blob: a85dabde4d9aa776fe2d82a46c9ba9359447845a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'generated_output.dart';
import 'generator.dart';
import 'generator_for_annotation.dart';
import 'library.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A [Builder] wrapping on one or more [Generator]s.
class _Builder extends Builder {
/// Function that determines how the generated code is formatted.
final String Function(String) formatOutput;
/// The generators run for each targeted library.
final List<Generator> _generators;
/// The [buildExtensions] configuration for `.dart`
final String _generatedExtension;
/// Whether to emit a standalone (non-`part`) file in this builder.
bool get _isLibraryBuilder => this is LibraryBuilder;
final String _header;
/// Whether to allow syntax errors in input libraries.
final bool allowSyntaxErrors;
final Map<String, List<String>> buildExtensions;
/// Wrap [_generators] to form a [Builder]-compatible API.
/// If available, the `build_extensions` option will be extracted from
/// [options] to allow output files to be generated into a different directory
this._generators, {
String Function(String code)? formatOutput,
String generatedExtension = '.g.dart',
List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
String? header,
this.allowSyntaxErrors = false,
BuilderOptions? options,
}) : _generatedExtension = generatedExtension,
buildExtensions = validatedBuildExtensionsFrom(
options != null ? Map.of(options.config) : null, {
'.dart': [
formatOutput = formatOutput ?? _formatter.format,
_header = (header ?? defaultFileHeader).trim() {
if (_generatedExtension.isEmpty || !_generatedExtension.startsWith('.')) {
throw ArgumentError.value(_generatedExtension, 'generatedExtension',
'Extension must be in the format of .*');
if (_isLibraryBuilder && _generators.length > 1) {
throw ArgumentError(
'A standalone file can only be generated from a single Generator.');
if (options != null && additionalOutputExtensions.isNotEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Either `options` or `additionalOutputExtensions` parameter '
'can be given. Not both.');
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
final resolver = buildStep.resolver;
if (!await resolver.isLibrary(buildStep.inputId)) return;
if (_generators.every((g) => g is GeneratorForAnnotation) &&
!(await _hasAnyTopLevelAnnotations(
buildStep.inputId, resolver, buildStep))) {
final lib = await buildStep.resolver
.libraryFor(buildStep.inputId, allowSyntaxErrors: allowSyntaxErrors);
await _generateForLibrary(lib, buildStep);
Future _generateForLibrary(
LibraryElement library,
BuildStep buildStep,
) async {
final generatedOutputs =
await _generate(library, _generators, buildStep).toList();
// Don't output useless files.
// NOTE: It is important to do this check _before_ checking for valid
// library/part definitions because users expect some files to be skipped
// therefore they do not have "library".
if (generatedOutputs.isEmpty) return;
final outputId = buildStep.allowedOutputs.first;
final contentBuffer = StringBuffer();
if (_header.isNotEmpty) {
if (!_isLibraryBuilder) {
final asset = buildStep.inputId;
final name = nameOfPartial(library, asset, outputId);
if (this is PartBuilder) {
..writeln('part of $name;');
final part = computePartUrl(buildStep.inputId, outputId);
final libraryUnit =
await buildStep.resolver.compilationUnitFor(buildStep.inputId);
final hasLibraryPartDirectiveWithOutputUri =
hasExpectedPartDirective(libraryUnit, part);
if (!hasLibraryPartDirectiveWithOutputUri) {
// TODO: Upgrade to error in a future breaking change?
log.warning('$part must be included as a part directive in '
'the input library with:\n part \'$part\';');
} else {
assert(this is SharedPartBuilder);
// For shared-part builders, `part` statements will be checked by the
// combining build step.
for (var item in generatedOutputs) {
.map((line) => '// $line\n'),
var genPartContent = contentBuffer.toString();
try {
genPartContent = formatOutput(genPartContent);
} catch (e, stack) {
An error `${e.runtimeType}` occurred while formatting the generated source for
which was output to
This may indicate an issue in the generator, the input source code, or in the
source formatter.''',
await buildStep.writeAsString(outputId, genPartContent);
String toString() =>
'Generating $_generatedExtension: ${_generators.join(', ')}';
/// A [Builder] which generates content intended for `part of` files.
/// Generated files will be prefixed with a `partId` to ensure multiple
/// [SharedPartBuilder]s can produce non conflicting `part of` files. When the
/// `source_gen|combining_builder` is applied to the primary input these
/// snippets will be concatenated into the final `.g.dart` output.
/// This builder can be used when multiple generators may need to output to the
/// same part file but [PartBuilder] can't be used because the generators are
/// not all defined in the same location. As a convention most codegen which
/// generates code should use this approach to get content into a `.g.dart` file
/// instead of having individual outputs for each building package.
class SharedPartBuilder extends _Builder {
/// Wrap [generators] as a [Builder] that generates `part of` files.
/// [partId] indicates what files will be created for each `.dart`
/// input. This extension should be unique as to not conflict with other
/// [SharedPartBuilder]s. The resulting file will be of the form
/// `<generatedExtension>.g.part`. If any generator in [generators] will
/// create additional outputs through the [BuildStep] they should be indicated
/// in [additionalOutputExtensions].
/// [formatOutput] is called to format the generated code. Defaults to
/// [DartFormatter.format].
/// [allowSyntaxErrors] indicates whether to allow syntax errors in input
/// libraries.
