blob: 5ce2975f914af9ada071aeea03a60a1190b940d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'line_splitter.dart';
import 'solve_state.dart';
/// A priority queue of [SolveStates] to consider while line splitting.
/// This is based on the [HeapPriorityQueue] class from the "collection"
/// package, but is modified to handle the "overlap" logic that allows one
/// [SolveState] to supercede another.
/// States are stored internally in a heap ordered by cost, the number of
/// overflow characters. When a new state is added to the heap, it will be
/// discarded, or a previously enqueued one will be discarded, if two overlap.
class SolveStateQueue {
/// Initial capacity of a queue when created, or when added to after a [clear].
/// Number can be any positive value. Picking a size that gives a whole
/// number of "tree levels" in the heap is only done for aesthetic reasons.
static const int _initialCapacity = 7;
late final LineSplitter _splitter;
/// List implementation of a heap.
List<SolveState?> _queue = List.filled(_initialCapacity, null);
/// Number of elements in queue.
/// The heap is implemented in the first [_length] entries of [_queue].
int _length = 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => _length != 0;
void bindSplitter(LineSplitter splitter) {
_splitter = splitter;
/// Add [state] to the queue.
/// Grows the capacity if the backing list is full.
void add(SolveState state) {
if (_tryOverlap(state)) return;
if (_length == _queue.length) {
var newCapacity = _queue.length * 2 + 1;
if (newCapacity < _initialCapacity) newCapacity = _initialCapacity;
var newQueue = List<SolveState?>.filled(newCapacity, null);
newQueue.setRange(0, _length, _queue);
_queue = newQueue;
_bubbleUp(state, _length++);
SolveState removeFirst() {
assert(_length > 0);
// Remove the highest priority state.
var result = _queue[0]!;
// Fill the gap with the one at the end of the list and re-heapify.
if (_length > 0) {
var last = _queue[_length]!;
_queue[_length] = null;
_bubbleDown(last, 0);
return result;
/// Orders this state relative to [other].
/// This is a best-first ordering that prefers cheaper states even if they
/// overflow because this ensures it finds the best solution first as soon as
/// it finds one that fits in the page so it can early out.
int _compare(SolveState a, SolveState b) {
// TODO(rnystrom): It may be worth sorting by the estimated lowest number
// of overflow characters first. That doesn't help in cases where there is
// a solution that fits, but may help in corner cases where there is no
// fitting solution.
var comparison = _compareScore(a, b);
if (comparison != 0) return comparison;
return _compareRules(a, b);
/// Compares the overflow and cost of [a] to [b].
int _compareScore(SolveState a, SolveState b) {
var aCost = a.splits.cost;
var bCost = b.splits.cost;
if (aCost != bCost) {
if (aCost < bCost) return -1;
return 1;
return a.overflowChars.compareTo(b.overflowChars);
/// Distinguish states based on the rule values just so that states with the
/// same cost range but different rule values don't get considered identical
/// and inadvertantly merged.
int _compareRules(SolveState a, SolveState b) {
for (var rule in _splitter.rules) {
var aValue = a.getValue(rule);
var bValue = b.getValue(rule);
if (aValue != bValue) return aValue.compareTo(bValue);
// The way SolveStates are expanded should guarantee that we never generate
// the exact same state twice. Getting here implies that that failed.
throw 'unreachable';
/// Determines if any already enqueued state overlaps [state].
/// If so, chooses the best and discards the other. Returns `true` in this
/// case. Otherwise, returns `false`.
bool _tryOverlap(SolveState state) {
if (_length == 0) return false;
// Count positions from one instead of zero. This gives the numbers some
// nice properties. For example, all right children are odd, their left
// sibling is even, and the parent is found by shifting right by one.
// Valid range for position is [1.._length], inclusive.
var position = 1;
// Pre-order depth first search, omit child nodes if the current node has
// lower priority than [object], because all nodes lower in the heap will
// also have lower priority.
do {
var index = position - 1;
var enqueued = _queue[index]!;
var comparison = _compareScore(enqueued, state);
if (comparison == 0) {
var overlap = enqueued.compareOverlap(state);
if (overlap < 0) {
// The old state is better, so just discard the new one.
return true;
} else if (overlap > 0) {
// The new state is better than the enqueued one, so replace it.
_queue[index] = state;
return true;
} else {
// We can't merge them, so sort by their bound rule values.
comparison = _compareRules(enqueued, state);
if (comparison < 0) {
// Element may be in subtree. Continue with the left child, if any.
var leftChildPosition = position * 2;
if (leftChildPosition <= _length) {
position = leftChildPosition;
// Find the next right sibling or right ancestor sibling.
do {
while (position.isOdd) {
// While position is a right child, go to the parent.
position >>= 1;
// Then go to the right sibling of the left child.
position += 1;
} while (position > _length); // Happens if last element is a left child.
} while (position != 1); // At root again. Happens for right-most element.
return false;
/// Place [element] in heap at [index] or above.
/// Put element into the empty cell at `index`. While the `element` has
/// higher priority than the parent, swap it with the parent.
void _bubbleUp(SolveState element, int index) {
while (index > 0) {
var parentIndex = (index - 1) ~/ 2;
var parent = _queue[parentIndex]!;
if (_compare(element, parent) > 0) break;
_queue[index] = parent;
index = parentIndex;
_queue[index] = element;
/// Place [element] in heap at [index] or above.
/// Put element into the empty cell at `index`. While the `element` has lower
/// priority than either child, swap it with the highest priority child.
void _bubbleDown(SolveState element, int index) {
var rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
while (rightChildIndex < _length) {
var leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
var leftChild = _queue[leftChildIndex]!;
var rightChild = _queue[rightChildIndex]!;
var comparison = _compare(leftChild, rightChild);
int minChildIndex;
SolveState minChild;
if (comparison < 0) {
minChild = leftChild;
minChildIndex = leftChildIndex;
} else {
minChild = rightChild;
minChildIndex = rightChildIndex;
comparison = _compare(element, minChild);
if (comparison <= 0) {
_queue[index] = element;
_queue[index] = minChild;
index = minChildIndex;
rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
var leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
if (leftChildIndex < _length) {
var child = _queue[leftChildIndex]!;
var comparison = _compare(element, child);
if (comparison > 0) {
_queue[index] = child;
index = leftChildIndex;
_queue[index] = element;