blob: 463ad8da1c23a6310d3df4d60f1145205244a752 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:intl/date_symbols.dart';
import 'package:intl/src/date_format_internal.dart';
import 'package:intl/src/intl_helpers.dart' as helpers;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'constants.dart' as constants;
import 'date_builder.dart';
import 'date_computation.dart' as date_computation;
import 'regexp.dart' as regexp;
import 'string_stack.dart';
part 'date_format_field.dart';
// Suppress naming issues as changes would breaking.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, constant_identifier_names
// TODO(efortuna): Customized pattern system -- suggested by i18n needs
// feedback on appropriateness.
/// DateFormat is for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive
/// manner.
/// It allows the user to choose from a set of standard date time formats as
/// well as specify a customized pattern under certain locales. Date elements
/// that vary across locales include month name, week name, field order, etc.
/// We also allow the user to use any customized pattern to parse or format
/// date-time strings under certain locales. Date elements that vary across
/// locales include month name, weekname, field, order, etc.
/// Formatting dates in the default 'en_US' format does not require any
/// initialization. e.g.
/// ```dart
/// print(DateFormat.yMMMd().format(;
/// ```
/// But for other locales, the formatting data for the locale must be
/// obtained. This can currently be done in one of three ways, determined by
/// which library you import. In all cases, the 'initializeDateFormatting'
/// method must be called and will return a future that is complete once the
/// locale data is available. The result of the future isn't important, but the
/// data for that locale is available to the date formatting and parsing once it
/// completes.
/// The easiest option is that the data may be available locally, imported in a
/// library that contains data for all the locales.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';
/// initializeDateFormatting('fr_FR', null).then((_) => runMyCode());
/// ```
/// If we are running outside of a browser, we may want to read the data
/// from files in the file system.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_file.dart';
/// initializeDateFormatting('de_DE', null).then((_) => runMyCode());
/// ```
/// If we are running in a browser, we may want to read the data from the
/// server using the XmlHttpRequest mechanism.
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_http_request.dart';
/// initializeDateFormatting('pt_BR', null).then((_) => runMyCode());
/// ```
/// Once we have the locale data, we need to specify the particular format.
/// This library uses the ICU/JDK date/time pattern specification both for
/// complete format specifications and also the abbreviated 'skeleton' form
/// which can also adapt to different locales and is preferred where available.
/// Skeletons: These can be specified either as the ICU constant name or as the
/// skeleton to which it resolves. The supported set of skeletons is as follows.
/// For each skeleton there is a named constructor that can be used to create
/// it. It's also possible to pass the skeleton as a string, but the
/// constructor is preferred.
/// ICU Name Skeleton
/// -------- --------
/// DAY d
/// YEAR y
/// HOUR24 H
/// HOUR j
/// HOUR_MINUTE_GENERIC_TZ jmv (not yet implemented)
/// HOUR_MINUTE_TZ jmz (not yet implemented)
/// HOUR_GENERIC_TZ jv (not yet implemented)
/// HOUR_TZ jz (not yet implemented)
/// MINUTE m
/// SECOND s
// TODO( Update table above.
/// Examples Using the US Locale:
/// Pattern Result
/// ---------------- -------
/// DateFormat.yMd() -> 7/10/1996
/// DateFormat('yMd') -> 7/10/1996
/// DateFormat.yMMMMd('en_US') -> July 10, 1996
/// -> 5:08 PM
/// DateFormat.yMd().add_jm() -> 7/10/1996 5:08 PM
/// DateFormat.Hm() -> 17:08 // force 24 hour time
/// Explicit Pattern Syntax: Formats can also be specified with a pattern
/// string. This can be used for formats that don't have a skeleton available,
/// but these will not adapt to different locales. For example, in an explicit
/// pattern the letters 'H' and 'h' are available for 24 hour and 12 hour time
/// formats respectively. But there isn't a way in an explicit pattern to get
/// the behaviour of the 'j' skeleton, which prints 24 hour or 12 hour time
/// according to the conventions of the locale, and also includes am/pm markers
/// where appropriate. So it is preferable to use the skeletons.
