blob: 0ad821f4d5e9b628ac2856b804ed2b7fadbe3898 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Configuration for using `package:build`-compatible build systems.
/// See:
/// * [build_runner](
/// This library is **not** intended to be imported by typical end-users unless
/// you are creating a custom compilation pipeline. See documentation for
/// details, and `build.yaml` for how these builders are configured by default.
library source_gen.builder;
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'src/builder.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
const _outputExtensions = '.g.dart';
const _partFiles = '.g.part';
Builder combiningBuilder([BuilderOptions options = BuilderOptions.empty]) {
final optionsMap = Map<String, dynamic>.from(options.config);
final includePartName = optionsMap.remove('include_part_name') as bool?;
final ignoreForFile = Set<String>.from(
optionsMap.remove('ignore_for_file') as List? ?? <String>[],
final builder = CombiningBuilder(
includePartName: includePartName,
ignoreForFile: ignoreForFile,
if (optionsMap.isNotEmpty) {
log.warning('These options were ignored: `$optionsMap`.');
return builder;
PostProcessBuilder partCleanup(BuilderOptions options) =>
const FileDeletingBuilder(['.g.part']);
/// A [Builder] which combines part files generated from [SharedPartBuilder].
/// This will glob all files of the form `.*.g.part`.
class CombiningBuilder implements Builder {
final bool _includePartName;
final Set<String> _ignoreForFile;
Map<String, List<String>> get buildExtensions => const {
'.dart': [_outputExtensions]
/// Returns a new [CombiningBuilder].
/// If [includePartName] is `true`, the name of each source part file
/// is output as a comment before its content. This can be useful when
/// debugging build issues.
const CombiningBuilder({
bool? includePartName,
Set<String>? ignoreForFile,
}) : _includePartName = includePartName ?? false,
_ignoreForFile = ignoreForFile ?? const <String>{};
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
// Pattern used for `findAssets`, which must be glob-compatible
final pattern = buildStep.inputId.changeExtension('.*$_partFiles').path;
final inputBaseName =
// Pattern used to ensure items are only considered if they match
// [file name without extension].[valid part id].[part file extension]
final restrictedPattern = RegExp([
'^', // start of string
RegExp.escape(inputBaseName), // file name, without extension
'\.', // `.` character
partIdRegExpLiteral, // A valid part ID
RegExp.escape(_partFiles), // the ending part extension
'\$', // end of string
final assetIds = await buildStep
.where((id) => restrictedPattern.hasMatch(id.pathSegments.last))
final assets = await Stream.fromIterable(assetIds)
.asyncMap((id) async {
var content = (await buildStep.readAsString(id)).trim();
if (_includePartName) {
content = '// Part: ${id.pathSegments.last}\n$content';
return content;
.where((s) => s.isNotEmpty)
if (assets.isEmpty) return;
final inputLibrary = await buildStep.inputLibrary;
final partOf = nameOfPartial(inputLibrary, buildStep.inputId);
final ignoreForFile = _ignoreForFile.isEmpty
? ''
: '\n// ignore_for_file: ${_ignoreForFile.join(', ')}\n';
final output = '''
part of $partOf;
await buildStep.writeAsString(
buildStep.inputId.changeExtension(_outputExtensions), output);