blob: d184065ef256aafb9f52ddd6b86665fb90122413 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/message.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/state.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/util/pretty_print.dart';
import '../engine.dart';
import '../load_suite.dart';
import '../reporter.dart';
/// A reporter that prints test output using formatting for Github Actions.
/// See
/// for a description of the output format, and
/// for discussions about this
/// implementation.
class GithubReporter implements Reporter {
/// The engine used to run the tests.
final Engine _engine;
/// Whether the path to each test's suite should be printed.
final bool _printPath;
/// Whether the platform each test is running on should be printed.
final bool _printPlatform;
/// Whether the reporter is paused.
var _paused = false;
/// The set of all subscriptions to various streams.
final _subscriptions = <StreamSubscription>{};
final StringSink _sink;
final Map<LiveTest, List<Message>> _testMessages = {};
final Set<LiveTest> _completedTests = {};
/// Watches the tests run by [engine] and prints their results as JSON.
static GithubReporter watch(
Engine engine,
StringSink sink, {
required bool printPath,
required bool printPlatform,
}) =>
GithubReporter._(engine, sink, printPath, printPlatform);
this._engine, this._sink, this._printPath, this._printPlatform) {
// Add a spacer between pre-test output and the test results.
void pause() {
if (_paused) return;
_paused = true;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void resume() {
if (!_paused) return;
_paused = false;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
void _cancel() {
for (var subscription in _subscriptions) {
/// A callback called when the engine begins running [liveTest].
void _onTestStarted(LiveTest liveTest) {
// Convert the future to a stream so that the subscription can be paused or
// canceled.
liveTest.onComplete.asStream().listen((_) => _onComplete(liveTest)));
.listen((error) => _onError(liveTest, error.error, error.stackTrace)));
// Collect messages from tests as they are emitted.
_subscriptions.add(liveTest.onMessage.listen((message) {
if (_completedTests.contains(liveTest)) {
// The test has already completed and it's previous messages were
// written out; ensure this post-completion output is not lost.
} else {
_testMessages.putIfAbsent(liveTest, () => []).add(message);
/// A callback called when [liveTest] finishes running.
void _onComplete(LiveTest test) {
final errors = test.errors;
final messages = _testMessages[test] ?? [];
final skipped = test.state.result == Result.skipped;
final failed = errors.isNotEmpty;
final loadSuite = test.suite is LoadSuite;
final synthetic = loadSuite ||
test.individualName == '(setUpAll)' ||
test.individualName == '(tearDownAll)';
// Mark this test as having completed.
// Don't emit any info for loadSuite, setUpAll, or tearDownAll tests
// unless they contain errors or other info.
if (synthetic && (errors.isEmpty && messages.isEmpty)) {
// For now, we use the same icon for both tests and test-like structures
// (loadSuite, setUpAll, tearDownAll).
var defaultIcon = synthetic ? _GithubMarkup.passed : _GithubMarkup.passed;
final prefix = failed
? _GithubMarkup.failed
: skipped
? _GithubMarkup.skipped
: defaultIcon;
final statusSuffix = failed
? ' (failed)'
: skipped
? ' (skipped)'
: '';
var name =;
if (!loadSuite) {
if (_printPath && test.suite.path != null) {
name = '${test.suite.path}: $name';
if (_printPlatform) {
name = '[${}] $name';
_sink.writeln(_GithubMarkup.startGroup('$prefix $name$statusSuffix'));
for (var message in messages) {
for (var error in errors) {
/// A callback called when [test] throws [error].
void _onError(LiveTest test, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (_completedTests.contains(test)) {
final loadSuite = test.suite is LoadSuite;
final prefix = _GithubMarkup.failed;
final statusSuffix = ' (failed after test completion)';
var name =;
if (!loadSuite) {
if (_printPath && test.suite.path != null) {
name = '${test.suite.path}: $name';
if (_printPlatform) {
name = '[${}] $name';
_sink.writeln(_GithubMarkup.startGroup('$prefix $name$statusSuffix'));
void _onDone(bool? success) {
final hadFailures = _engine.failed.isNotEmpty;
final message = StringBuffer('${_engine.passed.length} '
'${pluralize('test', _engine.passed.length)} passed');
if (_engine.failed.isNotEmpty) {
message.write(', ${_engine.failed.length} failed');
if (_engine.skipped.isNotEmpty) {
message.write(', ${_engine.skipped.length} skipped');
? _GithubMarkup.error(message.toString())
: '${_GithubMarkup.success} $message',
abstract class _GithubMarkup {
// Char sets avilable at
static const String passed = '✅';
static const String skipped = '❎';
static const String failed = '❌';
// The 'synthetic' icon is currently not used but is something to consider in
// order to draw a distinction between user tests and test-like supporting
// infrastructure.
// static const String synthetic = '⏺';
static const String success = '🎉';
static String startGroup(String title) =>
'::group::${title.replaceAll('\n', ' ')}';
static final String endGroup = '::endgroup::';
static String error(String message) => '::error::$message';