blob: 359d479003c594557d11d1cb554c00430a190e90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'class.dart';
import 'frame.dart';
import 'function.dart';
import 'object.dart';
import 'script.dart';
/// A [Map] between whitespace characters and their escape sequences.
const _escapeMap = const {
'\n': r'\n',
'\r': r'\r',
'\f': r'\f',
'\b': r'\b',
'\t': r'\t',
'\v': r'\v',
'\x7F': r'\x7F', // delete
/// A regular expression matching the Dart VM stack frame method name for an
/// asynchronous body.
final _asyncBody = new RegExp(r'<(<anonymous closure>|[^>]+)_async_body>');
/// Transforms [stream] with a [StreamTransformer] that transforms data events
/// using [handleData].
Stream<T> transform<S, T>(
Stream<S> stream, void handleData(S data, EventSink<T> sink)) =>
.transform(new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(handleData: handleData));
/// Loads a `stack_trace` [Frame] for [frame].
/// If [scripts] is passed, it should be a map of [VMScript]s that have already
/// been loaded, indexed by [name]. This function modifys the map so that it can
/// be passed in to future invocations to avoid unnecessary loads.
Future<Frame> frameToFrame(VMFrame frame,
[Map<String, VMScript> scripts]) async {
var scopes = [];
VMObjectRef scope = frame.function;
while (scope is VMFunctionRef) {
var function = scope as VMFunctionRef;
scopes.add(, "<fn>"));
scope = function.owner;
if (scope is VMClassRef) scopes.add(;
var member = scopes.reversed.join(".");
var uri = frame.location.script.uri;
var script = scripts == null ? null : scripts[uri.toString()];
if (script == null) {
script = await frame.location.script.load();
// The special "evaluate" scheme is used for evaluating code with the VM
// service. Different scripts can have the same "evalute" scheme, so we
// don't record them.
if (scripts != null && uri.scheme != 'evaluate')
scripts[uri.toString()] = script;
var location = await script.sourceLocation(frame.location.token);
return new Frame(script.uri, location.line, location.column, member);
/// A [RegExp] that matches whitespace characters that should be escaped.
final _escapeRegExp = new RegExp(
/// Returns [str] with all whitespace characters represented as their escape
/// sequences.
/// Backslash characters are escaped as `\\`
String escapeString(String str) {
str = str.replaceAll('\\', r'\\');
return str.replaceAllMapped(_escapeRegExp, (match) {
var mapped = _escapeMap[match[0]];
if (mapped != null) return mapped;
return _getHexLiteral(match[0]);
/// Given single-character string, return the hex-escaped equivalent.
String _getHexLiteral(String input) {
int rune = input.runes.single;
return r'\x' + rune.toRadixString(16).toUpperCase().padLeft(2, '0');