blob: 255c31c1e8868464c2fea6be2c457ab085c867e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dwds/src/connections/app_connection.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/debugging/location.dart';
import 'package:dwds/src/debugging/remote_debugger.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import '../../asset_handler.dart';
import '../services/chrome_proxy_service.dart';
import '../utilities/conversions.dart';
import '../utilities/dart_uri.dart';
import '../utilities/domain.dart';
import '../utilities/shared.dart';
import '../utilities/wrapped_service.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'instance.dart';
import 'metadata.dart';
/// An inspector for a running Dart application contained in the
/// [WipConnection].
/// Provides information about currently loaded scripts and objects and support
/// for eval.
class AppInspector extends Domain {
/// Map of class ID to [Class].
final _classes = <String, Class>{};
Future<List<ScriptRef>> _cachedScriptRefs;
Future<List<ScriptRef>> get _scriptRefs =>
_cachedScriptRefs ??= _getScripts();
/// Map of scriptRef ID to [ScriptRef].
final _scriptRefsById = <String, ScriptRef>{};
/// Map of Dart server path to [ScriptRef].
final _serverPathToScriptRef = <String, ScriptRef>{};
/// Map of library ID to [Library].
final _libraries = <String, Library>{};
/// Map of libraryRef ID to [LibraryRef].
final _libraryRefs = <String, LibraryRef>{};
/// Map of [ScriptRef] id to containing [LibraryRef] id.
final _scriptIdToLibraryId = <String, String>{};
final RemoteDebugger _remoteDebugger;
final AssetHandler _assetHandler;
final Locations _locations;
final Isolate isolate;
final IsolateRef isolateRef;
final InstanceHelper instanceHelper;
final AppConnection appConnection;
/// The root URI from which the application is served.
final String _root;
) : isolateRef = _toIsolateRef(isolate),
/// We are the inspector, so this getter is trivial.
AppInspector get inspector => this;
Future<void> _initialize() async {
var libraries = await _getLibraryRefs();
await DartUri.recordAbsoluteUris( => lib.uri));
// TODO: Something more robust here, right now we rely on the 2nd to last
// library being the root one (the last library is the bootstrap lib).
isolate.rootLib = isolate.libraries[isolate.libraries.length - 1];
isolate.extensionRPCs.addAll(await _getExtensionRpcs());
static IsolateRef _toIsolateRef(Isolate isolate) =>
IsolateRef(id:, name:, number: isolate.number);
static Future<AppInspector> initialize(
AppConnection appConnection,
RemoteDebugger remoteDebugger,
AssetHandler assetHandler,
Locations locations,
String root,
InstanceHelper instanceHelper,
String pauseMode) async {
var id = createId();
var time =;
var name = '$root:main()';
var isolate = Isolate(
id: id,
number: id,
name: name,
startTime: time,
runnable: true,
pauseOnExit: false,
pauseEvent: Event(
kind: EventKind.kPauseStart,
timestamp: time,
isolate: IsolateRef(id: id, name: name, number: id)),
livePorts: 0,
libraries: [],
breakpoints: [],
exceptionPauseMode: pauseMode)
..extensionRPCs = [];
var inspector = AppInspector._(
await inspector._initialize();
return inspector;
/// Get the value of the field named [fieldName] from [receiver].
Future<RemoteObject> loadField(RemoteObject receiver, String fieldName) {
var load = '''
function() {
return $loadModule("dart_sdk").dart.dloadRepl(this, "$fieldName");
return jsCallFunctionOn(receiver, load, []);
/// Call a method by name on [receiver], with arguments [positionalArgs] and
/// [namedArgs].
Future<RemoteObject> invokeMethod(RemoteObject receiver, String methodName,
[List<RemoteObject> positionalArgs = const [],
Map namedArgs = const {}]) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Support named arguments.
if (namedArgs.isNotEmpty) {
throw UnsupportedError('Named arguments are not yet supported');
// We use the JS pseudo-variable 'arguments' to get the list of all arguments.
var send = '''
function () {
if (!(this.__proto__)) { return 'Instance of PlainJavaScriptObject';}
return $loadModule("dart_sdk").dart.dsendRepl(this, "$methodName", arguments);
var remote = await jsCallFunctionOn(receiver, send, positionalArgs);
return remote;
/// Calls Chrome's Runtime.callFunctionOn method.
