blob: 46a520e9ad136deb717070b5b5b5c680d1d48bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
import '../animation.dart';
import '../image.dart';
import '../hdr/hdr_image.dart';
import 'decode_info.dart';
/// Base class for image format decoders.
/// Image pixels are stored as 32-bit unsigned ints, so all formats, regardless
/// of their encoded color resolutions, decode to 32-bit RGBA images. Encoders
/// can reduce the color resolution back down to their required formats.
/// Some image formats support multiple frames, often for encoding animation.
/// In such cases, the [decodeImage] method will decode the first (or otherwise
/// specified with the [frame] parameter) frame of the file. [decodeAnimation]
/// will decode all frames from the image. [startDecode] will initiate
/// decoding of the file, and [decodeFrame] will then decode a specific frame
/// from the file, allowing for animations to be decoded one frame at a time.
/// Some formats, such as TIFF, may store multiple frames, but their use of
/// frames is for multiple page documents and not animation. The terms
/// 'animation' and 'frames' simply refer to 'pages' in this case.
/// If an image file does not have multiple frames, [decodeAnimation] and
/// [startDecode]/[decodeFrame] will return the single image of the
/// file. As such, if you are not sure if a file is animated or not, you can
/// use the animated functions and process it as a single frame image if it
/// has only 1 frame, and as an animation if it has more than 1 frame.
/// Most animated formats do not store full images for frames, but rather
/// some frames will store full images and others will store partial 'change'
/// images. For these files, [decodeAnimation] will always return all images
/// fully composited, meaning full frame images. Decoding frames individually
/// using [startDecode] and [decodeFrame] will return the potentially partial
/// image. In this case, the [DecodeInfo] returned by [startDecode] will include
/// the width and height resolution of the animation canvas, and each [Image]
/// returned by [decodeFrame] will have x, y, width and height properties
/// indicating where in the canvas the frame image should be drawn. It will
/// also have a disposeMethod property that specifies what should be done to
/// the canvas prior to drawing the frame: [Image.DISPOSE_NONE] indicates the
/// canvas should be left alone; [Image.DISPOSE_CLEAR] indicates the canvas
/// should be cleared. For partial frame images,[Image.DISPOSE_NONE] is used
/// so that the partial-frame is drawn on top of the previous frame, applying
/// it's changes to the image.
abstract class Decoder {
/// A light-weight function to test if the given file is able to be decoded
/// by this Decoder.
bool isValidFile(List<int> bytes);
/// Decode the file and extract a single image from it. If the file is
/// animated, the specified [frame] will be decoded. If there was a problem
/// decoding the file, null is returned.
Image decodeImage(List<int> bytes, {int frame = 0});
/// Decode the file and extract a single High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from
/// it. HDR images are stored in floating-poing values. If the format of the
/// file does not support HDR images, the regular image will be converted to
/// an HDR image as (color / 255). If the file is animated, the specified
/// [frame] will be decoded. If there was a problem decoding the file, null is
/// returned.
HdrImage decodeHdrImage(List<int> bytes, {int frame = 0}) {
Image img = decodeImage(bytes, frame: frame);
if (img == null) {
return null;
return new HdrImage.fromImage(img);
/// Decode all of the frames from an animation. If the file is not an
/// animation, a single frame animation is returned. If there was a problem
/// decoding the file, null is returned.
Animation decodeAnimation(List<int> bytes);
/// Start decoding the data as an animation sequence, but don't actually
/// process the frames until they are requested with decodeFrame.
DecodeInfo startDecode(List<int> bytes);
/// How many frames are available to be decoded. [startDecode] should have
/// been called first. Non animated image files will have a single frame.
int numFrames();
/// Decode a single frame from the data that was set with [startDecode].
/// If [frame] is out of the range of available frames, null is returned.
/// Non animated image files will only have [frame] 0. An [Image]
/// is returned, which provides the image, and top-left coordinates of the
/// image, as animated frames may only occupy a subset of the canvas.
Image decodeFrame(int frame);
/// Decode a single high dynamic range (HDR) frame from the data that was set
/// with [startDecode]. If the format of the file does not support HDR images,
/// the regular image will be converted to an HDR image as (color / 255).
/// If [frame] is out of the range of available frames, null is returned.
/// Non animated image files will only have [frame] 0. An [Image]
/// is returned, which provides the image, and top-left coordinates of the
/// image, as animated frames may only occupy a subset of the canvas.
HdrImage decodeHdrFrame(int frame) {
Image img = decodeFrame(frame);
if (img == null) {
return null;
return new HdrImage.fromImage(img);