blob: 470386ae329071a66664949f100d5076beb221bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Code to rewrite Intl.message calls adding the name and args parameters
/// automatically, primarily used by the transformer.
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:intl_translation/extract_messages.dart';
/// Rewrite all Intl.message/plural/etc. calls in [source], adding "name"
/// and "args" parameters if they are not provided.
/// Return the modified source code. If there are errors parsing, list
/// [sourceName] in the error message.
String rewriteMessages(String source, String sourceName,
{useStringSubstitution: false}) {
var messages = findMessages(source, sourceName);
messages.sort((a, b) => a.sourcePosition.compareTo(b.sourcePosition));
var start = 0;
var newSource = new StringBuffer();
for (var message in messages) {
if (message.arguments.isNotEmpty) {
newSource.write(source.substring(start, message.sourcePosition));
if (useStringSubstitution) {
rewriteWithStringSubstitution(newSource, source, start, message);
} else {
rewriteRegenerating(newSource, source, start, message);
start = message.endPosition;
return newSource.toString();
/// Rewrite the message by regenerating from our internal representation.
/// This may produce uglier source, but is more reliable.
rewriteRegenerating(StringBuffer newSource, String source, int start, message) {
// TODO(alanknight): We could generate more efficient code than the
// original here, dispatching more directly to the MessageLookup.
StringBuffer newSource, String source, int start, message) {
var originalSource =
source.substring(message.sourcePosition, message.endPosition);
var closingParen = originalSource.lastIndexOf(')');
// This is very ugly, checking to see if name/args is already there by
// examining the source string. But at least the failure mode should
// be very direct if we end up omitting name or args.
var hasName = originalSource.contains(nameCheck);
var hasArgs = originalSource.contains(argsCheck);
var withName = hasName ? '' : ",\nname: '${}'";
var withArgs = hasArgs ? '' : ",\nargs: ${message.arguments}";
var nameAndArgs = "$withName$withArgs)";
newSource.write(originalSource.substring(0, closingParen));
// We normally don't have anything after the closing paren, but
// be safe.
newSource.write(originalSource.substring(closingParen + 1));
final RegExp nameCheck = new RegExp('[\\n,]\\s+name\:');
final RegExp argsCheck = new RegExp('[\\n,]\\s+args\:');
/// Find all the messages in the [source] text.
/// Report errors as coming from [sourceName]
List findMessages(String source, String sourceName,
[MessageExtraction extraction]) {
extraction = extraction ?? new MessageExtraction();
try {
extraction.root = parseCompilationUnit(source, name: sourceName);
} on AnalyzerErrorGroup catch (e) {
.onMessage("Error in parsing $sourceName, no messages extracted.");
extraction.onMessage(" $e");
return [];
extraction.origin = sourceName;
var visitor = new MessageFindingVisitor(extraction);
visitor.generateNameAndArgs = true;
return visitor.messages.values.toList();