/// [evalExpression] should be a JS function definition that can accept
/// [arguments].
Future<RemoteObject> jsCallFunctionOn(RemoteObject receiver,
String evalExpression, List<RemoteObject> arguments,
{bool returnByValue = false}) async {
var jsArguments =;
var result =
await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.callFunctionOn', params: {
'functionDeclaration': evalExpression,
'arguments': jsArguments,
'objectId': receiver.objectId,
'returnByValue': returnByValue,
handleErrorIfPresent(result, evalContents: evalExpression);
return RemoteObject(result.result['result'] as Map<String, Object>);
Future<RemoteObject> evaluate(
String isolateId, String targetId, String expression,
{Map<String, String> scope, bool disableBreakpoints}) async {
scope ??= {};
disableBreakpoints ??= false;
var library = await _getLibrary(isolateId, targetId);
if (library == null) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'Evaluate is only supported when `targetId` is a library.');
if (scope.isNotEmpty) {
return evaluateInLibrary(library, scope, expression);
} else {
return evaluateJsExpressionOnLibrary(expression, library.uri);
/// Invoke the function named [selector] on the object identified by
/// [targetId].
/// The [targetId] can be the URL of a Dart library, in which case this means
/// invoking a top-level function. The [arguments] are always strings that are
/// Dart object Ids (which can also be Chrome RemoteObject objectIds that are
/// for non-Dart JS objects.)
Future<RemoteObject> invoke(String isolateId, String targetId,
String selector, List<dynamic> arguments) async {
var remoteArguments =
// We special case the Dart library, where invokeMethod won't work because
// it's not really a Dart object.
if (isLibraryId(targetId)) {
var library = await getObject(isolateId, targetId) as Library;
return await _invokeLibraryFunction(library, selector, remoteArguments);
} else {
return invokeMethod(remoteObjectFor(targetId), selector, remoteArguments);
/// Invoke the function named [selector] from [library] with [arguments].
Future<RemoteObject> _invokeLibraryFunction(
Library library, String selector, List<RemoteObject> arguments) {
return _evaluateInLibrary(
'function () { return this.$selector.apply(this, arguments);}',
/// Evaluate [expression] as a member/message of the library identified by
/// [libraryUri].
/// That is, we will just do 'library.$expression'
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateJsExpressionOnLibrary(
String expression, String libraryUri) {
var evalExpression = '''
(function() {
return library.$expression;
return jsEvaluate(evalExpression);
/// Evaluate [expression] by calling Chrome's Runtime.evaluate.
Future<RemoteObject> jsEvaluate(String expression) async {
// TODO(alanknight): Support a version with arguments if needed.
WipResponse result;
result = await _remoteDebugger
.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', params: {'expression': expression});
handleErrorIfPresent(result, evalContents: expression, additionalDetails: {
'Dart expression': expression,
return RemoteObject(result.result['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
/// Evaluate the JS function with source [jsFunction] in the context of
/// [library] with [arguments].
Future<RemoteObject> _evaluateInLibrary(
Library library, String jsFunction, List<RemoteObject> arguments) async {
var findLibrary = '''
(function() {
return library;
var remoteLibrary = await jsEvaluate(findLibrary);
return jsCallFunctionOn(remoteLibrary, jsFunction, arguments);
/// Evaluate [expression] from [library] with [scope] as
/// arguments.
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateInLibrary(
Library library, Map<String, String> scope, String expression) async {
var argsString = scope.keys.join(', ');
var arguments =;
var evalExpression = '''
function($argsString) {
return library.$expression;
return _evaluateInLibrary(library, evalExpression, arguments);
Future<Library> _getLibrary(String isolateId, String objectId) async {
if (isolateId != return null;
var libraryRef = _libraryRefs[objectId];
if (libraryRef == null) return null;
var library = _libraries[objectId];
if (library != null) return library;
library = await _constructLibrary(libraryRef);
_libraries[objectId] = library;
return library;
Future getObject(String isolateId, String objectId,
{int offset, int count}) async {
var library = await _getLibrary(isolateId, objectId);
if (library != null) return library;
var clazz = _classes[objectId];
if (clazz != null) return clazz;
var scriptRef = _scriptRefsById[objectId];
if (scriptRef != null) return await _getScript(isolateId, scriptRef);
var instance =
instanceHelper.instanceFor(RemoteObject({'objectId': objectId}));
if (instance != null) return instance;
throw UnsupportedError('Only libraries, instances, classes, and scripts '
'are supported for getObject');
Future<Library> _constructLibrary(LibraryRef libraryRef) async {
// Fetch information about all the classes in this library.
