blob: 5f56934165d1b72196acae02725a2425ba8fea2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, Anatoly Pulyaevskiy. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
// is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Node.js "child_process" module bindings.
/// Use top-level [childProcess] object to access this module functionality.
library node_interop.child_process;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'events.dart';
import 'node.dart';
import 'stream.dart';
ChildProcessModule get childProcess =>
_childProcess ??= require('child_process');
ChildProcessModule _childProcess;
abstract class ChildProcessModule {
/// Spawns a shell then executes the command within that shell, buffering any
/// generated output.
external ChildProcess exec(String command,
[ExecOptions options, ExecCallback callback]);
/// Similar to [exec] except that it does not spawn a shell.
/// The specified executable file is spawned directly as a new process making
/// it slightly more efficient.
external ChildProcess execFile(String file,
[List<String> args, ExecOptions options, ExecCallback callback]);
/// This is a special case of [spawn] used specifically to spawn new
/// Node.js processes.
external ChildProcess fork(String modulePath,
[List<String> args, ForkOptions options]);
/// Spawns a new process using the given [command], with command line arguments
/// in [args].
external ChildProcess spawn(String command,
[List<String> args, SpawnOptions options]);
/// This method is generally identical to [exec] with the exception that it
/// will not return until the child process has fully closed.
/// Returns stdout from the command as a [Buffer] or string.
external dynamic execSync(String command, [ExecOptions options]);
/// This method is generally identical to [execFile] with the exception that it
/// will not return until the child process has fully closed.
/// Returns stdout from the command as a [Buffer] or string.
external dynamic execFileSync(String file,
[List<String> args, ExecOptions options]);
/// This method is generally identical to [spawn] with the exception that it
/// will not return until the child process has fully closed.
external dynamic spawnSync(String command,
[List<String> args, ExecOptions options]);
typedef ExecCallback = void Function(
NodeJsError error, dynamic stdout, dynamic stderr);
abstract class ChildProcess extends EventEmitter {
/// Reference to the child's IPC channel. If no IPC channel currently exists,
/// this property is `undefined`.
external dynamic get channel;
/// Indicates whether it is still possible to send and receive messages from
/// a child process.
external bool get connected;
/// Closes the IPC channel between parent and child, allowing the child to exit
/// gracefully once there are no other connections keeping it alive.
external void disconnect();
/// Sends a signal to the child process.
external void kill([String signal]);
/// Indicates whether the child process successfully received a signal
/// from [kill].
external bool get killed;
/// The process identifier (PID) of the child process.
external int get pid;
/// Send [message] to the child process.
external bool send(dynamic message,
[dynamic sendHandle, dynamic options, Function callback]);
/// A [Readable] stream that represents the child process's stderr.
external Readable get stderr;
/// A [Writable] stream that represents the child process's stdin.
external Writable get stdin;
/// A sparse array of pipes to the child process.
external List get stdio;
/// A [Readable] stream that represents the child process's stdout.
external Readable get stdout;
abstract class ExecOptions {
external String get cwd;
external dynamic get env;
external String get encoding;
external String get shell;
external num get timeout;
external num get maxBuffer;
external num get uid;
external num get gid;
external factory ExecOptions({
String cwd,
dynamic env,
String encoding,
String shell,
num timeout,
num maxBuffer,
num uid,
num gid,
abstract class ForkOptions {
external String get cwd;
external dynamic get env;
external String get execPath;
external List<String> get execArgv;
external bool get silent;
external dynamic get stdio;
external bool get windowsVerbatimArguments;
external num get uid;
external num get gid;
external factory ForkOptions({
String cwd,
dynamic env,
String execPath,
List<String> execArgv,
bool silent,
dynamic stdio,
bool windowsVerbatimArguments,
num uid,
num gid,
abstract class SpawnOptions {
external String get cwd;
external dynamic get env;
external String get argv0;
external dynamic get stdio;
external bool get detached;
external num get uid;
external num get gid;
external dynamic get shell;
external bool get windowsVerbatimArguments;
external bool get windowsHide;
external factory SpawnOptions({
String cwd,
dynamic env,
String argv0,
dynamic stdio,
bool detached,
num uid,
num gid,
dynamic shell,
bool windowsVerbatimArguments,
bool windowsHide,