tabId) {
// Runtime.enable enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of
// executionContextCreated event. When the reporting gets enabled the event
// will be sent immediately for each existing execution context:
Debuggee(tabId: tabId), 'Runtime.enable', EmptyParam(), allowInterop((_) {
final chromeError = chrome.runtime.lastError;
if (chromeError != null) {
final errorMessage = _translateChromeError(chromeError.message);
chrome.notifications.create(/*notificationId*/ null,
NotificationOptions(message: errorMessage), /*callback*/ null);
String _translateChromeError(String chromeErrorMessage) {
if (chromeErrorMessage.contains('Cannot access') ||
chromeErrorMessage.contains('Cannot attach')) {
return _notADartAppAlert;
return _devToolsAlreadyOpenedAlert;
Future<void> _onDebuggerEvent(
Debuggee source, String method, Object? params) async {
final tabId = source.tabId;
method: method, params: params, tabId: source.tabId);
if (method == 'Runtime.executionContextCreated') {
// Only try to connect to DWDS if we don't already have a debugger instance:
if (_debuggerLocation(tabId) == null) {
return _maybeConnectToDwds(source.tabId, params);
return _forwardChromeDebuggerEventToDwds(source, method, params);
Future<void> _maybeConnectToDwds(int tabId, Object? params) async {
final context = json.decode(JSON.stringify(params))['context'];
final contextOrigin = context['origin'] as String?;
if (contextOrigin == null) return;
if (contextOrigin.contains(('chrome-extension:'))) return;
final debugInfo = await fetchStorageObject<DebugInfo>(
type: StorageObject.debugInfo,
tabId: tabId,
if (debugInfo == null) return;
if (contextOrigin != debugInfo.appOrigin) return;
final contextId = context['id'] as int;
// Find the correct frame to connect to (this is necessary if the Dart app is
// embedded in an IFRAME):
final isDartFrame = await _isDartFrame(tabId: tabId, contextId: contextId);
if (!isDartFrame) return;
final connected = await _connectToDwds(
dartAppContextId: contextId,
dartAppTabId: tabId,
debugInfo: debugInfo,
if (!connected) {
debugWarn('Failed to connect to DWDS for $contextOrigin.');
await _sendConnectFailureMessage(ConnectFailureReason.unknown,
dartAppTabId: tabId);
Future<bool> _isDartFrame({required int tabId, required int contextId}) {
final completer = Completer<bool>();
Debuggee(tabId: tabId),
'[window.\$dartAppId, window.\$dartAppInstanceId, window.\$dwdsVersion]',
returnByValue: true,
contextId: contextId), allowInterop((dynamic response) {
final evalResponse = response as _EvalResponse;
final value = evalResponse.result.value;
final appId = value?[0];
final instanceId = value?[1];
final dwdsVersion = value?[2];
final frameIdentifier = 'Frame at tab $tabId with context $contextId';
if (appId == null || instanceId == null) {
debugWarn('$frameIdentifier is not a Dart frame.');
} else {
debugLog('Dart $frameIdentifier is using DWDS $dwdsVersion.');
return completer.future;
Future<bool> _connectToDwds({
required int dartAppContextId,
required int dartAppTabId,
required DebugInfo debugInfo,
}) async {
if (debugInfo.extensionUrl == null) {
debugWarn('Can\'t connect to DWDS without an extension URL.');
return false;
final uri = Uri.parse(debugInfo.extensionUrl!);
// Start the client connection with DWDS:
final client = uri.isScheme('ws') || uri.isScheme('wss')
? WebSocketClient(WebSocketChannel.connect(uri))
: SseSocketClient(SseClient(uri.toString(), debugKey: 'DebugExtension'));
final trigger = _tabIdToTrigger[dartAppTabId];
final debugSession = _DebugSession(
client: client,
appTabId: dartAppTabId,
trigger: trigger,
onIncoming: (data) => _routeDwdsEvent(data, client, dartAppTabId),
onDone: () async {
await detachDebugger(
type: TabType.dartApp,