/// The following characters are available in explicit patterns:
/// Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
/// ------ ------- ------------ -------
/// G era designator (Text) AD
/// y year (Number) 1996
/// M month in year (Text & Number) July & 07
/// L standalone month (Text & Number) July & 07
/// d day in month (Number) 10
/// c standalone day (Number) 10
/// h hour in am/pm (1~12) (Number) 12
/// H hour in day (0~23) (Number) 0
/// m minute in hour (Number) 30
/// s second in minute (Number) 55
/// S fractional second (Number) 978
/// E day of week (Text) Tuesday
/// D day in year (Number) 189
/// a am/pm marker (Text) PM
/// k hour in day (1~24) (Number) 24
/// K hour in am/pm (0~11) (Number) 0
/// Q quarter (Text) Q3
/// ' escape for text (Delimiter) 'Date='
/// '' single quote (Literal) 'o''clock'
// TODO( Merge tables.
/// The following characters are reserved and currently are unimplemented:
/// Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
/// ------ ------- ------------ -------
/// z time zone (Text) Pacific Standard Time
/// Z time zone (RFC 822) (Number) -0800
/// v time zone (generic) (Text) Pacific Time
/// The count of pattern letters determine the format.
/// **Text**:
/// * 5 pattern letters--use narrow form for standalone. Otherwise not used.
/// * 4 or more pattern letters--use full form,
/// * 3 pattern letters--use short or abbreviated form if one exists
/// * less than 3--use numeric form if one exists
/// **Number**: the minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded to
/// this amount (e.g. if 'm' produces '6', 'mm' produces '06'). Year is handled
/// specially; that is, if the count of 'y' is 2, the Year will be truncated to
/// 2 digits. (e.g., if 'yyyy' produces '1997', 'yy' produces '97'.) Unlike
/// other fields, fractional seconds are padded on the right with zero.
/// **(Text & Number)**: 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number.
/// Any characters not in the pattern will be treated as quoted text. For
/// instance, characters like ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@' will appear in the
/// resulting text even though they are not enclosed in single quotes. In our
/// current pattern usage, not all letters have meanings. But those unused
/// letters are strongly discouraged to be used as quoted text without quotes,
/// because we may use other letters as pattern characters in the future.
/// Examples Using the US Locale:
/// Format Pattern Result
/// -------------- -------
/// "EEE, MMM d, ''yy" Wed, Jul 10, '96
/// 'h:mm a' 12:08 PM
/// 'yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa' 01996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM
// TODO( Merge tables.
// -------------------
// 'yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss vvvv' 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 Pacific Time
// 'hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz' 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time
// 'K:mm a, vvv' 0:00 PM, PT
/// When parsing a date string using the abbreviated year pattern ('yy'),
/// DateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year relative to some
/// century. It does this by adjusting dates to be within 80 years before and 20
/// years after the time the parse function is called. For example, using a
/// pattern of 'MM/dd/yy' and a DateFormat instance created on Jan 1, 1997,
/// the string '01/11/12' would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string
/// '05/04/64' would be interpreted as May 4, 1964. During parsing, only
/// strings consisting of exactly two digits will be parsed into the default
/// century. Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or
/// more digit string will be interpreted as its face value. Tests that parse
/// two-digit years can control the current date with package:clock.
/// If the year pattern does not have exactly two 'y' characters, the year is
/// interpreted literally, regardless of the number of digits. So using the
/// pattern 'MM/dd/yyyy', '01/11/12' parses to Jan 11, 12 A.D.
class DateFormat {
/// Creates a new DateFormat, using the format specified by [newPattern].
