blob: 1f05079645377e95ac3fa356691ce40a7fa3fe0c [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../../color.dart';
import '../../image.dart';
import '../../util/input_buffer.dart';
import 'pvrtc_color.dart';
import 'pvrtc_packet.dart';
/// Ported from Jeffrey Lim's PVRTC encoder/decoder,
class PvrtcDecoder {
Image decodePvr(List<int> data) {
// Use a heuristic to detect potential apple PVRTC formats
if (_countBits(data.length) == 1) {
// very likely to be apple PVRTC
var image = decodeApplePVRTC(data);
if (image != null) {
return image;
var input = InputBuffer(data, bigEndian: false);
var magic = input.readUint32();
if (magic == 0x03525650) {
return decodePVR3(data);
return decodePVR2(data);
Image decodeApplePVRTC(List<int> data) {
// additional heuristic
const int HEADER_SIZE = 52;
if (data.length > HEADER_SIZE) {
InputBuffer input = InputBuffer(data, bigEndian: false);
// Header
int size = input.readUint32();
if (size == HEADER_SIZE) {
return null;
/*int height =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int width =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int mipcount =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int flags =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int texdatasize =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int bpp =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int rmask =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int gmask =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int bmask =*/ input.readUint32();
int magic = input.readUint32();
if (magic == 0x21525650) {
// this looks more like a PowerVR file.
return null;
//const int PVRTC2 = 1;
//const int PVRTC4 = 2;
int mode = 1;
int res = 8;
int size = data.length;
//int format = 0;
// this is a tough one, could be 2bpp 8x8, 4bpp 8x8
if (size == 32) {
// assume 4bpp, 8x8
mode = 0;
res = 8;
} else {
// Detect if it's 2bpp or 4bpp
int shift = 0;
int test2bpp = 0x40; // 16x16
int test4bpp = 0x80; // 16x16
while (shift < 10) {
int s2 = shift << 1;
if ((test2bpp << s2) & size != 0) {
res = 16 << shift;
mode = 1;
//format = PVRTC2;
if ((test4bpp << s2) & size != 0) {
res = 16 << shift;
mode = 0;
//format = PVRTC4;
if (shift == 10) {
// no mode could be found.
return null;
// there is no reliable way to know if it's a 2bpp or 4bpp file. Assuming
int width = res;
int height = res;
int bpp = (mode + 1) * 2;
//int numMips = 0;
if (bpp == 4) {
// 2bpp is currently unsupported
return null;
return decodeRgba4bpp(width, height, data as TypedData);
Image decodePVR2(List<int> data) {
int length = data.length;
const int HEADER_SIZE = 52;
const int PVRTEX_CUBEMAP = (1 << 12);
const int PVR_PIXELTYPE_MASK = 0xff;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGBA4444 = 0x10;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGBA5551 = 0x11;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGBA8888 = 0x12;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGB565 = 0x13;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGB555 = 0x14;
const int PVR_TYPE_RGB888 = 0x15;
const int PVR_TYPE_I8 = 0x16;
const int PVR_TYPE_AI8 = 0x17;
const int PVR_TYPE_PVRTC2 = 0x18;
const int PVR_TYPE_PVRTC4 = 0x19;
if (length < HEADER_SIZE) {
return null;
InputBuffer input = InputBuffer(data, bigEndian: false);
// Header
int size = input.readUint32();
int height = input.readUint32();
int width = input.readUint32();
/*int mipcount =*/ input.readUint32();
int flags = input.readUint32();
/*int texdatasize =*/ input.readUint32();
int bpp = input.readUint32();
/*int rmask =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int gmask =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int bmask =*/ input.readUint32();
int amask = input.readUint32();
int magic = input.readUint32();
int numtex = input.readUint32();
if (size != HEADER_SIZE || magic != 0x21525650) {
return null;
if (numtex < 1) {
numtex = (flags & PVRTEX_CUBEMAP) != 0 ? 6 : 1;
if (numtex != 1) {
// only 1 surface supported currently
return null;
if (width * height * bpp / 8 > length - HEADER_SIZE) {
return null;
int ptype = flags & PVR_PIXELTYPE_MASK;
switch (ptype) {
case PVR_TYPE_RGBA4444:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int v1 = input.readByte();
int v2 = input.readByte();
