blob: ae60e12ab39485d79ff15ad4d020691a6e204d6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:mirrors' hide SourceLocation;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// An abstraction around doing static type checking at compile/build time.
abstract class TypeChecker {
const TypeChecker._();
/// Creates a new [TypeChecker] that delegates to other [checkers].
/// This implementation will return `true` for type checks if _any_ of the
/// provided type checkers return true, which is useful for deprecating an
/// API:
/// ```dart
/// const $Foo = const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Foo);
/// const $Bar = const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Bar);
/// // Used until $Foo is deleted.
/// const $FooOrBar = const TypeChecker.forAny(const [$Foo, $Bar]);
/// ```
const factory TypeChecker.any(Iterable<TypeChecker> checkers) = _AnyChecker;
/// Create a new [TypeChecker] backed by a runtime [type].
/// This implementation uses `dart:mirrors` (runtime reflection).
const factory TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Type type) = _MirrorTypeChecker;
/// Create a new [TypeChecker] backed by a static [type].
const factory TypeChecker.fromStatic(DartType type) = _LibraryTypeChecker;
/// Create a new [TypeChecker] backed by a library [url].
/// Example of referring to a `LinkedHashMap` from `dart:collection`:
/// ```dart
/// const linkedHashMap = const TypeChecker.fromUrl(
/// 'dart:collection#LinkedHashMap',
/// );
/// ```
/// **NOTE**: This is considered a more _brittle_ way of determining the type
/// because it relies on knowing the _absolute_ path (i.e. after resolved
/// `export` directives). You should ideally only use `fromUrl` when you know
/// the full path (likely you own/control the package) or it is in a stable
/// package like in the `dart:` SDK.
const factory TypeChecker.fromUrl(dynamic url) = _UriTypeChecker;
/// Returns the first constant annotating [element] assignable to this type.
/// Otherwise returns `null`.
/// Throws on unresolved annotations unless [throwOnUnresolved] is `false`.
DartObject? firstAnnotationOf(
Element element, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) {
if (element.metadata.isEmpty) {
return null;
final results =
annotationsOf(element, throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved);
return results.isEmpty ? null : results.first;
/// Returns if a constant annotating [element] is assignable to this type.
/// Throws on unresolved annotations unless [throwOnUnresolved] is `false`.
bool hasAnnotationOf(Element element, {bool throwOnUnresolved = true}) =>
firstAnnotationOf(element, throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved) != null;
/// Returns the first constant annotating [element] that is exactly this type.
/// Throws [UnresolvedAnnotationException] on unresolved annotations unless
/// [throwOnUnresolved] is explicitly set to `false` (default is `true`).
DartObject? firstAnnotationOfExact(
Element element, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) {
if (element.metadata.isEmpty) {
return null;
final results =
annotationsOfExact(element, throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved);
return results.isEmpty ? null : results.first;
/// Returns if a constant annotating [element] is exactly this type.
/// Throws [UnresolvedAnnotationException] on unresolved annotations unless
/// [throwOnUnresolved] is explicitly set to `false` (default is `true`).
bool hasAnnotationOfExact(Element element, {bool throwOnUnresolved = true}) =>
firstAnnotationOfExact(element, throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved) !=
DartObject? _computeConstantValue(
Element element,
int annotationIndex, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) {
final annotation = element.metadata[annotationIndex];
final result = annotation.computeConstantValue();
if (result == null && throwOnUnresolved) {
throw UnresolvedAnnotationException._from(element, annotationIndex);
return result;
/// Returns annotating constants on [element] assignable to this type.
/// Throws [UnresolvedAnnotationException] on unresolved annotations unless
/// [throwOnUnresolved] is explicitly set to `false` (default is `true`).
Iterable<DartObject> annotationsOf(
Element element, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) =>
throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved,
Iterable<DartObject> _annotationsWhere(
Element element,
bool Function(DartType) predicate, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) sync* {
for (var i = 0; i < element.metadata.length; i++) {
final value = _computeConstantValue(
throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved,
if (value?.type != null && predicate(value!.type!)) {
yield value;
/// Returns annotating constants on [element] of exactly this type.
/// Throws [UnresolvedAnnotationException] on unresolved annotations unless
/// [throwOnUnresolved] is explicitly set to `false` (default is `true`).
Iterable<DartObject> annotationsOfExact(
Element element, {
bool throwOnUnresolved = true,
}) =>
throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved,
/// Returns `true` if the type of [element] can be assigned to this type.
bool isAssignableFrom(Element element) =>
isExactly(element) ||
(element is ClassElement && element.allSupertypes.any(isExactlyType));
/// Returns `true` if [staticType] can be assigned to this type.
bool isAssignableFromType(DartType staticType) =>
/// Returns `true` if representing the exact same class as [element].
bool isExactly(Element element);
/// Returns `true` if representing the exact same type as [staticType].
bool isExactlyType(DartType staticType) => isExactly(staticType.element!);
/// Returns `true` if representing a super class of [element].