/// For forms that match one of our predefined skeletons, we look up the
/// corresponding pattern in [locale] (or in the default locale if none is
/// specified) and use the resulting full format string. This is the preferred
/// usage, but if [newPattern] does not match one of the skeletons, then it is
/// used as a format directly, but will not be adapted to suit the locale.
/// For example, in an en_US locale, specifying the skeleton
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat.yMEd();
/// ```
/// or the explicit
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat('EEE, M/d/y');
/// ```
/// would produce the same result, a date of the form 'Wed, 6/27/2012'.
/// The first version would produce a different format string if used in
/// another locale, but the second format would always be the same.
/// If [locale] does not exist in our set of supported locales then an
/// [ArgumentError] is thrown.
DateFormat([String? newPattern, String? locale])
: _locale = helpers.verifiedLocale(locale, localeExists, null)! {
// TODO(alanknight): It should be possible to specify multiple skeletons eg
// date, time, timezone all separately. Adding many or named parameters to
// the constructor seems awkward, especially with the possibility of
// confusion with the locale. A 'fluent' interface with cascading on an
// instance might work better? A list of patterns is also possible.
/// Allows specifying a different way of creating a DateTime instance for
/// testing.
/// There can be rare and erratic errors in DateTime creation in both
/// JavaScript and the Dart VM, and this allows us to test ways of
/// compensating for them.
@Deprecated('clients should not depend on this internal field')
// ignore: library_private_types_in_public_api
_DateTimeConstructor dateTimeConstructor = (int year, int month, int day,
int hour24, int minute, int second, int fractionalSecond, bool utc) {
if (utc) {
return DateTime.utc(
year, month, day, hour24, minute, second, fractionalSecond);
} else {
return DateTime(
year, month, day, hour24, minute, second, fractionalSecond);
/// Return a string representing [date] formatted according to our locale
/// and internal format.
String format(DateTime date) {
// TODO(efortuna): read optional TimeZone argument (or similar)?
var result = StringBuffer();
for (var field in _formatFields) {
return result.toString();
/// Given user input, attempt to parse the [inputString] into the anticipated
/// format, treating it as being in the local timezone.
/// If [inputString] does not match our format, throws a [FormatException].
/// This will accept dates whose values are not strictly valid, or strings
/// with additional characters (including whitespace) after a valid date. For
/// stricter parsing, use [parseStrict].
DateTime parse(String inputString, [bool utc = false]) =>
_parse(inputString, utc: utc, strict: false);
/// Given user input, attempt to parse the [inputString] 'loosely' into the
/// anticipated format, accepting some variations from the strict format.
/// If [inputString] is accepted by [parseStrict], just return the result. If
/// not, attempt to parse it, but accepting either upper or lower case,
/// allowing delimiters to be missing and replaced or supplemented with
/// whitespace, and allowing arbitrary amounts of whitespace wherever
/// whitespace is permitted. Note that this does not allow trailing
/// characters, the way [parse] does. It also does not allow alternative
/// names for months or weekdays other than those the format knows about. The
/// restrictions are quite arbitrary and it's not known how well they'll work
/// for locales that aren't English-like.
/// If [inputString] does not parse, this throws a [FormatException].
/// For example, this will accept
/// DateFormat.yMMMd('en_US').parseLoose('SEp 3 2014');
/// DateFormat.yMd('en_US').parseLoose('09 03/2014');
/// DateFormat.yMd('en_US').parseLoose('09 / 03 / 2014');
/// It will NOT accept
/// // 'Sept' is not a valid month name.
/// DateFormat.yMMMd('en_US').parseLoose('Sept 3, 2014');
DateTime parseLoose(String inputString, [bool utc = false]) {
try {
return _parse(inputString, utc: utc, strict: true);
} on FormatException {
return _parseLoose(inputString.toLowerCase(), utc);
DateTime _parseLoose(String inputString, bool utc) {
var dateFields = DateBuilder(locale, dateTimeConstructor);
if (utc) dateFields.utc = true;
var stack = StringStack(inputString);
for (var field in _formatFields) {
field.parseLoose(stack, dateFields);
if (!stack.atEnd) {
throw FormatException(
'Characters remaining after date parsing in $inputString');
return dateFields.asDate();
/// Given user input, attempt to parse the [inputString] into the anticipated
/// format, treating it as being in the local timezone.