reason: DetachReason.connectionDoneEvent,
onError: (err) async {
debugWarn('Connection error: $err', verbose: true);
await detachDebugger(
type: TabType.dartApp,
reason: DetachReason.connectionErrorEvent,
cancelOnError: true,
// Create a connection with the lifeline port to keep the debug session alive:
await maybeCreateLifelinePort(dartAppTabId);
// Send a DevtoolsRequest to the event stream:
final tabUrl = await _getTabUrl(dartAppTabId);
debugSession.sendEvent(DevToolsRequest((b) => b
..appId = debugInfo.appId
..instanceId = debugInfo.appInstanceId
..contextId = dartAppContextId
..tabUrl = tabUrl
..uriOnly = true));
return true;
void _routeDwdsEvent(String eventData, SocketClient client, int tabId) {
final message = serializers.deserialize(jsonDecode(eventData));
if (message is ExtensionRequest) {
_forwardDwdsEventToChromeDebugger(message, client, tabId);
} else if (message is ExtensionEvent) {
method: message.method, params: message.params, tabId: tabId);
if (message.method == 'dwds.devtoolsUri') {
_openDevTools(message.params, dartAppTabId: tabId);
if (message.method == 'dwds.encodedUri') {
type: StorageObject.encodedUri,
value: message.params,
tabId: tabId,
void _forwardDwdsEventToChromeDebugger(
ExtensionRequest message, SocketClient client, int tabId) {
try {
final messageParams = message.commandParams;
final params = messageParams == null
? <String, Object>{}
: BuiltMap<String, Object>(json.decode(messageParams)).toMap();
Debuggee(tabId: tabId), message.command, js_util.jsify(params),
allowInterop(([e]) {
// No arguments indicate that an error occurred.
if (e == null) {
.add(jsonEncode(serializers.serialize(ExtensionResponse((b) => b =
..success = false
..result = JSON.stringify(chrome.runtime.lastError)))));
} else {
.add(jsonEncode(serializers.serialize(ExtensionResponse((b) => b =
..success = true
..result = JSON.stringify(e)))));
} catch (error) {
'Error forwarding ${message.command} with ${message.commandParams} to chrome.debugger: $error');
void _forwardChromeDebuggerEventToDwds(
Debuggee source, String method, dynamic params) {
final debugSession = _debugSessions
.firstWhereOrNull((session) => session.appTabId == source.tabId);
if (debugSession == null) return;
final event = _extensionEventFor(method, params);
if (method == 'Debugger.scriptParsed') {
} else {
Future<void> _openDevTools(String devToolsUri,
{required int dartAppTabId}) async {
if (devToolsUri.isEmpty) {
debugError('DevTools URI is empty.');
final debugSession = _debugSessionForTab(dartAppTabId, type: TabType.dartApp);
if (debugSession == null) {
debugError('Debug session not found.');
// Save the DevTools URI so that the extension panels have access to it:
await setStorageObject(
type: StorageObject.devToolsUri,
value: devToolsUri,
tabId: dartAppTabId,
// Open a separate tab / window if triggered through the extension icon or
// through AngularDart DevTools:
if (debugSession.trigger == Trigger.extensionIcon ||
debugSession.trigger == Trigger.angularDartDevTools) {
final devToolsOpener = await fetchStorageObject<DevToolsOpener>(
type: StorageObject.devToolsOpener);
final devToolsTab = await createTab(
queryParameters: {
'ide': 'DebugExtension',
inNewWindow: devToolsOpener?.newWindow ?? false,
debugSession.devToolsTabId =;
Future<void> _handleDebuggerDetach(Debuggee source, DetachReason reason) async {
final tabId = source.tabId;
'Debugger detached due to: $reason',
verbose: true,
prefix: '$tabId',
final debugSession = _debugSessionForTab(tabId, type: TabType.dartApp);
if (debugSession != null) {
debugLog('Removing debug session...');
// Notify the extension panels that the debug session has ended:
await _sendStopDebuggingMessage(reason, dartAppTabId: tabId);
