blob: 1ad9dbd3d109dffc6431066b1b7a01bf91047742 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../../internal/internal.dart';
import 'vp8l.dart';
import 'vp8l_bit_reader.dart';
/// Huffman Tree.
class HuffmanTree {
static const int HUFF_LUT_BITS = 7;
static const int HUFF_LUT = (1 << HUFF_LUT_BITS);
// Fast lookup for short bit lengths.
Uint8List lutBits = Uint8List(HUFF_LUT);
Int16List lutSymbol = Int16List(HUFF_LUT);
Int16List lutJump = Int16List(HUFF_LUT);
/// all the nodes, starting at root, stored as a single int array, where
/// each node occupies two ints as [symbol, children].
Int32List tree;
/// max number of nodes
int maxNodes = 0;
/// number of currently occupied nodes
int numNodes = 0;
HuffmanTree([int numLeaves = 0]) {
bool _init(int numLeaves) {
if (numLeaves == 0) {
return false;
maxNodes = (numLeaves << 1) - 1;
tree = Int32List(maxNodes << 1);
tree[1] = -1;
numNodes = 1;
lutBits.fillRange(0, lutBits.length, 255);
return true;
bool buildImplicit(List<int> codeLengths, int codeLengthsSize) {
int numSymbols = 0;
int rootSymbol = 0;
// Find out number of symbols and the root symbol.
for (int symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; ++symbol) {
if (codeLengths[symbol] > 0) {
// Note: code length = 0 indicates non-existent symbol.
rootSymbol = symbol;
// Initialize the tree. Will fail for num_symbols = 0
if (!_init(numSymbols)) {
return false;
// Build tree.
if (numSymbols == 1) {
// Trivial case.
final int maxSymbol = codeLengthsSize;
if (rootSymbol < 0 || rootSymbol >= maxSymbol) {
return false;
return _addSymbol(rootSymbol, 0, 0);
// Normal case.
// Get Huffman codes from the code lengths.
Int32List codes = Int32List(codeLengthsSize);
if (!_huffmanCodeLengthsToCodes(codeLengths, codeLengthsSize, codes)) {
return false;
// Add symbols one-by-one.
for (int symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; ++symbol) {
if (codeLengths[symbol] > 0) {
if (!_addSymbol(symbol, codes[symbol], codeLengths[symbol])) {
return false;
return _isFull();
bool buildExplicit(List<int> codeLengths, List<int> codes, List<int> symbols,
int maxSymbol, int numSymbols) {
// Initialize the tree. Will fail if num_symbols = 0.
if (!_init(numSymbols)) {
return false;
// Add symbols one-by-one.
for (int i = 0; i < numSymbols; ++i) {
if (codes[i] != -1) {
if (symbols[i] < 0 || symbols[i] >= maxSymbol) {
return _isFull();
if (!_addSymbol(symbols[i], codes[i], codeLengths[i])) {
return _isFull();
return _isFull();
/// Decodes the next Huffman code from bit-stream.
/// input.fillBitWindow() needs to be called at minimum every second call
/// to ReadSymbol, in order to pre-fetch enough bits.
int readSymbol(VP8LBitReader br) {
int node = 0;
int bits = br.prefetchBits();
int newBitPos = br.bitPos;
// Check if we find the bit combination from the Huffman lookup table.
int lut_ix = bits & (HUFF_LUT - 1);
int lut_bits = lutBits[lut_ix];
if (lut_bits <= HUFF_LUT_BITS) {
br.bitPos = br.bitPos + lut_bits;
return this.lutSymbol[lut_ix];
node += this.lutJump[lut_ix];
newBitPos += HUFF_LUT_BITS;
bits >>= HUFF_LUT_BITS;
// Decode the value from a binary tree.
