blob: 8045bc1fbb7867451f0daa1b816f33bb36e518d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
import 'int64.dart';
import 'intx.dart';
import 'utilities.dart' as u;
/// An immutable 32-bit signed integer, in the range [-2^31, 2^31 - 1].
/// Arithmetic operations may overflow in order to maintain this range.
class Int32 implements IntX {
/// The maximum positive value attainable by an [Int32], namely
/// 2147483647.
static const Int32 MAX_VALUE = Int32._internal(0x7FFFFFFF);
/// The minimum positive value attainable by an [Int32], namely
/// -2147483648.
static const Int32 MIN_VALUE = Int32._internal(-0x80000000);
/// An [Int32] constant equal to 0.
static const Int32 ZERO = Int32._internal(0);
/// An [Int32] constant equal to 1.
static const Int32 ONE = Int32._internal(1);
/// An [Int32] constant equal to 2.
static const Int32 TWO = Int32._internal(2);
// Mask to 32-bits.
static const int _MASK_U32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/// Parses [source] in a given [radix] between 2 and 36.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of base-[radix]
/// digits (using letters from `a` to `z` as digits with values 10 through
/// 25 for radixes above 10), possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the input is not a valid
/// integer numeral in base [radix].
static Int32 parseRadix(String source, int radix) =>
_parseRadix(source, u.validateRadix(radix), true)!;
/// Parses [source] in a given [radix] between 2 and 36.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of base-[radix]
/// digits (using letters from `a` to `z` as digits with values 10 through
/// 25 for radixes above 10), possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the input is not a valid
/// integer numeral in base [radix].
static Int32? tryParseRadix(String source, int radix) =>
_parseRadix(source, u.validateRadix(radix), false);
// TODO(rice) - Make this faster by converting several digits at once.
static Int32? _parseRadix(String s, int radix, bool throwOnError) {
var index = 0;
var negative = false;
if (s.startsWith('-')) {
negative = true;
index = 1;
if (index == s.length) {
if (!throwOnError) return null;
throw FormatException('No digits', s, index);
var result = 0;
for (; index < s.length; index++) {
var c = s.codeUnitAt(index);
var digit = u.decodeDigit(c);
if (digit < radix) {
/// Doesn't matter whether the result is unsigned
/// or signed (as on the web), only the bits matter
/// to the [] constructor.
result = (result * radix + digit) & _MASK_U32;
} else {
if (!throwOnError) return null;
throw FormatException('Non radix code unit', s, index);
if (negative) result = -result;
return Int32(result);
/// Parses [source] as a decimal numeral.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of digits (`0`-`9`),
/// possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the input is not a valid
/// decimal integer numeral.
static Int32 parseInt(String source) => _parseRadix(source, 10, true)!;
/// Parses [source] as a decimal numeral.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of digits (`0`-`9`),
/// possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the input is not a valid
/// decimal integer numeral.
static Int32? tryParseInt(String source) => _parseRadix(source, 10, false);
/// Parses [source] as a hexadecimal numeral.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of hexadecimal
/// digits (`0`-`9`, `a`-`f` or `A`-`F`), possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Returns `null` if the input is not a valid
/// hexadecimal integer numeral.
static Int32 parseHex(String source) => _parseRadix(source, 16, true)!;
/// Parses [source] as a hexadecimal numeral.
/// Returns an [Int32] with the numerical value of [source].
/// If the numerical value of [source] does not fit
/// in a signed 32 bit integer,
/// the numerical value is truncated to the lowest 32 bits
/// of the value's binary representation,
/// interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement integer.
/// The [source] string must contain a sequence of hexadecimal
/// digits (`0`-`9`, `a`-`f` or `A`-`F`), possibly prefixed by a `-` sign.
/// Returns `null` if the input is not a valid
/// hexadecimal integer numeral.
static Int32? tryParseHex(String source) => _parseRadix(source, 16, false);
// The internal value, kept in the range [MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE].
final int _i;
const Int32._internal(int i) : _i = i;
/// Constructs an [Int32] from an [int]. Only the low 32 bits of the input
/// are used.