// Maybe close the associated DevTools tab as well:
await _maybeCloseDevTools(debugSession.devToolsTabId);
await _removeDebugSessionDataInStorage(tabId);
Future<void> _maybeCloseDevTools(int? devToolsTabId) async {
if (devToolsTabId == null) return;
final devToolsTab = await getTab(devToolsTabId);
if (devToolsTab != null) {
debugLog('Closing DevTools tab...');
await removeTab(devToolsTabId);
Future<void> _removeDebugSessionDataInStorage(int tabId) async {
// Remove the DevTools URI, encoded URI, and multiple apps info from storage:
await removeStorageObject(
type: StorageObject.devToolsUri,
tabId: tabId,
await removeStorageObject(
type: StorageObject.encodedUri,
tabId: tabId,
await removeStorageObject(
type: StorageObject.multipleAppsDetected,
tabId: tabId,
void _removeDebugSession(_DebugSession debugSession) {
// Note: package:sse will try to keep the connection alive, even after the
// client has been closed. Therefore the extension sends an event to notify
// DWDS that we should close the connection, instead of relying on the done
// event sent when the client is closed. See details:
final event =
_extensionEventFor('DebugExtension.detached', js_util.jsify({}));
final removed = _debugSessions.remove(debugSession);
if (removed) {
// Maybe remove the corresponding lifeline connection:
} else {
debugWarn('Could not remove debug session.');
Future<bool> _sendConnectFailureMessage(ConnectFailureReason reason,
{required int dartAppTabId}) async {
final json = jsonEncode(serializers.serialize(ConnectFailure((b) => b
..tabId = dartAppTabId
..reason =;
return await sendRuntimeMessage(
type: MessageType.connectFailure,
body: json,
sender: Script.background,
recipient: Script.debuggerPanel);
Future<bool> _sendStopDebuggingMessage(DetachReason reason,
{required int dartAppTabId}) async {
final json = jsonEncode(serializers.serialize(DebugStateChange((b) => b
..tabId = dartAppTabId
..reason =
..newState = DebugStateChange.stopDebugging)));
return await sendRuntimeMessage(
type: MessageType.debugStateChange,
body: json,
sender: Script.background,
recipient: Script.debuggerPanel);
_DebugSession? _debugSessionForTab(tabId, {required TabType type}) {
switch (type) {
case TabType.dartApp:
return _debugSessions
.firstWhereOrNull((session) => session.appTabId == tabId);
case TabType.devTools:
return _debugSessions
.firstWhereOrNull((session) => session.devToolsTabId == tabId);
Future<bool> _authenticateUser(int tabId) async {
final isAlreadyAuthenticated = await _fetchIsAuthenticated(tabId);
if (isAlreadyAuthenticated) return true;
final debugInfo = await fetchStorageObject<DebugInfo>(
type: StorageObject.debugInfo,
tabId: tabId,
final authUrl = debugInfo?.authUrl ?? _authUrl(debugInfo?.extensionUrl);
if (authUrl == null) {
await _showWarningNotification('Cannot authenticate user.');
return false;
final isAuthenticated = await _sendAuthRequest(authUrl);
if (isAuthenticated) {
await setStorageObject<String>(
type: StorageObject.isAuthenticated,
value: '$isAuthenticated',
tabId: tabId,
} else {
await _sendConnectFailureMessage(
dartAppTabId: tabId,
await createTab(authUrl, inNewWindow: false);
return isAuthenticated;
Future<bool> _fetchIsAuthenticated(int tabId) async {
final authenticated = await fetchStorageObject<String>(
type: StorageObject.isAuthenticated,
tabId: tabId,
return authenticated == 'true';
Future<bool> _sendAuthRequest(String authUrl) async {
final response = await fetchRequest(authUrl);
final responseBody = response.body ?? '';
return responseBody.contains('Dart Debug Authentication Success!');
Future<bool> _showWarningNotification(String message) {
final completer = Completer<bool>();
/*notificationId*/ null,
title: '[Error] Dart Debug Extension',
