blob: 92f0f1ef741acbc2ea8eb7a725f25e6606916558 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'constants/reader.dart';
import 'type_checker.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Result of finding an [annotation] on [element] through [LibraryReader].
class AnnotatedElement {
final ConstantReader annotation;
final Element element;
const AnnotatedElement(this.annotation, this.element);
/// A high-level wrapper API with common functionality for [LibraryElement].
class LibraryReader {
final LibraryElement element;
/// Returns a top-level [ClassElement] publicly visible in by [name].
/// Unlike [LibraryElement.getType], this also correctly traverses identifiers
/// that are accessible via one or more `export` directives.
ClassElement? findType(String name) {
final type = element.exportNamespace.get(name);
return type is ClassElement ? type : null;
/// All of the declarations in this library.
Iterable<Element> get allElements => [element, ...element.topLevelElements];
/// All of the declarations in this library annotated with [checker].
Iterable<AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(TypeChecker checker,
{bool throwOnUnresolved = true}) sync* {
for (final element in allElements) {
final annotation = checker.firstAnnotationOf(
throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved,
if (annotation != null) {
yield AnnotatedElement(ConstantReader(annotation), element);
/// All of the declarations in this library annotated with exactly [checker].
Iterable<AnnotatedElement> annotatedWithExact(TypeChecker checker,
{bool throwOnUnresolved = true}) sync* {
for (final element in allElements) {
final annotation = checker.firstAnnotationOfExact(element,
throwOnUnresolved: throwOnUnresolved);
if (annotation != null) {
yield AnnotatedElement(ConstantReader(annotation), element);
/// Returns a [Uri] from the current library to the target [asset].
/// This is a typed convenience function for using [pathToUrl], and the same
/// API restrictions hold around supported schemes and relative paths.
Uri pathToAsset(AssetId asset) => pathToUrl(asset.uri);
/// Returns a [Uri] from the current library to the target [element].
/// This is a typed convenience function for using [pathToUrl], and the same
/// API restrictions hold around supported schemes and relative paths.
Uri pathToElement(Element element) => pathToUrl(element.source!.uri);
/// Returns a [Uri] from the current library to the one provided.
/// If possible, a `package:` or `dart:` URL scheme will be used to reference
/// the library, falling back to relative paths if required (such as in the
/// `test` directory).
/// The support [Uri.scheme]s are (others throw [ArgumentError]):
/// * `dart`
/// * `package`
/// * `asset`
/// May throw [ArgumentError] if it is not possible to resolve a path.
Uri pathToUrl(dynamic toUrlOrString) {
if (toUrlOrString == null) {
throw ArgumentError.notNull('toUrlOrString');
final to = toUrlOrString is Uri
? toUrlOrString
: Uri.parse(toUrlOrString as String);
if (to.scheme == 'dart') {
// Convert dart:core/map.dart to dart:core.
return normalizeDartUrl(to);
if (to.scheme == 'package') {
// Identity (no-op).
return to;
if (to.scheme == 'asset') {
// This is the same thing as a package: URL.
// i.e.
// asset:foo/lib/foo.dart ===
// package:foo/foo.dart
if (to.pathSegments.length > 1 && to.pathSegments[1] == 'lib') {
return assetToPackageUrl(to);
var from = element.source.uri;
// Normalize (convert to an asset: URL).
from = normalizeUrl(from);
if (_isRelative(from, to)) {
if (from == to) {
// Edge-case: p.relative('a.dart', 'a.dart') == '.', but that is not
// a valid import URL in Dart source code.
return Uri(path: to.pathSegments.last);
final relative = p.toUri(p.relative(
from: from.toString(),
// We now have a URL like "../b.dart", but we just want "b.dart".
return relative.replace(
pathSegments: relative.pathSegments.skip(1),
throw ArgumentError.value(to, 'to', 'Not relative to $from');
throw ArgumentError.value(to, 'to', 'Cannot use scheme "${to.scheme}"');
/// Returns whether both [from] and [to] are in the same package and folder.
/// For example these are considered relative:
/// * `asset:foo/test/foo.dart` and `asset:foo/test/bar.dart`.
/// But these are not:
/// * `asset:foo/test/foo.dart` and `asset:foo/bin/bar.dart`.
/// * `asset:foo/test/foo.dart` and `asset:bar/test/foo.dart`.
static bool _isRelative(Uri from, Uri to) {
final fromSegments = from.pathSegments;
final toSegments = to.pathSegments;
return fromSegments.length >= 2 &&
toSegments.length >= 2 &&
fromSegments[0] == toSegments[0] &&
fromSegments[1] == toSegments[1];
/// All of the elements representing classes in this library.
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
Iterable<ClassElement> get classes => element.units.expand((cu) => cu.types);
/// All of the elements representing enums in this library.
Iterable<ClassElement> get enums => element.units.expand((cu) => cu.enums);