blob: b2c1504f755c198cd4e3b4f0d5e4a1babddb3a3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Dart Mockito authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/// An annotation to direct Mockito to generate mock classes.
/// During [code generation][NULL_SAFETY_README], Mockito will generate a
/// `Mock{Type} extends Mock` class for each class to be mocked, in
/// `{name}.mocks.dart`, where `{name}` is the basename of the file in which
/// `@GenerateMocks` is used.
/// For example, if `@GenerateMocks([Foo])` is found at the top-level of a Dart
/// library, `foo_test.dart`, then Mockito will generate
/// `class MockFoo extends Mock implements Foo` in a new library,
/// `foo_test.mocks.dart`.
/// If the class-to-mock is generic, then the mock will be identically generic.
/// For example, given the class `class Foo<T, U>`, Mockito will generate
/// `class MockFoo<T, U> extends Mock implements Foo<T, U>`.
/// Custom mocks can be generated with the `customMocks:` named argument. Each
/// mock is specified with a [MockSpec] object.
class GenerateMocks {
final List<Type> classes;
final List<MockSpec> customMocks;
const GenerateMocks(this.classes, {this.customMocks = const []});
/// A specification of how to mock a specific class.
/// The type argument `T` is the class-to-mock. If this class is generic, and no
/// explicit type arguments are given, then the mock class is generic.
/// If the class is generic, and `T` has been specified with type argument(s),
/// the mock class is not generic, and it extends the mocked class using the
/// given type arguments.
/// The name of the mock class is either specified with the `as` named argument,
/// or is the name of the class being mocked, prefixed with 'Mock'.
/// To use the legacy behavior of returning null for unstubbed methods, use
/// `returnNullOnMissingStub: true`.
/// For example, given the generic class, `class Foo<T>`, then this
/// annotation:
/// ```dart
/// @GenerateMocks([], customMocks: [
/// MockSpec<Foo>(),
/// MockSpec<Foo<int>>(as: #MockFooOfInt),
/// ])
/// ```
/// directs Mockito to generate two mocks:
/// `class MockFoo<T> extends Mocks implements Foo<T>` and
/// `class MockFooOfInt extends Mock implements Foo<int>`.
class MockSpec<T> {
final Symbol? mockName;
final bool returnNullOnMissingStub;
final Set<Symbol> unsupportedMembers;
final Map<Symbol, Function> fallbackGenerators;
/// Constructs a custom mock specification.
/// Specify a custom name with the [as] parameter.
/// If [returnNullOnMissingStub] is true, a real call to a mock method will
/// return `null` when no stub is found. This may result in a runtime error,
/// if the return type of the method is non-nullable.
/// If the class-to-mock has a member with a non-nullable unknown return type
/// (such as a type variable, `T`), then mockito cannot generate a valid
/// override member, unless the member is specified in [unsupportedMembers],
/// or a fallback implementation is given in [fallbackGenerators].
/// For each member M in [unsupportedMembers], the mock class will have an
/// override that throws, which may be useful if the return type T of M is
/// non-nullable and it's inconvenient to define a fallback generator for M,
/// e.g. if T is an unknown type variable. Such an override cannot be used
/// with the mockito stubbing and verification APIs, but makes the mock class
/// a valid implementation of the class-to-mock.
/// Each entry in [fallbackGenerators] specifies a mapping from a method name
/// to a function, with the same signature as the method. This function is
/// used to generate fallback values when a non-null value needs to be
/// returned when stubbing or verifying. A fallback value is not ever exposed
/// in stubbing or verifying; it is an object that mockito's internals can use
/// as a legal return value.
const MockSpec({
Symbol? as,
this.returnNullOnMissingStub = false,
this.unsupportedMembers = const {},
this.fallbackGenerators = const {},
}) : mockName = as;