blob: 9dd714950f0a33be06cb5cda69bddb146d9855a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// Attempts to extract what source code could be used to represent [object].
/// Returns `null` if it wasn't possible to parse [object], or [object] is a
/// primitive value (such as a number, string, boolean) that does not need to be
/// revived in order to represent it.
/// **NOTE**: Some returned [Revivable] instances are not representable as valid
/// Dart source code (such as referencing private constructors). It is up to the
/// build tool(s) using this library to surface error messages to the user.
Revivable reviveInstance(DartObject object, [LibraryElement? origin]) {
final objectType = object.type;
Element? element = objectType!.alias?.element;
if (element == null) {
if (objectType is InterfaceType) {
element = objectType.element;
} else {
element = object.toFunctionValue();
origin ??= element!.library;
var url = Uri.parse(urlOfElement(element!));
if (element is FunctionElement) {
return Revivable._(
source: url.removeFragment(),
if (element is MethodElement && element.isStatic) {
return Revivable._(
source: url.removeFragment(),
accessor: '${}.${}',
if (element is ClassElement) {
for (final e in element.fields.where(
(f) => f.isPublic && f.isConst && f.computeConstantValue() == object)) {
return Revivable._(
source: url.removeFragment(),
accessor: '${}.${}',
// We try and return a public accessor/constructor if available.
final allResults = <Revivable>[];
/// Returns whether [result] is an acceptable result to immediately return.
bool tryResult(Revivable result) {
return !result.isPrivate;
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
for (final type in origin!.definingCompilationUnit.types) {
for (final e in type.fields
.where((f) => f.isConst && f.computeConstantValue() == object)) {
final result = Revivable._(
source: url.removeFragment(),
accessor: '${}.${}',
if (tryResult(result)) {
return result;
final i = (object as DartObjectImpl).getInvocation();
if (i != null) {
url = Uri.parse(urlOfElement(i.constructor.enclosingElement));
final result = Revivable._(
source: url,
namedArguments: i.namedArguments,
positionalArguments: i.positionalArguments,
if (tryResult(result)) {
return result;
for (final e in origin.definingCompilationUnit.topLevelVariables.where(
(f) => f.isConst && f.computeConstantValue() == object,
)) {
final result = Revivable._(
source: Uri.parse(urlOfElement(origin)).replace(fragment: ''),
if (tryResult(result)) {
return result;
// We could try and return the "best" result more intelligently.
return allResults.first;
/// Decoded "instructions" for re-creating a const [DartObject] at runtime.
class Revivable {
/// A URL pointing to the location and class name.
/// For example, `LinkedHashMap` looks like: `dart:collection#LinkedHashMap`.
/// An accessor to a top-level field or method does not have a fragment and
/// is instead represented as just something like `dart:collection`, with the
/// [accessor] field as the name of the symbol.
final Uri source;
/// Constructor or getter name used to invoke `const Class(...)`.
/// Optional - if empty string (`''`) then this means the default constructor.
final String accessor;
/// Positional arguments used to invoke the constructor.
final List<DartObject> positionalArguments;
/// Named arguments used to invoke the constructor.
final Map<String, DartObject> namedArguments;
const Revivable._({
required this.source,
this.accessor = '',
this.positionalArguments = const [],
this.namedArguments = const {},
/// Whether this instance is visible outside the same library.
/// Builds tools may use this to fail when the symbol is expected to be
/// importable (i.e. isn't used with `part of`).
bool get isPrivate =>
source.fragment.startsWith('_') || accessor.startsWith('_');
String toString() {
if (source.fragment.isNotEmpty) {
if (accessor.isEmpty) {
return 'const $source';
return 'const $source.$accessor';
return '$source::$accessor';