/// If [inputString] does not match our format, throws a [FormatException].
/// This will reject dates whose values are not strictly valid, even if the
/// DateTime constructor will accept them. It will also reject strings with
/// additional characters (including whitespace) after a valid date. For
/// looser parsing, use [parse].
DateTime parseStrict(String inputString, [bool utc = false]) =>
_parse(inputString, utc: utc, strict: true);
DateTime _parse(String inputString, {bool utc = false, bool strict = false}) {
// TODO(alanknight): The Closure code refers to special parsing of numeric
// values with no delimiters, which we currently don't do. Should we?
var dateFields = DateBuilder(locale, dateTimeConstructor);
if (utc) dateFields.utc = true;
dateFields.dateOnly = dateOnly;
var stack = StringStack(inputString);
for (var field in _formatFields) {
field.parse(stack, dateFields);
if (strict && !stack.atEnd) {
throw FormatException(
'Characters remaining after date parsing in $inputString');
if (strict) dateFields.verify(inputString);
return dateFields.asDate();
/// Does our format only only date fields, and no time fields.
/// For example, 'yyyy-MM-dd' would be true, but 'dd hh:mm' would be false.
bool get dateOnly => _dateOnly ??= _checkDateOnly;
bool? _dateOnly;
bool get _checkDateOnly => _formatFields.every((each) => each.forDate);
/// Given user input, attempt to parse the [inputString] into the anticipated
/// format, treating it as being in UTC.
/// The canonical Dart style name
/// is [parseUtc], but [parseUTC] is retained
/// for backward-compatibility.
DateTime parseUTC(String inputString) => parse(inputString, true);
/// Given user input, attempt to parse the [inputString] into the anticipated
/// format, treating it as being in UTC.
/// The canonical Dart style name
/// is [parseUtc], but [parseUTC] is retained
/// for backward-compatibility.
DateTime parseUtc(String inputString) => parse(inputString, true);
/// Return the locale code in which we operate, e.g. 'en_US' or 'pt'.
String get locale => _locale;
/// Returns a list of all locales for which we have date formatting
/// information.
static List<String> allLocalesWithSymbols() =>
/// The named constructors for this class are all conveniences for creating
/// instances using one of the known 'skeleton' formats, and having code
/// completion support for discovering those formats.
/// So,
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat.yMd('en_US')
/// ```
/// is equivalent to
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat('yMd', 'en_US')
/// ```
/// To create a compound format you can use these constructors in combination
/// with the 'add_*' methods below. e.g.
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat.yMd().add_Hms();
/// ```
/// If the optional [locale] is omitted, the format will be created using the
/// default locale in [Intl.systemLocale].