List<Generator> generators,
String partId, {
String Function(String code)? formatOutput,
List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
bool allowSyntaxErrors = false,
}) : super(
formatOutput: formatOutput,
generatedExtension: '.$partId.g.part',
additionalOutputExtensions: additionalOutputExtensions,
header: '',
allowSyntaxErrors: allowSyntaxErrors,
) {
if (!_partIdRegExp.hasMatch(partId)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
'`partId` can only contain letters, numbers, `_` and `.`. '
'It cannot start or end with `.`.');
/// A [Builder] which generates `part of` files.
/// This builder should be avoided - prefer using [SharedPartBuilder] and
/// generating content that can be merged with output from other builders into a
/// common `.g.dart` part file.
/// Each output should correspond to a `part` directive in the primary input,
/// this will be validated.
/// Content output by each generator is concatenated and written to the output.
/// A `part of` directive will automatically be included in the output and
/// should not need be written by any of the generators.
class PartBuilder extends _Builder {
/// Wrap [generators] as a [Builder] that generates `part of` files.
/// [generatedExtension] indicates what files will be created for each
/// `.dart` input. The [generatedExtension] should *not* be `.g.dart`. If you
/// wish to produce `.g.dart` files please use [SharedPartBuilder].
/// If any generator in [generators] will create additional outputs through
/// the [BuildStep] they should be indicated in [additionalOutputExtensions].
/// [formatOutput] is called to format the generated code. Defaults to
/// [DartFormatter.format].
/// [header] is used to specify the content at the top of each generated file.
/// If `null`, the content of [defaultFileHeader] is used.
/// If [header] is an empty `String` no header is added.
/// [allowSyntaxErrors] indicates whether to allow syntax errors in input
/// libraries.
/// If available, the `build_extensions` option will be extracted from
/// [options] to allow output files to be generated into a different directory
List<Generator> generators,
String generatedExtension, {
String Function(String code)? formatOutput,
List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
String? header,
bool allowSyntaxErrors = false,
BuilderOptions? options,
}) : super(
formatOutput: formatOutput,
generatedExtension: generatedExtension,
additionalOutputExtensions: additionalOutputExtensions,
header: header,
allowSyntaxErrors: allowSyntaxErrors,
options: options,
/// A [Builder] which generates standalone Dart library files.
/// A single [Generator] is responsible for generating the entirety of the
/// output since it must also output any relevant import directives at the
/// beginning of it's output.
class LibraryBuilder extends _Builder {
/// Wrap [generator] as a [Builder] that generates Dart library files.
/// [generatedExtension] indicates what files will be created for each `.dart`
/// input.
/// Defaults to `.g.dart`, however this should usually be changed to
/// avoid conflicts with outputs from a [SharedPartBuilder].
/// If [generator] will create additional outputs through the [BuildStep] they
/// should be indicated in [additionalOutputExtensions].
/// [formatOutput] is called to format the generated code. Defaults to
/// [DartFormatter.format].
/// [header] is used to specify the content at the top of each generated file.
/// If `null`, the content of [defaultFileHeader] is used.
/// If [header] is an empty `String` no header is added.
/// [allowSyntaxErrors] indicates whether to allow syntax errors in input
/// libraries.
Generator generator, {
String Function(String code)? formatOutput,
String generatedExtension = '.g.dart',
List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
String? header,
bool allowSyntaxErrors = false,
BuilderOptions? options,
}) : super(
formatOutput: formatOutput,
generatedExtension: generatedExtension,
additionalOutputExtensions: additionalOutputExtensions,
header: header,
allowSyntaxErrors: allowSyntaxErrors,
options: options,
Stream<GeneratedOutput> _generate(
LibraryElement library,
List<Generator> generators,
BuildStep buildStep,
) async* {
final libraryReader = LibraryReader(library);
for (var i = 0; i < generators.length; i++) {
final gen = generators[i];
var msg = 'Running $gen';
if (generators.length > 1) {
msg = '$msg - ${i + 1} of ${generators.length}';
var createdUnit = await gen.generate(libraryReader, buildStep);
if (createdUnit == null) {
createdUnit = createdUnit.trim();
if (createdUnit.isEmpty) {
yield GeneratedOutput(gen, createdUnit);
Future<bool> _hasAnyTopLevelAnnotations(
AssetId input, Resolver resolver, BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (!await buildStep.canRead(input)) return false;
final parsed = await resolver.compilationUnitFor(input);
final partIds = <AssetId>[];
for (var directive in parsed.directives) {
if (directive.metadata.isNotEmpty) return true;
if (directive is PartDirective) {
AssetId.resolve(Uri.parse(directive.uri.stringValue!), from: input),
for (var declaration in parsed.declarations) {
if (declaration.metadata.isNotEmpty) return true;
for (var partId in partIds) {
if (await _hasAnyTopLevelAnnotations(partId, resolver, buildStep)) {
return true;
return false;
final _formatter = DartFormatter();
const defaultFileHeader = '// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND';
final _headerLine = '// '.padRight(77, '*');
const partIdRegExpLiteral = r'[A-Za-z_\d-]+';
final _partIdRegExp = RegExp('^$partIdRegExpLiteral\$');
String languageOverrideForLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
final override = library.languageVersion.override;
return override == null
? ''
: '// @dart=${override.major}.${override.minor}\n';