do {
node = _nextNode(node, bits & 1);
bits >>= 1;
} while (_nodeIsNotLeaf(node));
br.bitPos = newBitPos;
return _nodeSymbol(node);
bool _addSymbol(int symbol, int code, int codeLength) {
int step = HUFF_LUT_BITS;
int baseCode;
int node = 0;
if (codeLength <= HUFF_LUT_BITS) {
baseCode = _reverseBitsShort(code, codeLength);
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << (HUFF_LUT_BITS - codeLength)); ++i) {
final int idx = baseCode | (i << codeLength);
lutSymbol[idx] = symbol;
lutBits[idx] = codeLength;
} else {
baseCode = _reverseBitsShort(
(code >> (codeLength - HUFF_LUT_BITS)), HUFF_LUT_BITS);
while (codeLength-- > 0) {
if (node >= maxNodes) {
return false;
if (_nodeIsEmpty(node)) {
if (_isFull()) {
// error: too many symbols.
return false;
} else if (!_nodeIsNotLeaf(node)) {
// leaf is already occupied.
return false;
node += _nodeChildren(node) + ((code >> codeLength) & 1);
if (--step == 0) {
lutJump[baseCode] = node;
if (_nodeIsEmpty(node)) {
// turn newly created node into a leaf.
_nodeSetChildren(node, 0);
} else if (_nodeIsNotLeaf(node)) {
// trying to assign a symbol to already used code.
return false;
// Add symbol in this node.
_nodeSetSymbol(node, symbol);
return true;
// Pre-reversed 4-bit values.
static const List<int> _REVERSED_BITS = const [
int _reverseBitsShort(int bits, int numBits) {
int v = (_REVERSED_BITS[bits & 0xf] << 4) | _REVERSED_BITS[bits >> 4];
return v >> (8 - numBits);
bool _isFull() {
return (numNodes == maxNodes);
int _nextNode(int node, int rightChild) {
return node + _nodeChildren(node) + rightChild;
int _nodeSymbol(int node) => tree[(node << 1)];
void _nodeSetSymbol(int node, int symbol) {
tree[(node << 1)] = symbol;
int _nodeChildren(int node) => tree[(node << 1) + 1];
void _nodeSetChildren(int node, int children) {
tree[(node << 1) + 1] = children;
bool _nodeIsNotLeaf(int node) => tree[(node << 1) + 1] != 0;
bool _nodeIsEmpty(int node) => tree[(node << 1) + 1] < 0;
void _assignChildren(int node) {
int children = numNodes;
_nodeSetChildren(node, children - node);
numNodes += 2;
_nodeSetChildren(children, -1);
_nodeSetChildren(children + 1, -1);
bool _huffmanCodeLengthsToCodes(
List<int> codeLengths, int codeLengthsSize, List<int> huffCodes) {
int symbol;
int codeLen;
Int32List codeLengthHist = new Int32List(VP8L.MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH + 1);
int currCode;
Int32List nextCodes = new Int32List(VP8L.MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH + 1);
int maxCodeLength = 0;
// Calculate max code length.
for (symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; ++symbol) {
if (codeLengths[symbol] > maxCodeLength) {
maxCodeLength = codeLengths[symbol];
if (maxCodeLength > VP8L.MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH) {
return false;
// Calculate code length histogram.
for (symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; ++symbol) {
codeLengthHist[0] = 0;
// Calculate the initial values of 'next_codes' for each code length.
// next_codes[code_len] denotes the code to be assigned to the next symbol
// of code length 'code_len'.
currCode = 0;
// Unused, as code length = 0 implies code doesn't exist.
nextCodes[0] = -1;
for (codeLen = 1; codeLen <= maxCodeLength; ++codeLen) {
currCode = (currCode + codeLengthHist[codeLen - 1]) << 1;
nextCodes[codeLen] = currCode;
// Get symbols.
for (symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; ++symbol) {
if (codeLengths[symbol] > 0) {
huffCodes[symbol] = nextCodes[codeLengths[symbol]]++;
} else {
huffCodes[symbol] = -1;
return true;
/// A group of huffman trees.
class HTreeGroup {
final List<HuffmanTree> htrees =
HTreeGroup() {
for (int i = 0, len = htrees.length; i < len; ++i) {
htrees[i] = HuffmanTree();
HuffmanTree operator [](int index) {
if (htrees[index] == null) {
htrees[index] = HuffmanTree();
return htrees[index];