DateFormat.d([locale]) : this('d', locale);
DateFormat.E([locale]) : this('E', locale);
DateFormat.EEEE([locale]) : this('EEEE', locale);
DateFormat.LLL([locale]) : this('LLL', locale);
DateFormat.LLLL([locale]) : this('LLLL', locale);
DateFormat.M([locale]) : this('M', locale);
DateFormat.Md([locale]) : this('Md', locale);
DateFormat.MEd([locale]) : this('MEd', locale);
DateFormat.MMM([locale]) : this('MMM', locale);
DateFormat.MMMd([locale]) : this('MMMd', locale);
DateFormat.MMMEd([locale]) : this('MMMEd', locale);
DateFormat.MMMM([locale]) : this('MMMM', locale);
DateFormat.MMMMd([locale]) : this('MMMMd', locale);
DateFormat.MMMMEEEEd([locale]) : this('MMMMEEEEd', locale);
DateFormat.QQQ([locale]) : this('QQQ', locale);
DateFormat.QQQQ([locale]) : this('QQQQ', locale);
DateFormat.y([locale]) : this('y', locale);
DateFormat.yM([locale]) : this('yM', locale);
DateFormat.yMd([locale]) : this('yMd', locale);
DateFormat.yMEd([locale]) : this('yMEd', locale);
DateFormat.yMMM([locale]) : this('yMMM', locale);
DateFormat.yMMMd([locale]) : this('yMMMd', locale);
DateFormat.yMMMEd([locale]) : this('yMMMEd', locale);
DateFormat.yMMMM([locale]) : this('yMMMM', locale);
DateFormat.yMMMMd([locale]) : this('yMMMMd', locale);
DateFormat.yMMMMEEEEd([locale]) : this('yMMMMEEEEd', locale);
DateFormat.yQQQ([locale]) : this('yQQQ', locale);
DateFormat.yQQQQ([locale]) : this('yQQQQ', locale);
DateFormat.H([locale]) : this('H', locale);
DateFormat.Hm([locale]) : this('Hm', locale);
DateFormat.Hms([locale]) : this('Hms', locale);
DateFormat.j([locale]) : this('j', locale);[locale]) : this('jm', locale);
DateFormat.jms([locale]) : this('jms', locale);
// TODO(
DateFormat.jmv([locale]) : this('jmv', locale);
// TODO(
DateFormat.jmz([locale]) : this('jmz', locale);
// TODO(
DateFormat.jv([locale]) : this('jv', locale);
// TODO(
DateFormat.jz([locale]) : this('jz', locale);
DateFormat.m([locale]) : this('m', locale);[locale]) : this('ms', locale);
DateFormat.s([locale]) : this('s', locale);
/// The 'add_*' methods append a particular skeleton to the format, or set
/// it as the only format if none was previously set. These are primarily
/// useful for creating compound formats. For example
/// ```dart
/// DateFormat.yMd().add_Hms();
/// ```
/// would create a date format that prints both the date and the time.
DateFormat add_d() => addPattern('d');
DateFormat add_E() => addPattern('E');
DateFormat add_EEEE() => addPattern('EEEE');
DateFormat add_LLL() => addPattern('LLL');
DateFormat add_LLLL() => addPattern('LLLL');
DateFormat add_M() => addPattern('M');
DateFormat add_Md() => addPattern('Md');
DateFormat add_MEd() => addPattern('MEd');
DateFormat add_MMM() => addPattern('MMM');
DateFormat add_MMMd() => addPattern('MMMd');
DateFormat add_MMMEd() => addPattern('MMMEd');
DateFormat add_MMMM() => addPattern('MMMM');
DateFormat add_MMMMd() => addPattern('MMMMd');
DateFormat add_MMMMEEEEd() => addPattern('MMMMEEEEd');
DateFormat add_QQQ() => addPattern('QQQ');
DateFormat add_QQQQ() => addPattern('QQQQ');
DateFormat add_y() => addPattern('y');
DateFormat add_yM() => addPattern('yM');
DateFormat add_yMd() => addPattern('yMd');
DateFormat add_yMEd() => addPattern('yMEd');
DateFormat add_yMMM() => addPattern('yMMM');
DateFormat add_yMMMd() => addPattern('yMMMd');
DateFormat add_yMMMEd() => addPattern('yMMMEd');
DateFormat add_yMMMM() => addPattern('yMMMM');
DateFormat add_yMMMMd() => addPattern('yMMMMd');
DateFormat add_yMMMMEEEEd() => addPattern('yMMMMEEEEd');
DateFormat add_yQQQ() => addPattern('yQQQ');
DateFormat add_yQQQQ() => addPattern('yQQQQ');
DateFormat add_H() => addPattern('H');
DateFormat add_Hm() => addPattern('Hm');
DateFormat add_Hms() => addPattern('Hms');
DateFormat add_j() => addPattern('j');
DateFormat add_jm() => addPattern('jm');
DateFormat add_jms() => addPattern('jms');
// TODO(
DateFormat add_jmv() => addPattern('jmv');
// TODO(
DateFormat add_jmz() => addPattern('jmz');
// TODO(
DateFormat add_jv() => addPattern('jv');
// TODO(
DateFormat add_jz() => addPattern('jz');
DateFormat add_m() => addPattern('m');
DateFormat add_ms() => addPattern('ms');
DateFormat add_s() => addPattern('s');
/// For each of the skeleton formats we also allow the use of the
/// corresponding ICU constant names.