int a = (v1 & 0x0f) << 4;
int b = (v1 & 0xf0);
int g = (v2 & 0x0f) << 4;
int r = (v2 & 0xf0);
out[oi++] = r;
out[oi++] = g;
out[oi++] = b;
out[oi++] = a;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_RGBA5551:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int v = input.readUint16();
int r = (v & 0xf800) >> 8;
int g = (v & 0x07c0) >> 3;
int b = (v & 0x003e) << 2;
int a = (v & 0x0001) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
out[oi++] = r;
out[oi++] = g;
out[oi++] = b;
out[oi++] = a;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_RGBA8888:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_RGB565:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int v = input.readUint16();
int b = (v & 0x001f) << 3;
int g = (v & 0x07e0) >> 3;
int r = (v & 0xf800) >> 8;
int a = 255;
out[oi++] = r;
out[oi++] = g;
out[oi++] = b;
out[oi++] = a;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_RGB555:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int v = input.readUint16();
int r = (v & 0x001f) << 3;
int g = (v & 0x03e0) >> 2;
int b = (v & 0x7c00) >> 7;
int a = 255;
out[oi++] = r;
out[oi++] = g;
out[oi++] = b;
out[oi++] = a;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_RGB888:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = 255;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_I8:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int i = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = 255;
return image;
case PVR_TYPE_AI8:
Image image = Image(width, height);
Uint8List out = image.getBytes();
int oi = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int i = input.readByte();
int a = input.readByte();
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = i;
out[oi++] = a;
return image;
// Currently unsupported
return null;
return amask == 0
? decodeRgb4bpp(width, height, input.toUint8List())
: decodeRgba4bpp(width, height, input.toUint8List());
// Unknown format
return null;
Image decodePVR3(List<int> data) {
//const int PVR3_PVRTC_2BPP_RGB = 0;
//const int PVR3_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA = 1;
const int PVR3_PVRTC_4BPP_RGB = 2;
const int PVR3_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA = 3;
/*const int PVR3_PVRTC2_2BPP = 4;
const int PVR3_PVRTC2_4BPP = 5;
const int PVR3_ETC1 = 6;
const int PVR3_DXT1 = 7;
const int PVR3_DXT2 = 8;
const int PVR3_DXT3 = 9;
const int PVR3_DXT4 = 10;
const int PVR3_DXT5 = 11;
const int PVR3_BC1 = 7;
const int PVR3_BC2 = 9;
const int PVR3_BC3 = 11;
const int PVR3_BC4 = 12;
const int PVR3_BC5 = 13;
const int PVR3_BC6 = 14;
const int PVR3_BC7 = 15;
const int PVR3_UYVY = 16;
const int PVR3_YUY2 = 17;
const int PVR3_BW_1BPP = 18;
const int PVR3_R9G9B9E5 = 19;
const int PVR3_RGBG8888 = 20;
const int PVR3_GRGB8888 = 21;
const int PVR3_ETC2_RGB = 22;
const int PVR3_ETC2_RGBA = 23;
const int PVR3_ETC2_RGB_A1 = 24;
const int PVR3_EAC_R11_U = 25;
const int PVR3_EAC_R11_S = 26;
const int PVR3_EAC_RG11_U = 27;
const int PVR3_EAC_RG11_S = 28;*/
InputBuffer input = InputBuffer(data);
// Header
int version = input.readUint32();
if (version != 0x03525650) {
return null;
/*int flags =*/ input.readUint32();
var format = input.readUint32();
var order = [
/*int colorspace =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int channeltype =*/ input.readUint32();
int height = input.readUint32();
int width = input.readUint32();
/*int depth =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int num_surfaces =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int num_faces =*/ input.readUint32();
/*int mipcount =*/ input.readUint32();
int metadata_size = input.readUint32();
if (order[0] == 0) {
switch (format) {
return decodeRgb4bpp(width, height, input.toUint8List());
return decodeRgba4bpp(width, height, input.toUint8List());
return null;
return null;
case PVR3_PVRTC2_2BPP:
return null;
case PVR3_PVRTC2_4BPP:
return null;
case PVR3_ETC1:
return null;
case PVR3_DXT1:
return null;
case PVR3_DXT2:
return null;
case PVR3_DXT3:
return null;
case PVR3_DXT4:
return null;
case PVR3_DXT5:
return null;
case PVR3_BC1:
return null;
case PVR3_BC2:
return null;
case PVR3_BC3:
return null;
case PVR3_BC4:
return null;
case PVR3_BC5:
return null;
case PVR3_BC6:
return null;
case PVR3_BC7:
return null;
