blob: 8dc592eaaf7ee97a79d6c5111265901c344cf14d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A main program that takes as input a source Dart file and a number
/// of ARB files representing translations of messages from the corresponding
/// Dart file. See extract_to_arb.dart and make_hardcoded_translation.dart.
/// If the ARB file has an @@locale or _locale value, that will be used as
/// the locale. If not, we will try to figure out the locale from the end of
/// the file name, e.g. foo_en_GB.arb will be assumed to be in en_GB locale.
/// This produces a series of files named
/// "messages_<locale>.dart" containing messages for a particular locale
/// and a main import file named "messages_all.dart" which has imports all of
/// them and provides an initializeMessages function.
library generate_from_arb;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:intl_translation/extract_messages.dart';
import 'package:intl_translation/generate_localized.dart';
import 'package:intl_translation/src/intl_message.dart';
import 'package:intl_translation/src/icu_parser.dart';
/// Keeps track of all the messages we have processed so far, keyed by message
/// name.
Map<String, List<MainMessage>> messages;
const jsonDecoder = const JsonCodec();
main(List<String> args) {
var targetDir;
var parser = new ArgParser();
var extraction = new MessageExtraction();
var generation = new MessageGeneration();
var transformer;
parser.addFlag('json', defaultsTo: false, callback: (useJson) {
generation =
useJson ? new JsonMessageGeneration() : new MessageGeneration();
}, help: 'Generate translations as a JSON string rather than as functions.');
defaultsTo: false,
callback: (x) => extraction.suppressWarnings = x,
help: 'Suppress printing of warnings.');
defaultsTo: '.',
callback: (x) => targetDir = x,
help: 'Specify the output directory.');
defaultsTo: '',
callback: (x) => generation.generatedFilePrefix = x,
help: 'Specify a prefix to be used for the generated file names.');
defaultsTo: true,
callback: (x) => generation.useDeferredLoading = x,
help: 'Generate message code that must be loaded with deferred loading. '
'Otherwise, all messages are eagerly loaded.');
allowed: ['release', 'debug'],
defaultsTo: 'debug',
callback: (x) => generation.codegenMode = x,
help: 'What mode to run the code generator in. Either release or debug.');
defaultsTo: false,
callback: (x) => transformer = x,
help: "Assume that the transformer is in use, so name and args "
"don't need to be specified for messages.");
var dartFiles = args.where((x) => x.endsWith("dart")).toList();
var jsonFiles = args.where((x) => x.endsWith(".arb")).toList();
if (dartFiles.length == 0 || jsonFiles.length == 0) {
print('Usage: generate_from_arb [options]'
' file1.dart file2.dart ...'
' translation1_<languageTag>.arb translation2.arb ...');
// TODO(alanknight): There is a possible regression here. If a project is
// using the transformer and expecting it to provide names for messages with
// parameters, we may report those names as missing. We now have two distinct
// mechanisms for providing names: the transformer and just using the message
// text if there are no parameters. Previously this was always acting as if
// the transformer was in use, but that breaks the case of using the message
// text. The intent is to deprecate the transformer, but if this is an issue
// for real projects we could provide a command-line flag to indicate which
// sort of automated name we're using.
extraction.suppressWarnings = true;
var allMessages = dartFiles
.map((each) => extraction.parseFile(new File(each), transformer));
messages = new Map();
for (var eachMap in allMessages) {
(key, value) => messages.putIfAbsent(key, () => []).add(value));
for (var arg in jsonFiles) {
var file = new File(arg);
generateLocaleFile(file, targetDir, generation);
var mainImportFile = new File(path.join(
targetDir, '${generation.generatedFilePrefix}messages_all.dart'));
/// Create the file of generated code for a particular locale. We read the ARB
/// data and create [BasicTranslatedMessage] instances from everything,
/// excluding only the special _locale attribute that we use to indicate the
/// locale. If that attribute is missing, we try to get the locale from the last
/// section of the file name.
void generateLocaleFile(
File file, String targetDir, MessageGeneration generation) {
var src = file.readAsStringSync();
var data = jsonDecoder.decode(src);
var locale = data["@@locale"] ?? data["_locale"];
if (locale == null) {
// Get the locale from the end of the file name. This assumes that the file
// name doesn't contain any underscores except to begin the language tag
// and to separate language from country. Otherwise we can't tell if
// my_file_fr.arb is locale "fr" or "file_fr".
var name = path.basenameWithoutExtension(file.path);
locale = name.split("_").skip(1).join("_");
print("No @@locale or _locale field found in $name, "
"assuming '$locale' based on the file name.");
List<TranslatedMessage> translations = [];
data.forEach((id, messageData) {
TranslatedMessage message = recreateIntlObjects(id, messageData);
if (message != null) {
generation.generateIndividualMessageFile(locale, translations, targetDir);
/// Regenerate the original IntlMessage objects from the given [data]. For
/// things that are messages, we expect [id] not to start with "@" and
/// [data] to be a String. For metadata we expect [id] to start with "@"
/// and [data] to be a Map or null. For metadata we return null.
BasicTranslatedMessage recreateIntlObjects(String id, data) {
if (id.startsWith("@")) return null;
if (data == null) return null;
var parsed = pluralAndGenderParser.parse(data).value;
if (parsed is LiteralString && parsed.string.isEmpty) {
parsed = plainParser.parse(data).value;
return new BasicTranslatedMessage(id, parsed);
/// A TranslatedMessage that just uses the name as the id and knows how to look
/// up its original messages in our [messages].
class BasicTranslatedMessage extends TranslatedMessage {
BasicTranslatedMessage(String name, translated) : super(name, translated);
List<MainMessage> get originalMessages => (super.originalMessages == null)
? _findOriginals()
: super.originalMessages;
// We know that our [id] is the name of the message, which is used as the
//key in [messages].
List<MainMessage> _findOriginals() => originalMessages = messages[id];
final pluralAndGenderParser = new IcuParser().message;
final plainParser = new IcuParser().nonIcuMessage;