static const String ABBR_MONTH = 'MMM';
static const String DAY = 'd';
static const String ABBR_WEEKDAY = 'E';
static const String WEEKDAY = 'EEEE';
static const String ABBR_STANDALONE_MONTH = 'LLL';
static const String STANDALONE_MONTH = 'LLLL';
static const String NUM_MONTH = 'M';
static const String NUM_MONTH_DAY = 'Md';
static const String NUM_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'MEd';
static const String ABBR_MONTH_DAY = 'MMMd';
static const String ABBR_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'MMMEd';
static const String MONTH = 'MMMM';
static const String MONTH_DAY = 'MMMMd';
static const String MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'MMMMEEEEd';
static const String ABBR_QUARTER = 'QQQ';
static const String QUARTER = 'QQQQ';
static const String YEAR = 'y';
static const String YEAR_NUM_MONTH = 'yM';
static const String YEAR_NUM_MONTH_DAY = 'yMd';
static const String YEAR_NUM_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'yMEd';
static const String YEAR_ABBR_MONTH = 'yMMM';
static const String YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY = 'yMMMd';
static const String YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'yMMMEd';
static const String YEAR_MONTH = 'yMMMM';
static const String YEAR_MONTH_DAY = 'yMMMMd';
static const String YEAR_MONTH_WEEKDAY_DAY = 'yMMMMEEEEd';
static const String YEAR_ABBR_QUARTER = 'yQQQ';
static const String YEAR_QUARTER = 'yQQQQ';
static const String HOUR24 = 'H';
static const String HOUR24_MINUTE = 'Hm';
static const String HOUR24_MINUTE_SECOND = 'Hms';
static const String HOUR = 'j';
static const String HOUR_MINUTE = 'jm';
static const String HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND = 'jms';
// TODO(
static const String HOUR_MINUTE_GENERIC_TZ = 'jmv';
// TODO(
static const String HOUR_MINUTE_TZ = 'jmz';
// TODO(
static const String HOUR_GENERIC_TZ = 'jv';
// TODO(
static const String HOUR_TZ = 'jz';
static const String MINUTE = 'm';
static const String MINUTE_SECOND = 'ms';
static const String SECOND = 's';
/// The locale in which we operate, e.g. 'en_US', or 'pt'.
String _locale;
/// The full template string. This may have been specified directly, or
/// it may have been derived from a skeleton and the locale information
/// on how to interpret that skeleton.
String? _pattern;
/// We parse the format string into individual [_DateFormatField] objects
/// that are used to do the actual formatting and parsing. Do not use
/// this variable directly, use the getter [_formatFields].
List<_DateFormatField>? _formatFieldsPrivate;
/// Getter for [_formatFieldsPrivate] that lazily initializes it.
List<_DateFormatField> get _formatFields {
if (_formatFieldsPrivate == null) {
if (_pattern == null) _useDefaultPattern();
_formatFieldsPrivate = parsePattern(_pattern!);
return _formatFieldsPrivate!;
/// We are being asked to do formatting without having set any pattern.