case PVR3_UYVY:
return null;
case PVR3_YUY2:
return null;
case PVR3_BW_1BPP:
return null;
case PVR3_R9G9B9E5:
return null;
case PVR3_RGBG8888:
return null;
case PVR3_GRGB8888:
return null;
case PVR3_ETC2_RGB:
return null;
case PVR3_ETC2_RGBA:
return null;
case PVR3_ETC2_RGB_A1:
return null;
case PVR3_EAC_R11_U:
return null;
case PVR3_EAC_R11_S:
return null;
case PVR3_EAC_RG11_U:
return null;
case PVR3_EAC_RG11_S:
return null;*/
return null;
int _countBits(int x) {
x = (x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555)) & 0xffffffff;
x = ((x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333)) & 0xffffffff;
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0xffffffff;
x &= 0xf0f0f0f;
x = ((x * 0x01010101) & 0xffffffff) >> 24;
return x;
Image decodeRgb4bpp(int width, int height, TypedData data) {
var result = Image(width, height, Image.RGB);
final int blocks = width ~/ 4;
final int blockMask = blocks - 1;
final packet = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p0 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p1 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p2 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p3 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final c = PvrtcColorRgb();
const factors = PvrtcPacket.BILINEAR_FACTORS;
const weights = PvrtcPacket.WEIGHTS;
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
packet.setBlock(x, y);
int mod = packet.modulationData;
int weightIndex = 4 * packet.usePunchthroughAlpha;
int factorIndex = 0;
for (int py = 0; py < 4; ++py) {
int yOffset = (py < 2) ? -1 : 0;
int y0 = (y + yOffset) & blockMask;
int y1 = (y0 + 1) & blockMask;
int pyi = (py + y * 4) * width;
for (int px = 0; px < 4; ++px) {
int xOffset = (px < 2) ? -1 : 0;
int x0 = (x + xOffset) & blockMask;
int x1 = (x0 + 1) & blockMask;
p0.setBlock(x0, y0);
p1.setBlock(x1, y0);
p2.setBlock(x0, y1);
p3.setBlock(x1, y1);
var ca = p0.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbA() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var cb = p0.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbB() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var w = weights[weightIndex + mod & 3];
c.r = (ca.r * w[0] + cb.r * w[1]) >> 7;
c.g = (ca.g * w[0] + cb.g * w[1]) >> 7;
c.b = (ca.b * w[0] + cb.b * w[1]) >> 7;
int pi = (pyi + (px + x * 4));
result[pi] = getColor(c.r, c.g, c.b, 255);
mod >>= 2;
return result;
Image decodeRgba4bpp(int width, int height, TypedData data) {
var result = Image(width, height, Image.RGBA);
final int blocks = width ~/ 4;
final int blockMask = blocks - 1;
final packet = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p0 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p1 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p2 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final p3 = PvrtcPacket(data);
final c = PvrtcColorRgba();
const factors = PvrtcPacket.BILINEAR_FACTORS;
const weights = PvrtcPacket.WEIGHTS;
for (int y = 0; y < blocks; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < blocks; ++x) {
packet.setBlock(x, y);
int mod = packet.modulationData;
int weightIndex = 4 * packet.usePunchthroughAlpha;
int factorIndex = 0;
for (int py = 0; py < 4; ++py) {
int yOffset = (py < 2) ? -1 : 0;
int y0 = (y + yOffset) & blockMask;
int y1 = (y0 + 1) & blockMask;
int pyi = (py + y * 4) * width;
for (int px = 0; px < 4; ++px) {
int xOffset = (px < 2) ? -1 : 0;
int x0 = (x + xOffset) & blockMask;
int x1 = (x0 + 1) & blockMask;
p0.setBlock(x0, y0);
p1.setBlock(x1, y0);
p2.setBlock(x0, y1);
p3.setBlock(x1, y1);
var ca = p0.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbaA() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var cb = p0.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][0] +
p1.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][1] +
p2.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][2] +
p3.getColorRgbaB() * factors[factorIndex][3];
var w = weights[weightIndex + mod & 3];
c.r = (ca.r * w[0] + cb.r * w[1]) >> 7;
c.g = (ca.g * w[0] + cb.g * w[1]) >> 7;
c.b = (ca.b * w[0] + cb.b * w[1]) >> 7;
c.a = (ca.a * w[2] + cb.a * w[3]) >> 7;
int pi = (pyi + (px + x * 4));
result[pi] = getColor(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
mod >>= 2;
return result;