blob: 03ad6c1248abb36f94ea75718b5a0b62572e5032 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'archive_file.dart';
import 'dart:collection';
/// A collection of files
class Archive extends IterableBase<ArchiveFile> {
/// The list of files in the archive.
List<ArchiveFile> files = [];
final Map<String, int> _fileMap = {};
/// A global comment for the archive.
String? comment;
/// Add a file to the archive.
void addFile(ArchiveFile file) {
// Adding a file with the same path as one that's already in the archive
// will replace the previous file.
var index = _fileMap[];
if (index != null) {
files[index] = file;
// No existing file was in the archive with the same path, add it to the
// archive.
_fileMap[] = files.length - 1;
Future<void> clear() async {
var futures = <Future<void>>[];
for (var fp in files) {
comment = null;
await Future.wait(futures);
/// The number of files in the archive.
int get length => files.length;
/// Get a file from the archive.
ArchiveFile operator [](int index) => files[index];
/// Find a file with the given [name] in the archive. If the file isn't found,
/// null will be returned.
ArchiveFile? findFile(String name) {
var index = _fileMap[name];
return index != null ? files[index] : null;
/// The number of files in the archive.
int numberOfFiles() {
return files.length;
/// The name of the file at the given [index].
String fileName(int index) {
return files[index].name;
/// The decompressed size of the file at the given [index].
int fileSize(int index) {
return files[index].size;
/// The decompressed data of the file at the given [index].
List<int> fileData(int index) {
return files[index].content as List<int>;
ArchiveFile get first => files.first;
ArchiveFile get last => files.last;
bool get isEmpty => files.isEmpty;
// Returns true if there is at least one element in this collection.
bool get isNotEmpty => files.isNotEmpty;
Iterator<ArchiveFile> get iterator => files.iterator;