var expression = '''
(function() {
var result = {};
var classes = Object.values(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(library))
.filter((p) => 'value' in p)
.map((p) => p.value)
.filter((l) => l && sdkUtils.isType(l));
var classList = {
var descriptor = {
'dartName': sdkUtils.typeName(clazz)
// TODO(jakemac): static methods once ddc supports them
var methods = sdkUtils.getMethods(clazz);
var methodNames = methods ? Object.keys(methods) : [];
descriptor['methods'] = {};
for (var name of methodNames) {
var method = methods[name];
descriptor['methods'][name] = {
// TODO(jakemac): how can we get actual const info?
"isConst": false,
"isStatic": false,
// TODO(jakemac): static fields once ddc supports them
var fields = sdkUtils.getFields(clazz);
var fieldNames = fields ? Object.keys(fields) : [];
descriptor['fields'] = {};
for (var name of fieldNames) {
var field = fields[name];
var libraryUri = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(fields[name]["type"])
.find(x => x.description == "libraryUri");
descriptor['fields'][name] = {
// TODO(jakemac): how can we get actual const info?
"isConst": false,
"isFinal": field.isFinal,
"isStatic": false,
"classRefName": fields[name]["type"]["name"],
"classRefDartName": sdkUtils.typeName(fields[name]["type"]),
"classRefLibraryId" : field["type"][libraryUri],
return descriptor;
result['classes'] = classList;
return result;
var result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate',
params: {'expression': expression, 'returnByValue': true});
handleErrorIfPresent(result, evalContents: expression);
var classDescriptors = (result.result['result']['value']['classes'] as List)
.cast<Map<String, Object>>();
var classRefs = <ClassRef>[];
for (var classDescriptor in classDescriptors) {
var classMetaData = ClassMetaData(
jsName: classDescriptor['name'] as String,
dartName: classDescriptor['dartName'] as String);
var classRef = ClassRef(name: classMetaData.jsName, id:;
var methodRefs = <FuncRef>[];
var methodDescriptors =
classDescriptor['methods'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
methodDescriptors.forEach((name, descriptor) {
var methodId = '${}:$name';
id: methodId,
name: name,
owner: classRef,
isConst: descriptor['isConst'] as bool,
isStatic: descriptor['isStatic'] as bool));
var fieldRefs = <FieldRef>[];
var fieldDescriptors = classDescriptor['fields'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
fieldDescriptors.forEach((name, descriptor) async {
var classMetaData = ClassMetaData(
jsName: descriptor['classRefName'],
libraryId: descriptor['classRefLibraryId'],
dartName: descriptor['classRefDartName']);
name: name,
owner: classRef,
declaredType: InstanceRef(
id: createId(),
kind: InstanceKind.kType,
ClassRef(name: classMetaData.jsName, id:,
isConst: descriptor['isConst'] as bool,
isFinal: descriptor['isFinal'] as bool,
isStatic: descriptor['isStatic'] as bool,
id: createId()));
// TODO: Implement the rest of these
_classes[] = Class(
name: classMetaData.jsName,
isAbstract: false,
isConst: false,
library: libraryRef,
interfaces: [],
fields: fieldRefs,
functions: methodRefs,
subclasses: [],
return Library(
uri: libraryRef.uri,
debuggable: true,
dependencies: [],
scripts: await _scriptRefs,
variables: [],
functions: [],
classes: classRefs,
Future<Script> _getScript(String isolateId, ScriptRef scriptRef) async {
var libraryId = _scriptIdToLibraryId[];
var serverPath = DartUri(scriptRef.uri, _root).serverPath;
var response = await _assetHandler.getRelativeAsset(serverPath);
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
throw ScriptNotFound(serverPath, response);
var script = await response.readAsString();
return Script(
uri: scriptRef.uri,
library: _libraryRefs[libraryId],
..tokenPosTable = await _locations.tokenPosTableFor(serverPath)
..source = script;
/// Returns the [ScriptRef] for the provided Dart server path [uri].