/// Use a default.
void _useDefaultPattern() {
/// A series of regular expressions used to parse a format string into its
/// component fields.
static final List<RegExp> _matchers = [
// Quoted String - anything between single quotes, with escaping
// of single quotes by doubling them.
// e.g. in the pattern 'hh 'o''clock'' will match 'o''clock'
// Fields - any sequence of 1 or more of the same field characters.
// e.g. in 'hh:mm:ss' will match hh, mm, and ss. But in 'hms' would
// match each letter individually.
// Everything else - A sequence that is not quotes or field characters.
// e.g. in 'hh:mm:ss' will match the colons.
/// Set our pattern, appending it to any existing patterns. Also adds a single
/// space to separate the two.
void _appendPattern(String inputPattern, [String separator = ' ']) {
_pattern =
_pattern == null ? inputPattern : '$_pattern$separator$inputPattern';
/// Add [inputPattern] to this instance as a pattern.
/// If there was a previous pattern, then this appends to it, separating the
/// two by [separator]. [inputPattern] is first looked up in our list of
/// known skeletons. If it's found there, then use the corresponding pattern
/// for this locale. If it's not, then treat [inputPattern] as an explicit
/// pattern.
DateFormat addPattern(String? inputPattern, [String separator = ' ']) {
// TODO(alanknight): This is an expensive operation. Caching recently used
// formats, or possibly introducing an entire 'locale' object that would
// cache patterns for that locale could be a good optimization.
// If we have already parsed the format fields, reset them.
_formatFieldsPrivate = null;
if (inputPattern == null) return this;
if (!_availableSkeletons.containsKey(inputPattern)) {
_appendPattern(inputPattern, separator);
} else {
_appendPattern(_availableSkeletons[inputPattern], separator);
return this;
/// Return the pattern that we use to format dates.
String? get pattern => _pattern;
/// Return the skeletons for our current locale.
Map<dynamic, dynamic> get _availableSkeletons => dateTimePatterns[locale];
/// Return the [DateSymbols] information for the locale.
/// This can be useful to find lists like the names of weekdays or months in a
/// locale, but the structure of this data may change, and it's generally
/// better to go through the [format] and [parse] APIs.
/// If the locale isn't present, or is uninitialized, throws.
DateSymbols get dateSymbols {
if (_locale != lastDateSymbolLocale) {
lastDateSymbolLocale = _locale;
cachedDateSymbols = dateTimeSymbols[_locale];
return cachedDateSymbols!;
static final Map<String, bool> _useNativeDigitsByDefault = {};
/// Should a new DateFormat for [locale] have useNativeDigits true.
/// For example, for locale 'ar' when this setting is true, DateFormat will
/// format using Eastern Arabic digits, e.g. '\u0660, \u0661, \u0662'. If it
/// is false, a new DateFormat will format using ASCII digits.
static bool shouldUseNativeDigitsByDefaultFor(String locale) {
return _useNativeDigitsByDefault[locale] ?? true;
/// Indicate if a new DateFormat for [locale] should have useNativeDigits
/// true.
/// For example, for locale 'ar' when this setting is true, DateFormat will
/// format using Eastern Arabic digits, e.g. '\u0660, \u0661, \u0662'. If it
/// is false, a new DateFormat will format using ASCII digits.
/// If not indicated, the default value is true, so native digits will be
/// used.
static void useNativeDigitsByDefaultFor(String locale, bool value) {
_useNativeDigitsByDefault[locale] = value;
bool? _useNativeDigits;
/// Should we use native digits for printing DateTime, or ASCII.
/// The default for this can be set using [useNativeDigitsByDefaultFor].
bool get useNativeDigits => _useNativeDigits == null
? _useNativeDigits = shouldUseNativeDigitsByDefaultFor(locale)
: _useNativeDigits!;
/// Should we use native digits for printing DateTime, or ASCII.
set useNativeDigits(bool native) {
_useNativeDigits = native;
// Invalidate any cached information that would depend on this setting.