Int32([int i = 0]) : _i = (i & 0x7fffffff) - (i & 0x80000000);
// Returns the [int] representation of the specified value. Throws
// [ArgumentError] for non-integer arguments.
int _toInt(Object val) {
if (val is Int32) {
return val._i;
} else if (val is int) {
return val;
throw ArgumentError.value(val, 'other', 'Not an int, Int32 or Int64');
// The +, -, * , &, |, and ^ operaters deal with types as follows:
// Int32 + int => Int32
// Int32 + Int32 => Int32
// Int32 + Int64 => Int64
// The %, ~/ and remainder operators return an Int32 even with an Int64
// argument, since the result cannot be greater than the value on the
// left-hand side:
// Int32 % int => Int32
// Int32 % Int32 => Int32
// Int32 % Int64 => Int32
IntX operator +(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() + other;
return Int32(_i + _toInt(other));
IntX operator -(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() - other;
return Int32(_i - _toInt(other));
Int32 operator -() => Int32(-_i);
IntX operator *(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() * other;
// TODO(rice) - optimize
return (toInt64() * other).toInt32();
Int32 operator %(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
// Result will be Int32
return (toInt64() % other).toInt32();
return Int32(_i % _toInt(other));
Int32 operator ~/(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return (toInt64() ~/ other).toInt32();
return Int32(_i ~/ _toInt(other));
Int32 remainder(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
var t = toInt64();
return (t - (t ~/ other) * other).toInt32();
return this - (this ~/ other) * other as Int32;
Int32 operator &(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return (toInt64() & other).toInt32();
return Int32(_i & _toInt(other));
Int32 operator |(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return (toInt64() | other).toInt32();
return Int32(_i | _toInt(other));
Int32 operator ^(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return (toInt64() ^ other).toInt32();
return Int32(_i ^ _toInt(other));
Int32 operator ~() => Int32(~_i);
Int32 operator <<(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw ArgumentError(n);
if (n >= 32) {
return ZERO;
return Int32(_i << n);
Int32 operator >>(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw ArgumentError(n);
if (n >= 32) {
return isNegative ? const Int32._internal(-1) : ZERO;
int value;
if (_i >= 0) {
value = _i >> n;
} else {
value = (_i >> n) | (0xffffffff << (32 - n));
return Int32(value);
Int32 shiftRightUnsigned(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw ArgumentError(n);
if (n >= 32) {
return ZERO;
int value;
if (_i >= 0) {
value = _i >> n;
} else {
value = (_i >> n) & ((1 << (32 - n)) - 1);
return Int32(value);
/// Returns [:true:] if this [Int32] has the same numeric value as the
/// given object. The argument may be an [int] or an [IntX].
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is Int32) {
return _i == other._i;
} else if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() == other;
} else if (other is int) {
return _i == other;
return false;
int compareTo(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64().compareTo(other);
return _i.compareTo(_toInt(other));
bool operator <(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() < other;
return _i < _toInt(other);
bool operator <=(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() <= other;
return _i <= _toInt(other);
bool operator >(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() > other;
return _i > _toInt(other);
bool operator >=(Object other) {
if (other is Int64) {
return toInt64() >= other;
return _i >= _toInt(other);
bool get isEven => (_i & 0x1) == 0;
bool get isMaxValue => _i == 2147483647;
bool get isMinValue => _i == -2147483648;
bool get isNegative => _i < 0;
bool get isOdd => (_i & 0x1) == 1;
bool get isZero => _i == 0;
int get bitLength => _i.bitLength;
int get hashCode => _i;
Int32 abs() => _i < 0 ? Int32(-_i) : this;
Int32 clamp(Object lowerLimit, Object upperLimit) {
if (this < lowerLimit) {
if (lowerLimit is IntX) return lowerLimit.toInt32();
if (lowerLimit is int) return Int32(lowerLimit);
throw ArgumentError(lowerLimit);
} else if (this > upperLimit) {
if (upperLimit is IntX) return upperLimit.toInt32();
if (upperLimit is int) return Int32(upperLimit);
throw ArgumentError(upperLimit);
return this;
int numberOfLeadingZeros() => u.numberOfLeadingZeros(_i);
int numberOfTrailingZeros() => u.numberOfTrailingZeros(_i);
Int32 toSigned(int width) {
if (width < 1 || width > 32) throw RangeError.range(width, 1, 32);
return Int32(_i.toSigned(width));
Int32 toUnsigned(int width) {
if (width < 0 || width > 32) throw RangeError.range(width, 0, 32);
return Int32(_i.toUnsigned(width));
List<int> toBytes() {
var result = List<int>.filled(4, 0);
result[0] = _i & 0xff;
result[1] = (_i >> 8) & 0xff;
result[2] = (_i >> 16) & 0xff;
result[3] = (_i >> 24) & 0xff;
return result;
double toDouble() => _i.toDouble();
int toInt() => _i;
Int32 toInt32() => this;
Int64 toInt64() => Int64(_i);
String toString() => _i.toString();
String toHexString() => _i.toRadixString(16);
String toRadixString(int radix) => _i.toRadixString(radix);