blob: ff43b706dbba8ce37b9a8ca2e021407847df2767 [file] [log] [blame]
part of lists;
/// The [RangeList] with key.
class GroupedRangeList<TKey> extends RangeList {
final TKey key;
GroupedRangeList(int start, int end, this.key) : super(start, end);
/// Returns the intersection of this grouped range list and the [other] grouped
/// range list; otherwise null.
GroupedRangeList<TKey> intersection(RangeList other) {
if (other == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("other: $other");
if (!intersect(other)) {
return null;
if (this == other) {
return new GroupedRangeList<TKey>(this.start, this.end, key);
var start = this.start;
if (other.start > start) {
start = other.start;
var end = this.end;
if (other.end < end) {
end = other.end;
return new GroupedRangeList<TKey>(start, end, key);
/// Subtracts from this grouped range list the [other] grouped range list and
/// returns the the resulting grouped ranges.
List<GroupedRangeList<TKey>> subtract(RangeList other) {
if (other == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("other: $other");
var result = <GroupedRangeList<TKey>>[];
if (!intersect(other)) {
return result;
if (start < other.start) {
result.add(new GroupedRangeList<TKey>(start, other.start - 1, key));
if (other.end < end) {
result.add(new GroupedRangeList<TKey>(other.end + 1, end, key));
return result;
/// Returns the string representation of grouped range list.
String toString() {
return "[$start..$end]($key)";