_digitMatcher = null;
_localeZeroCodeUnit = null;
_localeZero = null;
/// Caches digit matchers that we have already calculated for particular
/// digits.
/// Keys are the zero digits, and the values are matchers for digits in that
/// locale.
static final Map<String, RegExp> _digitMatchers = {};
RegExp? _digitMatcher;
/// A regular expression which matches against digits for this locale.
RegExp get digitMatcher {
if (_digitMatcher != null) return _digitMatcher!;
_digitMatcher = _digitMatchers.putIfAbsent(localeZero, _initDigitMatcher);
return _digitMatcher!;
int? _localeZeroCodeUnit;
/// For performance, keep the code unit of the zero digit available.
int get localeZeroCodeUnit => _localeZeroCodeUnit == null
? _localeZeroCodeUnit = localeZero.codeUnitAt(0)
: _localeZeroCodeUnit!;
String? _localeZero;
/// For performance, keep the zero digit available.
String get localeZero => _localeZero == null
? _localeZero = useNativeDigits ? dateSymbols.ZERODIGIT ?? '0' : '0'
: _localeZero!;
// Does this use non-ASCII digits, e.g. Eastern Arabic.
bool get usesNativeDigits =>
useNativeDigits && _localeZeroCodeUnit != constants.asciiZeroCodeUnit;
/// Does this use ASCII digits
bool get usesAsciiDigits => !usesNativeDigits;
/// Given a numeric string in ASCII digits, return a copy updated for our
/// locale digits.
String _localizeDigits(String numberString) {
if (usesAsciiDigits) return numberString;
var newDigits = List<int>.filled(numberString.length, 0);
var oldDigits = numberString.codeUnits;
for (var i = 0; i < numberString.length; i++) {
newDigits[i] =
oldDigits[i] + localeZeroCodeUnit - constants.asciiZeroCodeUnit;
return String.fromCharCodes(newDigits);
/// A regular expression that matches for digits in a particular
/// locale, defined by the digit for zero in that locale.
RegExp _initDigitMatcher() {
if (usesAsciiDigits) return regexp.asciiDigitMatcher;
var localeDigits = Iterable.generate(10, (i) => i)
.map((i) => localeZeroCodeUnit + i)
var localeDigitsString = String.fromCharCodes(localeDigits);
return RegExp('^[$localeDigitsString]+');
/// Return true if the locale exists, or if it is null. The null case
/// is interpreted to mean that we use the default locale.
static bool localeExists(String? localeName) {
if (localeName == null) return false;
return dateTimeSymbols.containsKey(localeName);
static List<_DateFormatField Function(String, DateFormat)>
get _fieldConstructors => [
(pattern, parent) => _DateFormatQuotedField(pattern, parent),
(pattern, parent) => _DateFormatPatternField(pattern, parent),
(pattern, parent) => _DateFormatLiteralField(pattern, parent)
/// Parse the template pattern and return a list of field objects.
@Deprecated('clients should not depend on this internal method')
// ignore: library_private_types_in_public_api
List<_DateFormatField> parsePattern(String pattern) {
return _parsePatternHelper(pattern).reversed.toList();
/// Recursive helper for parsing the template pattern.
List<_DateFormatField> _parsePatternHelper(String pattern) {
if (pattern.isEmpty) return [];
var matched = _match(pattern);
if (matched == null) return [];
var parsed =
return parsed;
/// Find elements in a string that are patterns for specific fields.
_DateFormatField? _match(String pattern) {
for (var i = 0; i < _matchers.length; i++) {
var regex = _matchers[i];
var match = regex.firstMatch(pattern);
if (match != null) {
return _fieldConstructors[i](!, this);
return null;
/// Defines a function type for creating DateTime instances.
typedef _DateTimeConstructor = DateTime Function(int year, int month, int day,
int hour24, int minute, int second, int fractionalSecond, bool utc);