blob: 7028027e24abf7739e50434f68e1a77e775c3625 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
const zlib = io.ZLIB;
const gzip = io.GZIP;
abstract class ZLibOption {
static const minWindowBits = io.ZLibOption.MIN_WINDOW_BITS;
static const maxWindowBits = io.ZLibOption.MAX_WINDOW_BITS;
static const defaultWindowBits = io.ZLibOption.DEFAULT_WINDOW_BITS;
static const minLevel = io.ZLibOption.MIN_LEVEL;
static const maxLevel = io.ZLibOption.MAX_LEVEL;
static const defaultLevel = io.ZLibOption.DEFAULT_LEVEL;
static const minMemLevel = io.ZLibOption.MIN_MEM_LEVEL;
static const maxMemLevel = io.ZLibOption.MAX_MEM_LEVEL;
static const defaultMemLevel = io.ZLibOption.DEFAULT_MEM_LEVEL;
static const strategyFiltered = io.ZLibOption.STRATEGY_FILTERED;
static const strategyHuffmanOnly = io.ZLibOption.STRATEGY_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
static const strategyRle = io.ZLibOption.STRATEGY_RLE;
static const strategyFixed = io.ZLibOption.STRATEGY_FIXED;
static const strategyDefault = io.ZLibOption.STRATEGY_DEFAULT;
const read = io.READ;
const write = io.WRITE;
const append = io.APPEND;
const writeOnly = io.WRITE_ONLY;
const writeOnlyAppend = io.WRITE_ONLY_APPEND;
abstract class FileMode {
static const read = io.FileMode.READ;
static const write = io.FileMode.WRITE;
static const append = io.FileMode.APPEND;
static const writeOnly = io.FileMode.WRITE_ONLY;
static const writeOnlyAppend = io.FileMode.WRITE_ONLY_APPEND;
abstract class FileSystemEntityType {
static const file = io.FileSystemEntityType.FILE;
static const directory = io.FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY;
static const link = io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK;
static const notFound = io.FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND;
abstract class FileSystemEvent {
static const create = io.FileSystemEvent.CREATE;
static const modify = io.FileSystemEvent.MODIFY;
static const delete = io.FileSystemEvent.DELETE;
static const move = io.FileSystemEvent.MOVE;
static const all = io.FileSystemEvent.ALL;
abstract class HttpStatus {
static const switchingProtocols = io.HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS;
static const ok = io.HttpStatus.OK;
static const created = io.HttpStatus.CREATED;
static const accepted = io.HttpStatus.ACCEPTED;
static const nonAuthoritativeInformation =
static const noContent = io.HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
static const resetContent = io.HttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT;
static const partialContent = io.HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT;
static const multipleChoices = io.HttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES;
static const movedPermanently = io.HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
static const found = io.HttpStatus.FOUND;
static const movedTemporarily = io.HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY;
static const seeOther = io.HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER;
static const notModified = io.HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED;
static const useProxy = io.HttpStatus.USE_PROXY;
static const temporaryRedirect = io.HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT;
static const badRequest = io.HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
static const unauthorized = io.HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED;
static const paymentRequired = io.HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED;
static const forbidden = io.HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN;
static const notFound = io.HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
static const methodNotAllowed = io.HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
static const notAcceptable = io.HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
static const proxyAuthenticationRequired =
static const requestTimeout = io.HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
static const conflict = io.HttpStatus.CONFLICT;
static const gone = io.HttpStatus.GONE;
static const lengthRequired = io.HttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED;
static const preconditionFailed = io.HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED;
static const requestEntityTooLarge = io.HttpStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE;
static const requestUriTooLong = io.HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG;
static const unsupportedMediaType = io.HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE;
