blob: bc12196bafbfdbdf17a66230cbc8b89b50117c28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library googleapis_auth.auth;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'src/auth_http_utils.dart';
import 'src/crypto/pem.dart';
import 'src/crypto/rsa.dart';
import 'src/http_client_base.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
/// An OAuth2 access token.
class AccessToken {
/// The token type, usually "Bearer"
final String type;
/// The access token data.
final String data;
/// Time at which the token will be expired (UTC time)
final DateTime expiry;
/// [expiry] must be a UTC `DateTime`.
AccessToken(this.type,, this.expiry) {
if (type == null || data == null || expiry == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Arguments type/data/expiry may not be null.');
if (!expiry.isUtc) {
throw new ArgumentError('The expiry date must be a Utc DateTime.');
bool get hasExpired {
return new;
String toString() => "AccessToken(type=$type, data=$data, expiry=$expiry)";
/// OAuth2 Credentials.
class AccessCredentials {
/// An access token.
final AccessToken accessToken;
/// A refresh token, which can be used to refresh the access credentials.
/// This field may be null.
final String refreshToken;
/// A JWT used in calls to Google APIs that accept an id_token param.
final String idToken;
/// Scopes these credentials are valid for.
final List<String> scopes;
AccessCredentials(this.accessToken, this.refreshToken, this.scopes,
{this.idToken}) {
if (accessToken == null || scopes == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Arguments accessToken/scopes must not be null.');
/// Represents the client application's credentials.
class ClientId {
/// The identifier used to identify this application to the server.
final String identifier;
/// The client secret used to identify this application to the server.
final String secret;
ClientId(this.identifier, this.secret) {
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Argument identifier may not be null.');
ClientId.serviceAccount(this.identifier) : secret = null {
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Argument identifier may not be null.');
/// Represents credentials for a service account.
class ServiceAccountCredentials {
/// The email address of this service account.
final String email;
/// The clientId.
final ClientId clientId;
/// Private key.
final String privateKey;
/// Impersonated user, if any. If not impersonating any user this is `null`.
final String impersonatedUser;
/// Private key as an [RSAPrivateKey].
final RSAPrivateKey privateRSAKey;
/// Creates a new [ServiceAccountCredentials] from JSON.
/// [json] can be either a [Map] or a JSON map encoded as a [String].
/// The optional named argument [impersonatedUser] is used to set the user
/// to impersonate if impersonating a user.
factory ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(json, {String impersonatedUser}) {
if (json is String) {
json = jsonDecode(json);
if (json is! Map) {
throw new ArgumentError('json must be a Map or a String encoding a Map.');
var identifier = json['client_id'];
var privateKey = json['private_key'];
var email = json['client_email'];
var type = json['type'];
if (type != 'service_account') {
throw new ArgumentError('The given credentials are not of type '
'service_account (was: $type).');
if (identifier == null || privateKey == null || email == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('The given credentials do not contain all the '
'fields: client_id, private_key and client_email.');
var clientId = new ClientId(identifier, null);
return new ServiceAccountCredentials(email, clientId, privateKey,
impersonatedUser: impersonatedUser);
/// Creates a new [ServiceAccountCredentials].
/// [email] is the e-mail address of the service account.
/// [clientId] is the client ID for the service account.
/// [privateKey] is the base 64 encoded, unencrypted private key, including
/// the '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----' and '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'
/// boundaries.
/// The optional named argument [impersonatedUser] is used to set the user
/// to impersonate if impersonating a user is needed.
ServiceAccountCredentials(, this.clientId, String privateKey,
: privateKey = privateKey,
privateRSAKey = keyFromString(privateKey) {
if (email == null || clientId == null || privateKey == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Arguments email/clientId/privateKey must not be null.');
/// A authenticated HTTP client.
abstract class AuthClient implements Client {
/// The credentials currently used for making HTTP requests.
AccessCredentials get credentials;
/// A autorefreshing, authenticated HTTP client.
abstract class AutoRefreshingAuthClient implements AuthClient {
/// A broadcast stream of [AccessCredentials].
/// A listener will get notified when new [AccessCredentials] were obtained.
Stream<AccessCredentials> get credentialUpdates;
/// Thrown if an attempt to refresh a token failed.
class RefreshFailedException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => message;
/// Thrown if an attempt to make an authorized request failed.
class AccessDeniedException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => message;
/// Thrown if user did not give his consent.
class UserConsentException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => message;
/// Obtain an `http.Client` which automatically authenticates
/// requests using [credentials].
/// Note that the returned `RequestHandler` will not auto-refresh the given
/// [credentials].
/// The user is responsible for closing the returned HTTP [Client].
/// Closing the returned [Client] will not close [baseClient].
AuthClient authenticatedClient(
Client baseClient, AccessCredentials credentials) {
if (credentials.accessToken.type != 'Bearer') {
throw new ArgumentError('Only Bearer access tokens are accepted.');
return new AuthenticatedClient(baseClient, credentials);
/// Obtain an `http.Client` which automatically refreshes [credentials]
/// before they expire. Uses [baseClient] as a base for making authenticated
/// http requests and for refreshing [credentials].
/// The user is responsible for closing the returned HTTP [Client].
/// Closing the returned [Client] will not close [baseClient].
AutoRefreshingAuthClient autoRefreshingClient(
ClientId clientId, AccessCredentials credentials, Client baseClient) {
if (credentials.accessToken.type != 'Bearer') {
throw new ArgumentError('Only Bearer access tokens are accepted.');
if (credentials.refreshToken == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Refresh token in AccessCredentials was `null`.');
return new AutoRefreshingClient(baseClient, clientId, credentials);
/// Tries to obtain refreshed [AccessCredentials] based on [credentials] using
/// [client].
Future<AccessCredentials> refreshCredentials(
ClientId clientId, AccessCredentials credentials, Client client) async {
var formValues = [
var body = new Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(
var request = new RequestImpl('POST', _googleTokenUri, body);
request.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
var response = await client.send(request);
var contentType = response.headers['content-type'];
contentType = contentType == null ? null : contentType.toLowerCase();
if (contentType == null ||
(!contentType.contains('json') && !contentType.contains('javascript'))) {
await {});
throw new Exception(
'Server responded with invalid content type: $contentType. '
'Expected json response.');
var object = await
var jsonMap = object as Map;
var idToken = jsonMap['id_token'];
var token = jsonMap['access_token'];
var seconds = jsonMap['expires_in'];
var tokenType = jsonMap['token_type'];
var error = jsonMap['error'];
if (response.statusCode != 200 && error != null) {
throw new RefreshFailedException('Refreshing attempt failed. '
'Response was ${response.statusCode}. Error message was $error.');
if (token == null || seconds is! int || tokenType != 'Bearer') {
throw new Exception('Refresing attempt failed. '
'Invalid server response.');
return new AccessCredentials(
new AccessToken(tokenType, token, expiryDate(seconds)),
idToken: idToken);
/// Available response types that can be requested when using the implicit
/// browser login flow.
/// More information about these values can be found here:
enum ResponseType {
/// Requests an access code. This triggers the basic rather than the implicit
/// flow.
/// Requests the user's identity token when running the implicit flow.
/// Requests the user's current permissions.
/// Requests the user's access token when running the implicit flow.
final _googleTokenUri = Uri.parse('');