blob: eabe5a2dc2017a0df3bd58afed404a3ce4b8c39a [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as prefix0;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:image/image.dart';
/// Decode and display various image formats. This is used as a visual
/// unit-test to identify problems that may occur after the translation to
/// javascript.
void main() {
// An img on the html page is used to establish the path to the images
// directory. It's removed after we get the path since we'll be populating
// the page with our own decoded images.
var img = querySelectorAll('img')[0] as prefix0.ImageElement;
String path = img.src.substring(0, img.src.lastIndexOf('/'));
// The list of images we'll be decoding, representing a wide range
// of formats and sub-formats.
List<String> images = [
for (String name in images) {
// Use an http request to get the image file from disk.
var req = HttpRequest();'GET', path + '/' + name);
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
req.onLoadEnd.listen((e) {
if (req.status == 200) {
// Convert the text to binary byte list.
List<int> bytes = Uint8List.view(req.response as ByteBuffer);
var label = DivElement();
label.text = name;
// Create a canvas to put our decoded image into.
var c = CanvasElement();
// Find the best decoder for the image.
Decoder decoder = findDecoderForData(bytes);
if (decoder == null) {
// Some of the files are animated, so always decode to animation.
// Single image files will decode to a single framed animation.
Animation anim = decoder.decodeAnimation(bytes);
if (anim == null) {
// If it's a single image, dump the decoded image into the canvas.
if (anim.length == 1) {
Image image = anim.frames[0];
//Image newImage = copyResize(image, 2000, -1, CUBIC);
var newImage = image;
c.width = newImage.width;
c.height = newImage.height;
// Create a buffer that the canvas can draw.
ImageData d = c.context2D.createImageData(c.width, c.height);
// Fill the buffer with our image data.,, newImage.getBytes(format: Format.rgba));
// Draw the buffer onto the canvas.
c.context2D.putImageData(d, 0, 0);
// A multi-frame animation, use a timer to draw frames.
// TODO this is currently not using the timing information in the
// [Animation], and using a hard-coded delay instead.
// Setup the canvas size to the size of the first image.
c.width = anim.frames[0].width;
c.height = anim.frames[0].height;
// Create a buffer that the canvas can draw.
ImageData d = c.context2D.createImageData(c.width, c.height);
int frame = 0;
new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 40), (t) {
Image image = anim.frames[frame++];
if (frame >= anim.numFrames) {
frame = 0;
// Fill the buffer with our image data.,, image.getBytes(format: Format.rgba));
// Draw the buffer onto the canvas.
c.context2D.putImageData(d, 0, 0);