blob: ee28f84d1848adf17856e4337c1b2a7c6386114f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../base.dart';
import '../visitors.dart';
part 'directive.g.dart';
abstract class Directive
implements Built<Directive, DirectiveBuilder>, Spec, Comparable<Directive> {
factory Directive([void Function(DirectiveBuilder) updates]) = _$Directive;
factory Directive.import(
String url, {
String as,
List<String> show = const [],
List<String> hide = const [],
}) =>
Directive((builder) => builder = as
..type = DirectiveType.import
..url = url
factory Directive.importDeferredAs(
String url,
String as, {
List<String> show = const [],
List<String> hide = const [],
}) =>
Directive((builder) => builder = as
..type = DirectiveType.import
..url = url
..deferred = true
factory Directive.export(
String url, {
List<String> show = const [],
List<String> hide = const [],
}) =>
Directive((builder) => builder
..type = DirectiveType.export
..url = url
factory Directive.part(String url) => Directive((builder) => builder
..type = DirectiveType.part
..url = url);
factory Directive.partOf(String url) => Directive((builder) => builder
..type = DirectiveType.partOf
..url = url);
String get as;
String get url;
DirectiveType get type;
List<String> get show;
List<String> get hide;
bool get deferred;
R accept<R>(
SpecVisitor<R> visitor, [
R context,
]) =>
visitor.visitDirective(this, context);
int compareTo(Directive other) => _compareDirectives(this, other);
abstract class DirectiveBuilder
implements Builder<Directive, DirectiveBuilder> {
factory DirectiveBuilder() = _$DirectiveBuilder;
bool deferred = false;
String as;
String url;
List<String> show = <String>[];
List<String> hide = <String>[];
DirectiveType type;
enum DirectiveType {
/// Sort import URIs represented by [a] and [b] to honor the
/// "Effective Dart" ordering rules which are enforced by the
/// `directives_ordering` lint.
/// 1. `import`s before `export`s
/// 2. `dart:`
/// 3. `package:`
/// 4. relative
/// 5. `part`s
int _compareDirectives(Directive a, Directive b) {
// NOTE: using the fact that `import` is before `export` in the
// `DirectiveType` enum – which allows us to compare using `indexOf`.
var value = DirectiveType.values
if (value == 0) {
final uriA = Uri.parse(a.url);
final uriB = Uri.parse(b.url);
if (uriA.hasScheme) {
if (uriB.hasScheme) {
// If both import URIs have schemes, compare them based on scheme
// `dart` will sort before `package` which is what we want
// schemes are case-insensitive, so compare accordingly
value = compareAsciiLowerCase(uriA.scheme, uriB.scheme);
} else {
value = -1;
} else if (uriB.hasScheme) {
value = 1;
// If both schemes are the same, compare based on path
if (value == 0) {
value = compareAsciiLowerCase(uriA.path, uriB.path);
assert((value == 0) == (a.url == b.url));
return value;