Future<ScriptRef> scriptRefFor(String uri) async {
if (_serverPathToScriptRef.isEmpty) {
// TODO(grouma) - populate the server path cache a better way.
await getScripts(;
return _serverPathToScriptRef[uri];
/// All the scripts in the isolate.
Future<ScriptList> getScripts(String isolateId) async {
return ScriptList()..scripts = await _scriptRefs;
Future<List<ScriptRef>> _getScripts() async {
await _populateScriptCaches();
return _scriptRefsById.values.toList();
/// Request and cache <ScriptRef>s for all the scripts in the application.
/// This populates [_scriptRefsById], [_scriptIdToLibraryId] and
/// [_serverPathToScriptRef]. It is a one-time operation, because if we do a
/// reload the inspector will get re-created.
Future<void> _populateScriptCaches() async {
var libraryUris = [for (var library in isolate.libraries) library.uri];
// We can't pass parameters to an eval, so encode the list and inline it in
// the expression.
var listAsJson = jsonEncode(libraryUris);
var expression = '''
(function() {
var uris = JSON.parse('$listAsJson');
var allScripts = {};
var sdkUtils = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
for (var uri of uris) {
var parts = sdkUtils.getParts(uri);
allScripts[uri] = parts;
return allScripts;
var result = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate',
params: {'expression': expression, 'returnByValue': true});
handleErrorIfPresent(result, evalContents: expression);
var allScripts = result.result['result']['value'];
// For all the non-dart: libraries, find their parts and create scriptRefs
// for them.
var userLibraries = libraryUris.where((uri) => !uri.startsWith('dart:'));
for (var uri in userLibraries) {
var parent = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
var parts = (allScripts[uri] as List).cast<String>();
var scriptRefs = [
ScriptRef(uri: uri, id: createId()),
for (var part in parts)
ScriptRef(uri: p.url.join(parent, part), id: createId())
var libraryRef = _libraryRefs[uri];
for (var scriptRef in scriptRefs) {
_scriptRefsById[] = scriptRef;
_scriptIdToLibraryId[] =;
_serverPathToScriptRef[DartUri(scriptRef.uri, _root).serverPath] =
/// Look up the script by id in an isolate.
Future<ScriptRef> scriptWithId(String scriptId) async =>
/// Returns all libraryRefs in the app.
/// Note this can return a cached result.
Future<List<LibraryRef>> _getLibraryRefs() async {
if (_libraryRefs.isNotEmpty) return _libraryRefs.values.toList();
var expression = '''
(function() {
return libs;
var librariesResult = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate',
params: {'expression': expression, 'returnByValue': true});
handleErrorIfPresent(librariesResult, evalContents: expression);
var libraries =
List<String>.from(librariesResult.result['result']['value'] as List);
// Filter out any non-Dart libraries, which basically means the .bootstrap
// library from build_web_runners.
var dartLibraries = libraries
.where((name) => name.startsWith('dart:') || name.endsWith('.dart'));
for (var library in dartLibraries) {
var ref = LibraryRef(id: library, name: library, uri: library);
_libraryRefs[] = ref;
return _libraryRefs.values.toList();
/// Runs an eval on the page to compute all existing registered extensions.
Future<List<String>> _getExtensionRpcs() async {
var expression =
var extensionsResult = await _remoteDebugger.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate',
params: {'expression': expression, 'returnByValue': true});
handleErrorIfPresent(extensionsResult, evalContents: expression);
return List.from(extensionsResult.result['result']['value'] as List);
/// Creates a snippet of JS code that initializes a `library` variable that has
/// the actual library object in DDC for [libraryUri].
/// In DDC we have module libraries indexed by names of the form
/// 'packages/package/mainFile' with no .dart suffix on the file, or
/// 'directory/packageName/mainFile', also with no .dart suffix, and relative to
/// the serving root, normally /web within the package. These modules have a map
/// from the URI with a Dart-specific scheme (package: or org-dartlang-app:) to
/// the library objects. The [libraryUri] parameter should be one of these
/// Dart-specific scheme URIs, and we set `library` the corresponding library.
String _getLibrarySnippet(String libraryUri) => '''
var sdkUtils = $loadModule('dart_sdk').dart;
var library = sdkUtils.getLibrary('$libraryUri');
if (!library) throw 'cannot find library for $libraryUri';