blob: 091d459c3f0d68ed872b75ca94adb3d18936eeab [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:collection';
import 'image.dart';
/// Stores multiple images, most often as the frames of an animation.
/// Some formats, such as [TiffDecoder], support multiple images that are not
/// to be interpreted as animation, but rather multiple pages of a document.
/// The [Animation] container is still used to store the images for these files.
/// The [frameType] property is used to differentiate multi-page documents from
/// multi-frame animations, where it is set to [PAGE] for documents and
/// [ANIMATION] for animated frames.
/// All [Decoder] classes support decoding to an [Animation], where the
/// [Animation] will only contain a single frame for single image formats
/// such as JPEG, or if the file doesn't contain any animation such as a single
/// image GIF. If you want to generically support both animated and non-animated
/// files, you can always decode to an animation and if the animation has only
/// a single frame, then it's a non-animated image.
/// In some cases, the frames of the animation may only provide a portion of the
/// canvas, such as the case of animations encoding only the changing pixels
/// from one frame to the next. The [width] and [height] and [backgroundColor]
/// properties of the [Animation] provide information about the canvas that
/// contains the animation, and the [Image] frames provide information about
/// how to draw the particular frame, such as the area of the canvas to draw
/// into, and if the canvas should be cleared prior to drawing the frame.
class Animation extends IterableBase<Image> {
/// The frames of this document are to be interpreted as animation.
static const int ANIMATION = 0;
/// The frames of this document are to be interpreted as pages of a document.
static const int PAGE = 1;
/// The canvas width for containing the animation.
int width;
/// The canvas height for containing the animation.
int height;
/// The suggested background color to clear the canvas with.
int backgroundColor = 0xffffffff;
/// The frames of the animation.
List<Image> frames = [];
/// How many times should the animation loop (0 means forever)?
int loopCount = 0;
/// How should the frames be interpreted? If [ANIMATION], the frames
/// are part of an animated sequence. If [PAGE], the frames are the pages
/// of a document.
int frameType = ANIMATION;
/// How many frames are in the animation?
int get numFrames => frames.length;
/// How many frames are in the animation?
int get length => frames.length;
/// Get the frame at the given [index].
Image operator [](int index) => frames[index];
/// Add a frame to the animation.
void addFrame(Image image) {
/// The first frame of the animation.
Image get first => frames.first;
/// The last frame of the animation.
Image get last => frames.last;
/// Is the animation empty (no frames)?
bool get isEmpty => frames.isEmpty;
/// Returns true if there is at least one frame in the animation.
bool get isNotEmpty => frames.isNotEmpty;
/// Get the iterator for looping over the animation. This allows the
/// Animation to be used in for-each loops:
/// for (AnimationFrame frame in animation) { ... }
Iterator<Image> get iterator => frames.iterator;