blob: 5cc059db6feeff317db9e3d56ba82dc26f9ee980 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:core' as core;
abstract class DateTime {
static const monday = core.DateTime.monday;
static const tuesday = core.DateTime.tuesday;
static const wednesday = core.DateTime.wednesday;
static const thursday = core.DateTime.thursday;
static const friday = core.DateTime.friday;
static const saturday = core.DateTime.saturday;
static const sunday = core.DateTime.sunday;
static const daysPerWeek = core.DateTime.daysPerWeek;
static const january = core.DateTime.january;
static const february = core.DateTime.february;
static const march = core.DateTime.march;
static const april = core.DateTime.april;
static const may = core.DateTime.may;
static const june = core.DateTime.june;
static const july = core.DateTime.july;
static const august = core.DateTime.august;
static const september = core.DateTime.september;
static const october = core.DateTime.october;
static const november = core.DateTime.november;
static const december = core.DateTime.december;
static const monthsPerYear = core.DateTime.monthsPerYear;
abstract class double {
static const nan = core.double.nan;
static const infinity = core.double.infinity;
static const negativeInfinity = core.double.negativeInfinity;
static const minPositive = core.double.minPositive;
static const maxFinite = core.double.maxFinite;
abstract class Duration {
static const microsecondsPerMillisecond =
static const millisecondsPerSecond = core.Duration.millisecondsPerSecond;
static const secondsPerMinute = core.Duration.secondsPerMinute;
static const minutesPerHour = core.Duration.minutesPerHour;
static const hoursPerDay = core.Duration.hoursPerDay;
static const microsecondsPerSecond = core.Duration.microsecondsPerSecond;
static const microsecondsPerMinute = core.Duration.microsecondsPerMinute;
static const microsecondsPerHour = core.Duration.microsecondsPerHour;
static const microsecondsPerDay = core.Duration.microsecondsPerDay;
static const millisecondsPerMinute = core.Duration.millisecondsPerMinute;
static const millisecondsPerHour = core.Duration.millisecondsPerHour;
static const millisecondsPerDay = core.Duration.millisecondsPerDay;
static const secondsPerHour = core.Duration.secondsPerHour;
static const secondsPerDay = core.Duration.secondsPerDay;
static const minutesPerDay = core.Duration.minutesPerDay;
static const zero =;