static const requestedRangeNotSatisfiable =
static const expectationFailed = io.HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED;
static const internalServerError = io.HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
static const notImplemented = io.HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
static const badGateway = io.HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY;
static const serviceUnavailable = io.HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
static const gatewayTimeout = io.HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT;
static const httpVersionNotSupported =
static const networkConnectTimeoutError =
abstract class HttpClient {
static const defaultHttpPort = io.HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
static const defaultHttpsPort = io.HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT;
abstract class ProcessSignal {
static const sighup = io.ProcessSignal.SIGHUP;
static const sigint = io.ProcessSignal.SIGINT;
static const sigquit = io.ProcessSignal.SIGQUIT;
static const sigill = io.ProcessSignal.SIGILL;
static const sigtrap = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTRAP;
static const sigabrt = io.ProcessSignal.SIGABRT;
static const sigbus = io.ProcessSignal.SIGBUS;
static const sigfpe = io.ProcessSignal.SIGFPE;
static const sigkill = io.ProcessSignal.SIGKILL;
static const sigusr1 = io.ProcessSignal.SIGUSR1;
static const sigsegv = io.ProcessSignal.SIGSEGV;
static const sigusr2 = io.ProcessSignal.SIGUSR2;
static const sigpipe = io.ProcessSignal.SIGPIPE;
static const sigalrm = io.ProcessSignal.SIGALRM;
static const sigterm = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTERM;
static const sigchld = io.ProcessSignal.SIGCHLD;
static const sigcont = io.ProcessSignal.SIGCONT;
static const sigstop = io.ProcessSignal.SIGSTOP;
static const sigtstp = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTSTP;
static const sigttin = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTTIN;
static const sigttou = io.ProcessSignal.SIGTTOU;
static const sigurg = io.ProcessSignal.SIGURG;
static const sigxcpu = io.ProcessSignal.SIGXCPU;
static const sigxfsz = io.ProcessSignal.SIGXFSZ;
static const sigvtalrm = io.ProcessSignal.SIGVTALRM;
static const sigprof = io.ProcessSignal.SIGPROF;
static const sigwinch = io.ProcessSignal.SIGWINCH;
static const sigpoll = io.ProcessSignal.SIGPOLL;
static const sigsys = io.ProcessSignal.SIGSYS;
abstract class InternetAddressType {
static const ipV4 = io.InternetAddressType.IP_V4;
static const ipV6 = io.InternetAddressType.IP_V6;
static const any = io.InternetAddressType.ANY;
abstract class SocketDirection {
static const receive = io.SocketDirection.RECEIVE;
static const send = io.SocketDirection.SEND;
static const both = io.SocketDirection.BOTH;
abstract class SocketOption {
static const tcpNodelay = io.SocketOption.TCP_NODELAY;
abstract class RawSocketEvent {
static const read = io.RawSocketEvent.READ;
static const write = io.RawSocketEvent.WRITE;
static const readClosed = io.RawSocketEvent.READ_CLOSED;
static const closed = io.RawSocketEvent.CLOSED;
abstract class StdioType {
static const terminal = io.StdioType.TERMINAL;
static const pipe = io.StdioType.PIPE;
static const file = io.StdioType.FILE;
static const other = io.StdioType.OTHER;
const systemEncoding = io.SYSTEM_ENCODING;
abstract class WebSocketStatus {
static const normalClosure = io.WebSocketStatus.NORMAL_CLOSURE;
static const goingAway = io.WebSocketStatus.GOING_AWAY;
static const protocolError = io.WebSocketStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR;
static const unsupportedData = io.WebSocketStatus.UNSUPPORTED_DATA;
static const reserved1004 = io.WebSocketStatus.RESERVED_1004;
static const noStatusReceived = io.WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED;
static const abnormalClosure = io.WebSocketStatus.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE;
static const invalidFramePayloadData =
static const policyViolation = io.WebSocketStatus.POLICY_VIOLATION;
static const messageTooBig = io.WebSocketStatus.MESSAGE_TOO_BIG;
static const missingMandatoryExtension =
static const internalServerError = io.WebSocketStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
static const reserved1015 = io.WebSocketStatus.RESERVED_1015;
abstract class CompressionOptions {
static const off = io.CompressionOptions.OFF;
abstract class WebSocket {
static const connecting = io.WebSocket.CONNECTING;
static const open = io.WebSocket.OPEN;
static const closing = io.WebSocket.CLOSING;
static const closed = io.WebSocket.CLOSED;