message: message,
iconUrl: 'static_assets/dart.png',
type: 'basic',
allowInterop((_) {
return completer.future;
DebuggerLocation? _debuggerLocation(int dartAppTabId) {
final debugSession = _debugSessionForTab(dartAppTabId, type: TabType.dartApp);
final trigger = _tabIdToTrigger[dartAppTabId];
if (debugSession == null || trigger == null) return null;
switch (trigger) {
case Trigger.extensionIcon:
if (debugSession.devToolsTabId != null) {
return DebuggerLocation.dartDevTools;
} else {
return DebuggerLocation.ide;
case Trigger.angularDartDevTools:
return DebuggerLocation.angularDartDevTools;
case Trigger.extensionPanel:
return DebuggerLocation.chromeDevTools;
/// Construct an [ExtensionEvent] from [method] and [params].
ExtensionEvent _extensionEventFor(String method, dynamic params) {
return ExtensionEvent((b) => b
..params = jsonEncode(json.decode(JSON.stringify(params)))
..method = jsonEncode(method));
Future<String> _getTabUrl(int tabId) async {
final tab = await getTab(tabId);
return tab?.url ?? '';
class EmptyParam {
external factory EmptyParam();
class _DebugSession {
// The tab ID that contains the running Dart application.
final int appTabId;
// What triggered the debug session (debugger panel, extension icon, etc.)
final Trigger? trigger;
// Socket client for communication with dwds extension backend.
late final SocketClient _socketClient;
// How often to send batched events.
static const int _batchDelayMilliseconds = 1000;
// The tab ID that contains the corresponding Dart DevTools, if it exists.
int? devToolsTabId;
// Collect events into batches to be send periodically to the server.
final _batchController =
BatchedStreamController<ExtensionEvent>(delay: _batchDelayMilliseconds);
late final StreamSubscription<List<ExtensionEvent>> _batchSubscription;
required client,
required this.appTabId,
required this.trigger,
required void Function(String data) onIncoming,
required void Function() onDone,
required void Function(dynamic error) onError,
required bool cancelOnError,
}) : _socketClient = client {
// Collect extension events and send them periodically to the server.
_batchSubscription = {
(b) => = ListBuilder<ExtensionEvent>(events)))));
// Listen for incoming events:
onDone: onDone,
onError: onError,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError,
set socketClient(SocketClient client) {
_socketClient = client;
// Collect extension events and send them periodically to the server.
_batchSubscription = {
(b) => = ListBuilder<ExtensionEvent>(events)))));
void sendEvent<T>(T event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
debugError('Error sending event $event: $error');
void sendBatchedEvent(ExtensionEvent event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
debugError('Error sending batched event $event: $error');
void close() {
try {
} catch (error) {
debugError('Error closing socket client: $error');
try {
} catch (error) {
debugError('Error canceling batch subscription: $error');
try {
} catch (error) {
debugError('Error closing batch controller: $error');
String? _authUrl(String? extensionUrl) {
if (extensionUrl == null) return null;
final authUrl = Uri.parse(extensionUrl).replace(path: authenticationPath);
switch (authUrl.scheme) {
case 'ws':
return authUrl.replace(scheme: 'http').toString();
case 'wss':
return authUrl.replace(scheme: 'https').toString();
return authUrl.toString();
class _EvalResponse {
external _EvalResult get result;
class _EvalResult {
external List<String?>? get value;
class _InjectedParams {
external String get expresion;
external bool get returnByValue;
external int get contextId;
external factory _InjectedParams(
{String? expression, bool? returnByValue, int? contextId});