blob: 8992c43122cec7e98e3e851aaa40d9934535ec1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chunk.dart';
import 'dart_formatter.dart';
import 'debug.dart' as debug;
import 'line_splitting/line_splitter.dart';
/// Given a series of chunks, splits them into lines and writes the result to
/// a buffer.
class LineWriter {
final _buffer = StringBuffer();
final List<Chunk> _chunks;
final String _lineEnding;
/// The number of characters allowed in a single line.
final int pageWidth;
/// The number of characters of additional indentation to apply to each line.
/// This is used when formatting blocks to get the output into the right
/// column based on where the block appears.
final int _blockIndentation;
/// The cache of blocks that have already been formatted.
final Map<_BlockKey, FormatResult> _blockCache;
/// The offset in [_buffer] where the selection starts in the formatted code.
/// This will be `null` if there is no selection or the writer hasn't reached
/// the beginning of the selection yet.
int? _selectionStart;
/// The offset in [_buffer] where the selection ends in the formatted code.
/// This will be `null` if there is no selection or the writer hasn't reached
/// the end of the selection yet.
int? _selectionEnd;
/// The number of characters that have been written to the output.
int get length => _buffer.length;
LineWriter(DartFormatter formatter, this._chunks)
: _lineEnding = formatter.lineEnding!,
pageWidth = formatter.pageWidth,
_blockIndentation = 0,
_blockCache = {};
/// Creates a line writer for a block.
LineWriter._(this._chunks, this._lineEnding, this.pageWidth,
this._blockIndentation, this._blockCache);
/// Gets the results of formatting the child block of [chunk] at starting
/// [column].
/// If that block has already been formatted, reuses the results.
/// The column is the column for the delimiters. The contents of the block
/// are always implicitly one level deeper than that.
/// main() {
/// function(() {
/// block;
/// });
/// }
/// When we format the function expression's body, [column] will be 2, not 4.
FormatResult formatBlock(BlockChunk chunk, int column) {
var key = _BlockKey(chunk, column);
// Use the cached one if we have it.
var cached = _blockCache[key];
if (cached != null) return cached;
var writer = LineWriter._(
chunk.children, _lineEnding, pageWidth, column, _blockCache);
return _blockCache[key] = writer.writeLines();
/// Takes all of the chunks and divides them into sublists and line splits
/// each list.
/// Since this is linear and line splitting is worse it's good to feed the
/// line splitter smaller lists of chunks when possible.
FormatResult writeLines({bool isCompilationUnit = false}) {
// Now that we know what hard splits there will be, break the chunks into
// independently splittable lines.
var totalCost = 0;
var start = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < _chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = _chunks[i];
if (!chunk.canDivide) continue;
totalCost += _completeLine(start, i);
start = i;
if (start < _chunks.length) {
totalCost += _completeLine(start, _chunks.length);
// Be a good citizen, end with a newline.
if (isCompilationUnit) _buffer.write(_lineEnding);
return FormatResult(
_buffer.toString(), totalCost, _selectionStart, _selectionEnd);
/// Takes the chunks from [start] to [end], removes them, and runs the
/// [LineSplitter] on them.
int _completeLine(int start, int end) {
var chunks = _chunks.sublist(start, end);
if (debug.traceLineWriter) {
debug.dumpChunks(0, chunks);
// Run the line splitter.
var splitter = LineSplitter(this, chunks, _blockIndentation);
var splits = splitter.apply();
// Write each chunk with the appropriate splits between them.
for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = chunks[i];
// Write the block chunk's children first.
if (chunk is BlockChunk) {
if (!splits.shouldSplitAt(i)) {
// This block didn't split (which implies none of the child blocks
// of that block split either, recursively), so write them all inline.
} else {
// Include the formatted block contents.
var block = formatBlock(chunk, splits.getColumn(i));
// If this block contains one of the selection markers, tell the
// writer where it ended up in the final output.
if (block.selectionStart != null) {
_selectionStart = length + block.selectionStart!;
if (block.selectionEnd != null) {
_selectionEnd = length + block.selectionEnd!;
if (splits.shouldSplitAt(i)) {
// Don't write an initial single newline at the beginning of the output.
// If this is for a block, then the newline will be written before
// writing the block. If it's the top level output, then it shouldn't
// have an extra leading newline.
if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) {
if (chunk.isDouble) _buffer.write(_lineEnding);
_buffer.write(' ' * (splits.getColumn(i)));
} else {
if (chunk.spaceWhenUnsplit) _buffer.write(' ');
return splits.cost;
/// Writes the block chunks of [block] (and any child chunks of them,
/// recursively) without any splitting.
void _writeChunksUnsplit(BlockChunk block) {
for (var chunk in block.children) {
if (chunk.spaceWhenUnsplit) _buffer.write(' ');
// Recurse into the block.
if (chunk is BlockChunk) _writeChunksUnsplit(chunk);
/// Writes [chunk] to the output and updates the selection if the chunk
/// contains a selection marker.
void _writeChunk(Chunk chunk) {
if (chunk.selectionStart != null) {
_selectionStart = length + chunk.selectionStart!;
if (chunk.selectionEnd != null) {
_selectionEnd = length + chunk.selectionEnd!;
/// Key type for the formatted block cache.
/// To cache formatted blocks, we just need to know which block it is (the
/// index of its parent chunk) and how far it was indented when we formatted it
/// (the starting column).
class _BlockKey {
/// The index of the chunk in the surrounding chunk list that contains this
/// block.
final Chunk chunk;
/// The absolute zero-based column number where the block starts.
final int column;
_BlockKey(this.chunk, this.column);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! _BlockKey) return false;
return chunk == other.chunk && column == other.column;
int get hashCode => chunk.hashCode ^ column.hashCode;
/// The result of formatting a series of chunks.
class FormatResult {
/// The resulting formatted text, including newlines and leading whitespace
/// to reach the proper column.
final String text;
/// The numeric cost of the chosen solution.
final int cost;
/// Where in the resulting buffer the selection starting point should appear
/// if it was contained within this split list of chunks.
/// Otherwise, this is `null`.
final int? selectionStart;
/// Where in the resulting buffer the selection end point should appear if it
/// was contained within this split list of chunks.
/// Otherwise, this is `null`.
final int? selectionEnd;
FormatResult(this.text, this.cost, this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);