/// This check only takes into account the *extends* hierarchy. If you wish
/// to check mixins and interfaces, use [isAssignableFrom].
bool isSuperOf(Element element) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
var theSuper = element.supertype;
do {
if (isExactlyType(theSuper!)) {
return true;
theSuper = theSuper.superclass;
} while (theSuper != null);
return false;
/// Returns `true` if representing a super type of [staticType].
/// This only takes into account the *extends* hierarchy. If you wish
/// to check mixins and interfaces, use [isAssignableFromType].
bool isSuperTypeOf(DartType staticType) => isSuperOf(staticType.element!);
// Checks a static type against another static type;
class _LibraryTypeChecker extends TypeChecker {
final DartType _type;
const _LibraryTypeChecker(this._type) : super._();
bool isExactly(Element element) =>
element is ClassElement && element == _type.element;
String toString() => urlOfElement(_type.element!);
// Checks a runtime type against a static type.
class _MirrorTypeChecker extends TypeChecker {
static Uri _uriOf(ClassMirror mirror) =>
normalizeUrl((mirror.owner as LibraryMirror).uri)
.replace(fragment: MirrorSystem.getName(mirror.simpleName));
// Precomputed type checker for types that already have been used.
static final _cache = Expando<TypeChecker>();
final Type _type;
const _MirrorTypeChecker(this._type) : super._();
TypeChecker get _computed =>
_cache[this] ??= TypeChecker.fromUrl(_uriOf(reflectClass(_type)));
bool isExactly(Element element) => _computed.isExactly(element);
String toString() => _computed.toString();
// Checks a runtime type against an Uri and Symbol.
class _UriTypeChecker extends TypeChecker {
final String _url;
// Precomputed cache of String --> Uri.
static final _cache = Expando<Uri>();
const _UriTypeChecker(dynamic url)
: _url = '$url',
bool operator ==(Object o) => o is _UriTypeChecker && o._url == _url;
int get hashCode => _url.hashCode;
/// Url as a [Uri] object, lazily constructed.
Uri get uri => _cache[this] ??= normalizeUrl(Uri.parse(_url));
/// Returns whether this type represents the same as [url].
bool hasSameUrl(dynamic url) =>
uri.toString() ==
(url is String ? url : normalizeUrl(url as Uri).toString());
bool isExactly(Element element) => hasSameUrl(urlOfElement(element));
String toString() => '$uri';
class _AnyChecker extends TypeChecker {
final Iterable<TypeChecker> _checkers;
const _AnyChecker(this._checkers) : super._();
bool isExactly(Element element) => _checkers.any((c) => c.isExactly(element));
/// Exception thrown when [TypeChecker] fails to resolve a metadata annotation.
/// Methods such as [TypeChecker.firstAnnotationOf] may throw this exception
/// when one or more annotations are not resolvable. This is usually a sign that
/// something was misspelled, an import is missing, or a dependency was not
/// defined (for build systems such as Bazel).
class UnresolvedAnnotationException implements Exception {
/// Element that was annotated with something we could not resolve.
final Element annotatedElement;
/// Source span of the annotation that was not resolved.
/// May be `null` if the import library was not found.
final SourceSpan? annotationSource;
static SourceSpan? _findSpan(
Element annotatedElement,
int annotationIndex,
) {
try {
final parsedLibrary = annotatedElement.session!
as ParsedLibraryResult;
final declaration = parsedLibrary.getElementDeclaration(annotatedElement);
if (declaration == null) {
return null;
final node = declaration.node;
final List<Annotation> metadata;
if (node is AnnotatedNode) {
metadata = node.metadata;
} else if (node is FormalParameter) {
metadata = node.metadata;
} else {
throw StateError(
'Unhandled Annotated AST node type: ${node.runtimeType}');
final annotation = metadata[annotationIndex];
final start = annotation.offset;
final end = start + annotation.length;
final parsedUnit = declaration.parsedUnit!;
return SourceSpan(
SourceLocation(start, sourceUrl: parsedUnit.uri),
SourceLocation(end, sourceUrl: parsedUnit.uri),
parsedUnit.content.substring(start, end),
} catch (e, stack) {
// Trying to get more information on
An unexpected error was thrown trying to get location information on `$annotatedElement` (${annotatedElement.runtimeType}).
Please file an issue at
Include the contents of this warning and the stack trace along with
the version of `package:source_gen`, `package:analyzer` from `pubspec.lock`.
return null;
/// Creates an exception from an annotation ([annotationIndex]) that was not
/// resolvable while traversing [Element.metadata] on [annotatedElement].
factory UnresolvedAnnotationException._from(
Element annotatedElement,
int annotationIndex,
) {
final sourceSpan = _findSpan(annotatedElement, annotationIndex);
return UnresolvedAnnotationException._(annotatedElement, sourceSpan);
const UnresolvedAnnotationException._(
String toString() {
final message = 'Could not resolve annotation for `$annotatedElement`.';
if (annotationSource != null) {
return annotationSource!.message(message);
return message;